Buddhist Key Practices: Worship & Festivals (AQA GCSE Religious Studies A (8062))

Topic Questions

1 hour18 questions
11 mark

Which one of the following is the festival that remembers the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death?

  • Karuna

  • Samatha

  • Wesak

  • Zazen

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21 mark

Which one of the following is insight meditation?

  • Mantra

  • Samatha

  • Vipassana

  • Metta

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32 marks

Give two different items which might be seen on a Buddhist shrine.

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42 marks

Give two reasons why Buddhists perform puja in the home.

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52 marks

Give two aims of meditation.

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62 marks

Give two religious practices performed at a Buddhist temple.

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71 mark

Which one of the following is a Buddhist monastery?

  • Mala

  • Vihara

  • Rupa

  • Mandala

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14 marks

Explain two contrasting ways in which a Buddhist might use visualisation in meditation.

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25 marks

Explain two reasons why retreats are important for some Buddhists.

 Refer to sacred writings or another source of Buddhist belief and teaching in your answer.

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34 marks

Explain two contrasting ways in which Buddhists can show devotion to the Buddha in a temple. 

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45 marks

Explain two reasons why death and mourning rituals are important for many Buddhists. 

Refer to sacred writings or another source of Buddhist belief and teaching in your answer.

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55 marks

Explain two reasons why Parinirvana Day is important for Buddhists.

Refer to sacred writings or another source of Buddhist belief and teaching in your answer.

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64 marks

Explain two contrasting ways in which Buddhists mourn the dead in Japan and Tibet.

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75 marks

Explain two reasons why meditation is important for Buddhists.

 Refer to sacred writings or another source of Buddhist belief and teaching in your answer.

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84 marks

Explain two contrasting Buddhist meditation practices.

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95 marks

Explain two reasons why Wesak is important for Buddhists. 

 Refer to sacred writings or another source of Buddhist belief and teaching in your answer.

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112 marks

‘Rituals associated with death have little importance to Buddhists.’ 

 Evaluate this statement.

In your answer you should:

• refer to Buddhist teaching

• give reasoned arguments to support this statement

• give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view

• reach a justified conclusion.

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212 marks

‘For Buddhists, worship in the temple is more important than worship in the home.’ 

Evaluate this statement.

In your answer you should:

• refer to Buddhist teaching

• give reasoned arguments to support this statement

• give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view

• reach a justified conclusion.

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