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Exam Questions: Weimar & Nazi Germany, 1918–39 (Edexcel GCSE History: Modern Depth Study (Paper 3)): Exam Questions

4 hours27 questions
112 marks

Explain why the Nazis were able to reduce unemployment in Germany in the years 1933-39.

You may use the following in your answer: 

  • rearmament 

  • autobahns 

You must also use information of your own.

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212 marks

Explain why the Nazis were able to create a police state in the years 1933–39

You may use the following in your answer: 

  • concentration camps

  • law courts

You must also use information of your own.

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312 marks

Explain why the German economy recovered in the years 1924–29

You may use the following in your answer: 

  • Gustav Stresemann

  • Dawes Plan

You must also use information of your own.

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412 marks

Explain why the Weimar Republic was unpopular in the years 1919–23

You may use the following in your answer: 

  • reparations

  • the Weimar Constitution

You must also use information of your own.

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512 marks

Explain why the use of propaganda helped the Nazis to control the attitudes of the German people in the years 1933–39

You may use the following in your answer: 

  • newspapers

  • Nazi rallies

You must also use information of your own.

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612 marks

Explain why the Nazi Party was reorganised in the years 1924–28

You may use the following in your answer: 

  • elections

  • the Bamberg Conference (1926) 

You must also use information of your own.

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