The Battles of 1066 (Edexcel GCSE History)

Exam Questions

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11 mark

What date did the Battle of Gate Fulford take place?

  • 14th October 1066.

  • 25th September 1066.

  • 20th September 1066.

  • 18th October 1066.

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21 mark

Who were the leaders of the English forces at the Battle of Gate Fulford?

  •  Edwin and Morcar.

  • Harold Godwinson and Tostig Godwinson.

  • Harald Hardrada and Tostig Godwinson.

  • William and Bishop Odo.

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31 mark

When did the Battle of Stamford Bridge occur?

  • 20th September 1066.

  • 25th September 1066.

  • 14th October 1066.

  • 12th September 1066.

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41 mark

What key mistake did Harold make before the Battle of Hastings?

  • He waited for reinforcements.

  • He decided to fortify London.

  • He launched an immediate attack without resting his army.

  • He used a feigned retreat.

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51 mark

Which military tactic did the English Army use at the Battle of Hastings?

  • The shield wall.

  • The cavalry charge.

  • 'Couched' the lance.

  • The feigned retreat.

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61 mark

What tactic did William’s forces use to break the shield wall?

  • The feigned retreat.

  • A pike formation.

  • An ambush.

  • ‘Couched’ the lance.

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71 mark

Why was the shield wall less effective for Harold Godwinson’s army at Hastings?

  • The English lacked enough soldiers to make the shield wall work.

  • The English troops were ill-disciplined and chased after Normans.

  • It was not completed by the time that the battle started. The gaps in the wall made it easier for William to attack.

  • Harold’s troops had too many archers. This meant that there were not enough soldiers with shields to form an effective wall.

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81 mark

How did luck impact William’s victory at the Battle of Hastings?

  • The Bayeux Tapestry shows Harold being killed by an arrow to the neck. Without Harold's leadership, the Anglo-Saxon forces collapsed.

  • Edgar the Aethling launched his attack in September, the same time that Harold disbanded the southern fyrd. This drew Harold away from the south coast, allowing William to invade.

  • William took a massive risk to attempt to cross the English Channel in winter. William's army could have died in the storm. 

  • William benefitted from Harold Godwinson’s heavy casualty numbers at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. William’s army heavily outnumbered Harold’s.

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91 mark

How did William’s leadership help him to win the Battle of Hastings?

  • Harold expected William to invade in the summer of 1066. William waited until Harold disbanded the northern fyrd before he invaded.

  • The Normans built flat-bottomed boats designed for their catapults. No other leader had attempted to transport catapults across the sea.

  • William's army landed in Morecambe Bay. This was the ideal location for an invasion force to use.

  • William effectively managed his army. During the long wait to cross the English Channel, William insisted that the army could not steal food from civilians around them.

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101 mark

How did William’s tactics help him to win the Battle of Hastings?

  • The archers stood closer to Harold's army after the collapse of the shield wall. This gave the archer a better angle to fire up the hill.

  • When the shield wall weakened, the housecarls became very effective in destroying the whole shield wall.

  • The Normans 'vouched' the lance. This was a technique for holding the lance in a way that allowed for maximum force.

  • The ‘pained retreat’ was very effective. Pretending to flee caused sections of Harold's general fyrd to lose their discipline, breaking the shield wall.

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What was the outcome of the Battle of Gate Fulford?

  • A decisive victory for Harold.

  • A draw between the armies.

  • A defeat for the English forces.

  • Tostig was killed.

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21 mark

What was the main reason for Harold Godwinson’s victory at Stamford Bridge?

  • Many of the Vikings were stuck in marshland.

  • Harold Godwinson had the element of surprise.

  • The Vikings rebelled against Harald Hardrada.

  • Harold Godwinson used his cavalry more effectively.

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31 mark

What was a significant consequence of Harold Godwinson’s victory at Stamford Bridge?

  • It eliminated Tostig, a major threat to his throne.

  • It strengthened William’s claim.

  • It caused Harold to retreat to London.

  • It made it less likely for Harold to win the Battle of Hastings.

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41 mark

How did the Battle of Stamford Bridge affect the Battle of Hastings?

  • It gave Harold more time to prepare.

  • It exhausted Harold’s forces.

  • It allowed William to gain allies.

  • It resulted in William's forces being reduced.

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What was a consequence of the Battle of Hastings?

  • William, Duke of Normandy was killed.

  • Morcar was killed.

  • Edgar the Aethling was killed.

  • Harold Godwinson was killed.

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Why did Harold disband the southern fyrd before William’s invasion?

  • He thought William would attack from the North.

  • He believed that it was too late in the year for William to make the crossing of the English Channel.

  • He received intelligence about Hardrada’s army arriving in the West. He needed to use the southern fyrd to combat this.

  • The fyrd was needed to defend York.

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Why did Hardrada win at the Battle of Gate Fulford?

  • Hardrada had a stronger battle strategy. He used the shield wall to great effect.

  • Edwin and Morcar had better-trained soldiers such as housecarls but Hardrada had more soldiers. 

  • Hardrada predicted that Edwin would charge at Tostig's forces Hardrada had purposefully placed his weaker soldiers with Tostig.

  • Edwin and Morcar assembled their troops by marshland. This meant that their forces struggled to retreat and were killed easily by Hardrada’s army.

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31 mark

Why was the Battle of Stamford Bridge significant?

  • It ended the Viking threat to England.

  • It marked the start of Hardrada's invasion.

  • It secured the loyalty of the northern earls.

  • It resulted in the death of Harold Godwinson.

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41 mark

Why was Harold’s decision to fight at Hastings rather than waiting in London a mistake?

  • He had fewer soldiers. Defending London would have been easier than fighting in open battle, given the lack of soldiers.

  • His forces were not well-trained. Defending London did not require as sophisticated military tactics, meaning that victory would have been easier.

  • He underestimated William’s tactics. Fighting in London would have prevented William from claiming Senlac Hill, having the upper ground in the battle.

  • He lost the advantage of defending a fortified position, given how tired his army was after the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

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51 mark

What impact did the Battle of Hastings have on William’s claim to the English throne?

  • It weakened his claim. No Anglo-Saxon would support William’s claim after the Battle of Hastings.

  • It removed the strongest claimant to the English throne. This made it easier for William to take up his claim as the King of England.

  • It consolidated his power in England. After Hastings, there would be no opposition to William becoming the King of England.

  • It weakened his claim as it increased the Norman opposition. William was supposed to lead Normandy, not England.

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