Islam Key Practices: Duties & Festivals (AQA GCSE Religious Studies A (8062))

Exam Questions

1 hour18 questions
11 mark

Which one of the following words describes the struggle against evil in Islam?

  • Ashura

  • Jihad

  • Rak’ah

  • Wudu

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22 marks

Give two reasons why Muslims give Zakah.

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31 mark

Which one of the following is not performed during the Hajj?

  • Circling the Ka’aba

  • Celebrating Ashura

  •  Standing at Arafat

  • Stoning the Devil

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42 marks

Give two Muslim practices that happen during Ramadan.

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52 marks

Give two actions that Muslims perform during Hajj.

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14 marks

Explain two contrasting ways in which Muslims celebrate Id-ul-Adha.

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25 marks

Explain two reasons why Muslims give Zakah. 

 Refer to sacred writings or another source of Muslim belief and teaching in your answer.

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34 marks

Explain two contrasting religious practices Muslims perform during Hajj.

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44 marks

Explain two contrasting ways Muslims celebrate the Night of Power.

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55 marks

Explain two Muslim understandings of Jihad.

Refer to sacred writings or another source of Muslim belief and teaching in your answer.

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65 marks

Explain two reasons why the Night of Power is important for Muslims.

Refer to sacred writings or another source of Muslim belief and teaching in your answer.

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74 marks

Explain two contrasting ways in which Muslims celebrate Ashura.

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85 marks

Explain two religious reasons why Muslims visit Makkah.

Refer to sacred writings or another source of Muslim belief and teaching in your answer.

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94 marks

Explain two contrasting Muslim beliefs about giving alms.

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105 marks

Explain two ways in which Muslims celebrate the festival of Id-ul-Fitr.

Refer to sacred writings or another source of Muslim belief and teaching in your answer.

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112 marks

‘Following Muslim practices is difficult in the modern world.’

Evaluate this statement.

In your answer you should:

  • refer to Muslim teaching

  • give reasoned arguments to support this statement

  • give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view

  • reach a justified conclusion.

[12 marks]

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212 marks

‘For Muslims, the most important festival is Id-ul-Fitr.’

 Evaluate this statement.

In your answer you should:

  • refer to Muslim teaching

  • give reasoned arguments to support this statement

  • give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view

  • reach a justified conclusion. 

[12 marks]

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312 marks

‘For Muslims, the best way to serve Allah is by giving charity.’

 Evaluate this statement.

In your answer you should:

  • refer to Muslim teaching

  • give reasoned arguments to support this statement

  • give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view

  • reach a justified conclusion.

[12 marks]

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