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Past paper and exam-style questions organised by topic, with student-friendly answers written by teachers and examiners.
Exam Skills: Anglo-Saxon & Norman England, c1060–88
The 2 Mark "Describe One Feature" Question , The 12 Mark "Explain Why" Question , The 16 Mark "How Far do you Agree" Question
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Exam Skills: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
The 2 Mark "Describe One Feature" Question, The 12 Mark "Explain Why" Question , The 16 Mark "How Far do you Agree" Question
Select a download format for Exam Skills: Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
Elizabeth I's Succession, 1558-1569
Elizabethan Society & Government-1558, The Issues with Elizabeth I Becoming Queen of England, The Advantages of Elizabeth I Becoming Queen of England, Challenges to Elizabeth I Succession in England, Challenges to Elizabeth I Succession in Europe
How Did Elizabeth Solve the Issue of Religion?
The English Reformation, The Importance of the Church of England in 1558, Elizabeth I's Solution-The Religious Settlement, 1559, Enforcing the Religious Settlement, Puritan Challenge to the Religious Settlement, Catholic Challenge to the Religious Settlement, Protestantism Across Europe, 1562-1569
The Problem of Mary, Queen of Scots, 1568-1569
Mary, Queen of Scots' Claim to the English Throne, Mary & Elizabeth I's Relationship, 1568-1569
Challenges to Elizabeth at Home, 1569-1588
The Revolt of the Northern Earls, The Ridolfi Plot, 1571, The Throckmorton Plot, 1583, The Babington Plot, 1586, Mary, Queen of Scots' Execution, 1587, Walsingham & the Use of Spies in Elizabethan England
Elizabethan England's Relationship with Spain
Anglo-Spanish Political, Religious & Commercial Rivalry, Sir Francis Drake & Privateering
War with Spain, 1585-1588
England & the Spanish Netherlands, Elizabeth's Action in the Netherlands, The Singeing of the King's Beard, 1587, The Spanish Armada, 1588
Elizabethan Society, 1558-1588
Education in Elizabethan England, Leisure in Elizabethan England, Why Were the Poor Considered a Problem to Elizabeth?, Elizabeth's Poor Laws, 1563-1576, The Elizabethans & Exploration, Attempted Colonisation of Virginia