Exam Questions: Medicine in Britain c.1250-Present (Edexcel GCSE History): Exam Questions

4 hours28 questions
116 marks

The main reason why medical care and treatment was ineffective during the medieval period was because medical knowledge was based on Galen’s ideas’.

How far do you agree? Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer.

  • Theory of Opposites 

  • Hospitals 

You must also use information of your own.

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216 marks

‘In the years c1800-present, the work of Pasteur was the most significant development in understanding the causes of illness.’

How far do you agree? Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer: 

  • Germ Theory 

  • DNA

You must also use information of your own.

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316 marks

‘People’s attitudes about medicine, in the years c1700-c1900, became increasingly positive.’

How far do you agree? Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • vaccination

  • infectious diseases

You must also use information of your own.

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416 marks

‘There was little improvement in dealing with infectious diseases in the years c1500– c1900.’

How far do you agree? Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • the Great Plague, 1665

  • the Broad Street Pump

You must also use information of your own.

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516 marks

‘The role of the Church was the main reason why there was little change in care and treatment in the years c1250-c1500.’

How far do you agree? Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer:

  • medical training

  • herbal remedies

You must also use information of your own.

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616 marks

‘The advances in surgery made in the years c1700-c1900 were more significant than advances in surgery made in the period c1900-present.’

How far do you agree? Explain your answer’. Explain your answer.

You may use the following in your answer.

  • antiseptics

  • transplants

You must also use information of your own.

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