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Exam Questions: Weimar & Nazi Germany, 1918–39 (Edexcel GCSE History: Modern Depth Study (Paper 3)): Exam Questions

4 hours27 questions
18 marks

Study Sources B and C. 

How useful are Sources B and C for an enquiry into the challenges facing the Weimar Republic in the years 1919-23? 

Explain your answer, using Sources B and C and your knowledge of the historical context.

Source B is a black and white photograph of Freikorps soldiers with a cannon near the Reichstag building in Berlin during the Kapp Putsch. The photographer is unknown. Source C is an interview with a German woman in 1974 about hyperinflation. She talks about getting paid every day, how people lost their savings and how this made the people distrust the government.

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28 marks

Study Sources B and C. 

How useful are Sources B and C for an enquiry into Nazi policies towards women?

Explain your answer, using Sources B and C and your knowledge of the historical context.

Source B is a speech made by Joseph Goebbels in March 1933. It states how the birth rate was in decline and how women should leave their jobs to become wives and mothers.

Source C is a photograph of a woman in a 1938 textile factory working on large industrial weaving machines, with spools of thread and machinery. The photographer is unknown.

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38 marks

Study Sources B and C. 

How useful are Sources B and C for an enquiry into the extent of support for the Nazi regime in the years 1933–39? 

Explain your answer, using Sources B and C and your knowledge of the historical context.

Source B is an account written by an opponent of the Nazi regime in December 1936. He details how factory workers spoke over the radio broadcasting one of Hitler's speeches. The SA had to force the workers to be quiet.

Source C is a photograph showing a crowd greeting Hitler with raised arms at a railway station in 1936, with him standing in a train car door.

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48 marks

Study Sources B and C. 

How useful are Sources B and C for an enquiry into support for the Nazi Party in the years 1924–28? 

Explain your answer, using Sources B and C and your knowledge of the historical context.

Source B is an extract from a book written by an American journalist in 1960 who visited Germany from 1925 to 1928. They state how unpopular Hitler was as people made jokes and did not vote for them in elections.

Source C is a black-and-white photograph of Hitler at a 1928 Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg. Hitler stands with an arm raised, surrounded by a large crowd and Nazi officials also doing the Nazi salute.

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58 marks

Study Sources B and C. 

How useful are Sources B and C for an enquiry into the reasons why Hitler became Chancellor in 1933? 

Explain your answer, using Sources B and C and your knowledge of the historical context.

Source B is from Albert Speer's autobiography detailing a 1932 rally. It states how loud the applause in the stadium was after Hitler's speech. The large crowd had waited for hours.

Source C is Joachim von Ribbentrop's 1933 diary discussing Hitler's appointment as Chancellor. It documents the discussions between von Papen, Hindenburg and Hitler about how Hitler could become Chancellor. Ribbentrop was a supporter of the Nazi Party.

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