9.5 Death & the Afterlife (AQA GCSE Religious Studies A (8062))

Exam Questions

44 mins11 questions
11 mark

Which is the word for being reborn into a new body after death?

  • Resurrection

  • Reincarnation

  • Paranormal

  • Purgatory

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22 marks

Give two arguments that support the idea of life after death.

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32 marks

Give two reasons why religious believers accept the existence of an afterlife.

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42 marks

Give two arguments against the existence of an afterlife.

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52 marks

Give two religious beliefs about the Day of Judgement.

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14 marks

Explain two contrasting religious beliefs about an afterlife. 

In your answer, you must refer to one or more religious traditions.

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25 marks

Explain two religious beliefs about how peoples’ actions in this life affect what happens to them in the afterlife.

Refer to sacred writings or another source of religious belief and teaching in your answer.

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34 marks

Explain two similar religious beliefs about what happens after death. 

In your answer, you must refer to one or more religious traditions.

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45 marks

Explain two Christian beliefs about the afterlife. 

Refer to Christian writings or another source of religious belief and teaching in your answer.

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55 marks

Explain two Islamic beliefs about the afterlife. 

Refer to Muslim writings or another source of religious belief and teaching in your answer.

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112 marks

‘Death is not the end; there is an afterlife.’

Evaluate this statement.

In your answer you:

  • should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement

  • should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view

  • should refer to religious arguments

  • may refer to non-religious arguments

  • should reach a justified conclusion.

[12 marks]

[SPaG 3 marks]

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