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The 8 Mark "How Useful are Sources A & B" Question (Edexcel GCSE History)

Revision Note

Natasha Smith


History Content Creator

Summary of Question 2 (a)

  • Question 2 (a) requires you to evaluate how useful two sources are for a historian about the issue outlined

  • You should: 

    • Refer to the content and provenance of the sources 

    • Include knowledge that is relevant to the source 

    • Make a judgement on how useful the source is for the given issue in the question

  • It will always be based on the historic environment: Whitechapel, c1870-c1900

Amount of marks 


The time that you should spend on the question 

No more than 15 minutes

5 minutes of planning 

10 minutes of writing  

  • An example of the type of question you may encounter can be seen below:

    Exam question asking about the usefulness of Sources A and B for enquiring into conditions in lodging houses in Whitechapel, with instruction to explain using sources and historical context.
    An example of Question 2 (a) in Paper 1
  • In previous years, this question has focused on the following topics in Crime and Punishment in Britain:

Year of Exam 

Question Topic 


The problems facing immigrants in the Whitechapel area


The link between poverty and crime in Whitechapel


The difficulties of policing the Whitechapel area, c1870-c1900


The failure of the police to catch Jack the Ripper


Workhouses in Whitechapel


The conditions of Whitechapel and their effect on policing

What is a historical enquiry?

  • A historical enquiry is when historians ask questions, select evidence and make judgments about the past

  • Question 2 (a) in Crime and Punishment is focused on a historical enquiry

    • The question asks you to decide how useful Sources A and B are for the enquiry

    • The enquiry will always be based on your historic environment: Whitechapel, c1870–c1900

  • You cannot achieve more than 2 marks for this question if your answer is not linked to the enquiry in the question

Using the content & provenance of a source

  • A historical source is made up of two sections: 

    • The provenance 

    • The content 


  • Provenance is the background information of a source 

  • The provenance can be found at the top of each source

  • The provenance usually tells you

    • Who created the source

    • What  type of source it is, for example, a newspaper article

    • When the source was made

    • Where the source was created 

  • For the example question, here is a breakdown of the provenance of Source A:


Hugh Hoare


A written account printed in the political magazine National Review




Whitechapel, London

  • In this question, you should use the provenance of the source to:

    • Help you explain the usefulness of a source


  • The content is the information presented in the source

  • The content could be a variety of different types of sources such as:

    • A picture 

    • A photograph

    • An extract from a book 

    • A speech 

    • A political cartoon 

    • A letter 

  • In this question, you should use the content of the source to: 

    • Help you explain the usefulness of the source

Making judgements in a “How useful are sources A & B” question

  • The 8-mark "How Useful” question requires you to make a judgement

  • The common mistakes that students make when making a judgement are: 

    • Not giving a clear judgement. Students do this by: 

      • Explaining that neither of the sources is useful to a historian 

      • Failing to decide how useful the sources are

      • Using language in their answer which is not decisive e.g. “kind of” or “maybe”  

    • Focusing on reliability rather than how useful the source is. Students do this by: 

      • Not making any judgement about the source’s usefulness

      • Stating that, because the source is unreliable, the source is not useful to a historian

    • All sources are useful for a historian but not all sources are reliable

      • Unreliable sources can be very useful. For example, a drawing of 'Jack the Ripper' in a Penny Dreadful is likely to be exaggerated and incorrect. However, it tells historians about how the newspapers caused hysteria around the Whitechapel murders

  • Good judgements will include:

    • Specific content from the sources

    • The source’s provenance

    • Your knowledge of the time period

      • This will help you to see if the source is accurate or typical for the period

  • Good judgements will also keep going back to the focus of the question

    • For the example question, the focus of the question is the condition of lodging houses in Whitechapel

  • Your judgement does not need to include limitations and you can receive full marks without one

    • Students’ responses are often given higher marks if they only focus on the source's strengths. This is because the question wants you to pick parts of the source that are useful

