Give two reasons why Siddhartha Gautama rejected his life in the palace.
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Give two reasons why Siddhartha Gautama rejected his life in the palace.
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Give two stages of the Eightfold Path.
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Give two of the Three Poisons.
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Give two reasons why Siddhartha Gautama gave up his life of luxury.
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Give two reasons why Siddhartha Gautama rejected his ascetic life.
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Explain two reasons why the Four Sights were important to Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha).
Refer to sacred writings or another source of Buddhist belief and teaching in your answer.
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Explain two temptations the Buddha experienced immediately before he became enlightened.
Refer to sacred writings or another source of Buddhist belief and teaching in your answer.
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Explain two ways in which the Four Sights the Buddha saw influence Buddhists today.
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Explain two ways in which the Four Sights influenced the Buddha’s teachings.
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Explain two stages of the Eightfold Path.
Refer to sacred writings or another source of Buddhist belief and teaching in your answer.
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‘The Eightfold Path (magga) is the most important of the Four Noble Truths.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you should:
• refer to Buddhist teaching
• give reasoned arguments to support this statement
• give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
• reach a justified conclusion.
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‘The Four Noble Truths are the most important Buddhist teaching.’
Evaluate this statement.
In your answer you should:
• refer to Buddhist teaching
• give reasoned arguments to support this statement
• give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
• reach a justified conclusion.
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