Exam Questions: Weimar & Nazi Germany, 1918–39 (Edexcel GCSE History): Exam Questions

4 hours27 questions
14 marks

Give two things you can infer from Source A about the success of the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936. 

Complete the table below to explain your answer.

Excerpt from "Berlin Diary" by an American journalist called William L. Shirer describing the end of the 1936 Olympic Games, He states that it was a success for Nazi propaganda due to its extravagant scale and how it was a good show for visitors, especially businessmen.

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24 marks

Give two things you can infer from Source A about the early development of the Nazi Party. 

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Excerpt from Ernst Röhm's memoirs detailing the early growth of the Nazi Party. It states that, after the Twenty-Five Point Programmes in February 1920, the party began to grow. Adolf Hitler rose to leadership in 1921.

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34 marks

Give two things you can infer from Source A about the treatment of Jewish people during ‘Kristallnacht.’

Complete the table below to explain your answer.

Interview excerpt from a 1938 British newspaper where a Jewish woman recounts her experience of Kristallnacht. This includes the Nazis breaking into her house at 2:30 in the morning, being marched through the streets and synagogue destruction.

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44 marks

Give two things you can infer from Source A about how the Nazis reacted to the Reichstag Fire. 

Complete the table below to explain your answer.

Description from Rudolf Diels on the Reichstag Fire. It details Hitler's angry reaction, police orders to arrest suspects, and the busy police headquarters. It states that the police already had a list of people to arrest.

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54 marks

Give two things you can infer from Source A about the Hitler Youth. 

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A historical photograph of Hitler Youth members in uniform being inspected or organized by a young leader in 1938 for a Nazi Party event. Boys carry backpacks and wear armbands. They are standing very organised in a row.

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64 marks

Give two things you can infer from Source A about education in Nazi Germany.  

Complete the table below to explain your answer.

Excerpt from "Growing up in Nazi Germany" by Marianne Gärtner shows changes in Berlin schools post-1933. She notes the increase in Physical Training lessons and Religious Education reduction. She comments on how students did not question the new curriculum.

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