The End of Détente & the Second Cold War (Edexcel GCSE History: Period Study (Paper 2, Booklet P))

Topic Questions

22 mins22 questions
11 mark

What event marked the beginning of the Second Cold War?

  • The Cuban Missile Crisis.

  • The Berlin Wall's construction.

  • The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.

  • The collapse of the satellite states in Eastern Europe.

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21 mark

Who became the President of the USA in 1981, beginning a more aggressive stance against the USSR?

  • Ronald Reagan.

  • Jimmy Carter.

  •  Richard Nixon

  • George Bush Senior.

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31 mark

What was the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) popularly nicknamed?

  • Glasnost.

  • Rollback.

  • Star Wars.

  • The Iron Curtain

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41 mark

In which year did Ronald Reagan announce the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)?

  • 1981

  • 1983

  • 1985

  • 1987

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51 mark

Which country hosted the 1980 Summer Olympics?

  • The USA.

  • Canada.

  • Japan.

  • The USSR.

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61 mark

What percentage of the USA's GDP was spent on defence under Reagan in 1982?

  • 3%

  • 5%

  • 7%

  • 10%

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71 mark

Which treaty did the SDI violate according to the Soviet Union?

  • Non-Proliferation Treaty.

  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

  • Outer Space Treaty.

  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) Agreement.

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81 mark

What year did Reagan make his famous "Evil Empire" speech?

  • 1980

  • 1981

  • 1982

  • 1983

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91 mark

What was the Reagan Doctrine’s approach towards communist governments?

  • He supported them.

  • He ignored them.

  • He gave support to anti-communist movements to overthrow them.

  • He gave money and weapons to strengthen them against anti-communist groups.

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101 mark

How did the USSR respond to the USA's boycott of the 1980 Olympics?

  • They began diplomatic talks with the USA.

  • They retaliated by boycotting the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.

  • They hosted another Olympics in 1982.

  • They withdrew from Afghanistan.

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111 mark

What was the purpose of the Carter Doctrine announced in January 1980?

  • To increase trade with the Soviet Union.

  • To support the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

  • To withdraw US troops from Europe.

  • To protect the Persian Gulf from Soviet influence.

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11 mark

Why did historians refer to the period starting in 1981 as the 'Second Cold War'?

  • The USSR collapsed and Russia restarted Cold War tensions.

  •  It was a period of heightened tensions between the USA and the USSR after détente.

  • The USA began hostilities with China, rather than the USSR.

  • It was a period of heightened tensions between the USA and the USSR after the building of the Berlin Wall.

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21 mark

What was one reason why the USSR could not compete with the SDI?

  • A widening technology gap between the USA and the USSR.

  • A lack of interest in space.

  • The USSR knew that the SDI did not exist.

  • The USSR was developing new nuclear technology rather than focusing on space technology.

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31 mark

What was the main aim of the Reagan Doctrine?

  • To contain communism.

  • To promote nuclear disarmament.

  • To rollback and eliminate communism.

  • To establish peaceful relations with the USSR.

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41 mark

What was the reason for the US boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics?

  • To protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

  •  To showcase US athletic superiority.

  • To improve diplomatic relations with the USSR.

  • To highlight the Olympic values.

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51 mark

What was one of the main consequences of the US boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics?

  •  It strengthened US-Soviet relations.

  • It weakened the international coverage and impact of the Olympics.

  • It enhanced the USA's global image as the Olympics were televised.

  • It destroyed the USA’s reputation internationally.

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61 mark

What caused the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan in 1979?

  • To use Afghanistan as a base to spread communism in China.

  • To protect US interests in the region.

  • To give support to the Mujahideen.

  • To prevent the spread of Islamic Fundamentalism.

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71 mark

What was a consequence of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979?

  • The invasion strengthened the détente between the USA and the USSR.

  • The USA withdrew their troops from Afghanistan.

  • The invasion ended the SALT 2 agreement.

  • A formal alliance between the USA and the USSR was created.

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11 mark

What was a key aim of the Reagan Doctrine in Central America?

  • To support communist governments.

  • To overthrow anti-communist regimes.

  • To support anti-communist groups.

  • To establish nuclear arms bases in Central America.

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21 mark

What economic factor played a significant role in the USA's ability to outspend the USSR during the Cold War?

  • The USA had higher oil reserves.

  • The USA has advanced consumer technology, especially in computing.

  • The USSR earned a significant amount of money in agriculture.

  • The USSR had a more efficient economy due to communism.

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31 mark

What was the impact of the SDI on Cold War relations?

  • The SDI had a significant impact on Cold War relations. Reagan knew that the SDI would become a reality. The USSR would have to cooperate with the USA to remain protected.

  • The SDI had an impact on Cold War relations. The USA was seen as the aggressive country in the Second Cold War which impacted their international reputation.

  • The SDI weakened US-Soviet relations. It forced the USSR to expand its defence budget to combat the threat of the USA.

  • The SDI strengthened US-Soviet relations. It forced the USSR to reform and be more open to diplomatic relations with the USA.

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41 mark

What was a significant consequence of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan for US-Soviet relations?

  • It led to improved relations between the two superpowers.

  • It resulted in the collapse of the USSR.

  • It ended the détente between the two superpowers, increasing tensions.

  • It resulted in US military intervention in the USSR.

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