Exam Skills: Crime & Punishment in Britain. c1000-Present (Edexcel GCSE History: The Thematic & Historic Environment (Paper 1))

Exam Questions

5 hours29 questions
14 marks

Explain one way in which the treatment of young criminals in the years c1700-c1900 was different from the treatment of young criminals in the years c1900-present.

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24 marks

Explain one way in which attitudes towards the crime of poaching during the medieval period were similar to attitudes towards the crime of poaching in the years c1700-c1900.

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34 marks

Explain one way in which the use of prison as a punishment in the years c1700-c1900 was different from the use of prison as a punishment in the years c1900-present.

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44 marks

Explain one way in which the role of local communities in law enforcement in the medieval period was similar to the role of local communities in law enforcement in the modern period.

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54 marks

Explain one way in which the treatment of the Tolpuddle Martyrs was similar to the way Conscientious Objectors during the First World War were treated.

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64 marks

Explain one way in which the nature of punishment during the years c1500-c1700 was different from the nature of punishment in the period c1900-present.

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