Which one of the following terms may be used when describing the general well-being of a person?
Length of life
Purpose of life
Quality of life
Sanctity of life
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Which one of the following terms may be used when describing the general well-being of a person?
Length of life
Purpose of life
Quality of life
Sanctity of life
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Which one of the following means that human life is precious and sacred?
Quality of life
Meaning of life
Length of life
Sanctity of life
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Which of the following means the termination of a pregnancy?
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Give two reasons for abortion.
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Give two situations when an abortion is allowed according to the law in Great Britain.
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Explain two contrasting religious beliefs in contemporary British society about euthanasia.
In your answer you should refer to the main religious tradition of Great Britain and one or more other religious traditions.
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Explain two contrasting religious beliefs about euthanasia.
In your answer, you must refer to one or more religious traditions.
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Explain two religious beliefs about the sanctity of life.
Refer to sacred writings or another source of religious belief and teaching in your answer.
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Explain two contrasting religious beliefs about abortion.
In your answer you should refer to the main religious tradition of Great Britain and one or more other religious traditions.
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Explain two religious beliefs about euthanasia.
Refer to sacred writings or another source of religious belief and teaching in your answer.
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‘Euthanasia is never the best option.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you:
should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement
should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
should refer to religious arguments
may refer to non-religious arguments
should reach a justified conclusion.
[12 marks]
[SPaG 3 marks]
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‘People who value and protect human life will be rewarded in the afterlife.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you:
should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement
should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
should refer to religious arguments
may refer to non-religious arguments
should reach a justified conclusion.
[12 marks]
[SPaG 3 marks]
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‘Abortion should be allowed only when the mother’s life is at risk.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you:
should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement
should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
should refer to religious arguments
may refer to non-religious arguments
should reach a justified conclusion.
[12 marks]
[SPaG 3 marks]
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‘The quality of life is more important than the sanctity of life.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you:
• should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement
• should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
• should refer to religious arguments
• may refer to non-religious arguments
• should reach a justified conclusion.
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‘Euthanasia can be the most compassionate way to help a terminally ill person.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you:
• should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement
• should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
• should refer to religious arguments
• may refer to non-religious arguments
• should reach a justified conclusion.
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