  • However, if you include a limitation you will be credited, you must make sure the limitation is: 

    • Supported by knowledge 

    • Focused on the question 

    • Relevant to your answer  

"How useful are sources A and B" question structure

  • You will find the sources in an insert called the Sources Booklet

    • An insert is an additional booklet to your answer paper. It provides key sources or interpretations needed to answer specific questions in the exam

Two historical sources are shown. One is a written account and the other is a Black and white illustration of a crowded women's sleeping area in a lodging house in the Whitechapel area. Women lie on beds in a dimly lit, cramped room.
The sources for the example Question 2 (a) in Crime & Punishment in Britain, c1000 - Present Day as it would look in the insert
  • Your answer should consist of: 

    • How useful the sources are to the given issue in the question 

    • Content from each source

    • Comments about the provenance of each source

    • Specific relevant knowledge 

  • Your answer could be written in PEE paragraphs

    • P- Make a point about the question

      • Make it clear how useful the source is

      • Use the source to make an inference about the issue in the question

    • E- Use information from the source and knowledge to support the point you have made

      • Your knowledge should be specific 

      • Focus on the content and provenance of the source

    • E- Explain why this shows that the source is useful 

      • Focus on the given issue in the question 

      • For top marks, your judgement about the source’s usefulness will combine the content of the source, the provenance of the source and your own knowledge of the issue in the question

  • To achieve full marks, you will need two paragraphs

    • The focus of Paragraph One should be Source A

    • The focus of Paragraph Two should be Source B 

    • You will achieve 8 marks for your analysis and evaluation of how useful both sources are for the enquiry (S)

Worked example of a "How useful are sources A & B" question

Worked Example

2 (a) Study Sources A and B in the Sources Booklet.

How useful are Sources A and B for an enquiry into conditions in lodging houses in the Whitechapel area?

Explain your answer, using Sources A and B and your knowledge of the historical context.


Two historical sources are shown. One is a written account and the other is a Black and white illustration of a crowded women's sleeping area in a lodging house in the Whitechapel area. Women lie on beds in a dimly lit, cramped room.


Source A is useful as an enquiry into the conditions of lodging houses in the Whitechapel area as it shows the poor condition of the lodging houses (S). Hugh Hoare, a wealthy man who ran a lodging house in c1888, describes the lodging houses as 'disgusting'. Hoare claims the lodging house is 'disgusting' due to the lodgers as 'many of them never wash', the 'red-hot fire' and the shut windows (S). Lodging houses in Whitechapel were in back-to-back houses with poor facilities. They attracted rats and diseases spread quickly due to the lack of cleanliness and poor hygiene of the houses and the lodgers (S). Therefore, Source A is useful because it highlights the poor conditions of the lodging house and why standards were low. Furthermore, Source A is useful because Hoare wrote it. Hoare may have written this account to publicise the poor conditions and to help improve them as he published his observations in a political magazine, the National Review (S).

Source B is useful as an enquiry into the conditions of lodging houses in the Whitechapel area as it shows the conditions poorer women in the area lived in (S). The illustration shows a group of women sleeping in uncomfortable and narrow beds (S). Women who usually stayed the night in lodging houses were poor women who were prostitutes, widowed or divorced and did not have a high income. This is useful as an enquiry because it shows the conditions poorer women were subjected to live in at this time due to the lack of help and support from society, the government or the police, in particular, the H division (S). Source B is also useful because it was created in a local publication, St Paul's Magazine, which demonstrates that there was a heightened media interest in the interest of poorer women in lodging houses after the Jack the Ripper murders (S).

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Natasha Smith

Author: Natasha Smith

After graduating with a degree in history, Natasha gained her PGCE at Keele University. With more than 10 years of teaching experience, Natasha taught history at both GCSE and A Level. Natasha's specialism is modern world history. As an educator, Natasha channels this passion into her work, aiming to instil in students the same love for history that has fuelled her own curiosity.