Which one of the following means an unmarried couple living together?
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Which one of the following means an unmarried couple living together?
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Give two reasons why many religious believers accept remarriage.
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Which one of the following means the legal ending of a marriage?
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Give two religious teachings about divorce.
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Give two reasons why a couple may divorce.
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Explain two religious beliefs about divorce.
Refer to sacred writings or another source of religious belief and teaching in your answer.
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Explain two contrasting religious beliefs about divorce.
Refer to sacred writings or another source of religious belief and teaching in your answer.
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Explain two religious beliefs about divorce.
In your answer you must refer to one or more religious traditions.
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Explain two religious beliefs about remarriage.
In your answer you must refer to one or more religious traditions.
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Explain two religious beliefs about remarriage.
Refer to sacred writings or another source of religious belief and teaching in your answer.
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‘Religious believers should never divorce.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you:
should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement
should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
should refer to religious arguments
may refer to non-religious arguments
should reach a justified conclusion.
[12 marks]
[SPaG 3 marks]
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‘A vow made before God should never be broken.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you:
• should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement
• should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
• should refer to religious arguments
• may refer to non-religious arguments
• should reach a justified conclusion.
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‘A marriage should only end with the death of one of the partners.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you:
• should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement
• should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
• should refer to religious arguments
• may refer to non-religious arguments
• should reach a justified conclusion.
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‘Divorced people should not be permitted to remarry.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you:
• should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement
• should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
• should refer to religious arguments
• may refer to non-religious arguments
• should reach a justified conclusion.
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‘Remarriage after divorce provides a fresh start and should be welcomed by all religious believers.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you:
• should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement
• should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
• should refer to religious arguments
• may refer to non-religious arguments
• should reach a justified conclusion.
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