Edward the Confessor's Final Years (Edexcel GCSE History)

Exam Questions

17 mins17 questions
11 mark

Which King gave Godwin his title of Earl of Wessex?

  • King Cnut.

  • King Alfred the Great.

  • King Edward the Confessor.

  • King William.

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21 mark

Who became Earl of Wessex after the death of Godwin in 1053?

  • Tostig Godwinson.

  • Gyrth Godwinson.

  • Harold Godwinson.

  • Leofwine Godwinson.

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31 mark

What key event in 1065 directly led to Tostig’s exile?

  • A rebellion in Northumbria against Tostig’s rule.

  • His refusal to marry into the Norman family.

  • His failed invasion of Wales.

  • His assassination of Morcar.

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41 mark

Which foreign country did Tostig form a controversial friendship with, angering the Northumbrians?

  • France.

  • Denmark.

  • Scotland.

  • Norway.

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51 mark

What role did Harold Godwinson play in the rebellion against Tostig?

  • He defended Tostig from the rebels.

  • He ignored the rebellion.

  • He negotiated peace with the Northumbrian rebels.

  • He led the rebellion against Tostig.

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61 mark

What was Edward’s connection to Normandy?

  • He was born in Normandy.

  • His mother was from Normandy. Edward lived there in exile.

  • He invaded Normandy as a young prince.

  • He had no connections to Normandy.

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71 mark

Who did Edward the Confessor exile in 1051, leading to tensions with the Godwin family?

  • Harold Godwinson.

  • Tostig Godwinson.

  • Gyrth Godwinson.

  • Godwin, Earl of Wessex.

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What caused the Northumbrians to rebel against Tostig Godwinson in 1065?

  • Tostig accused his enemies of false crimes to take money and land away from them.

  • Tostig had a friendship with Llywelyn, the King of Wales. 

  • Tostig decreased taxes in Northumbria.

  • Edward chose a northerner to become the Earl of Northumbria.

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What was one consequence of Tostig's rule in Northumbria?

  • The Northumbrian people became wealthier.

  • Northumbrians were angry enough to start a rebellion against Tostig.

  • Northumbria became the most powerful earldom in Anglo-Saxon England.

  • Tostig became the King of England as he demonstrated his ability to govern.

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What was one reason the Danelaw area was difficult to govern for Tostig?

  • The Northumbrians spoke French.

  • The Danelaw paid higher taxes.

  • The people were exempt from certain taxes.

  • There were more earls in the Danelaw.

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What was a consequence of Harold’s embassy to Normandy in c1064?

  • Harold captured William of Normandy and brought him back to England.

  • Harold gained a reputation as an oath-breaker.

  • William, Duke of Normandy invaded England with support for Tostig.

  • Harold became the Duke of Normandy.

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How did Edward’s exile to Normandy influence his reign?

  • He formed strong relationships with Normans, bringing them into English politics.

  • He learnt about Norman fighting tactics and brought these to the fyrd.

  • He rejected any Norman influence in England.

  • He married a Norman queen.

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Why was the House of Godwin so powerful by the 1060s?

  • They were the royal family of England.

  • They owned vast amounts of land.

  • They were allied with the Normans.

  • They were supported by the Church.

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How did Harold Godwinson secure influence over the Welsh?

  • Harold ensured a marriage between Llywelyn and Edith Godwinson.

  • Harold formed an alliance with Aelfgar.

  • Harold conquered Wales for himself.

  • Harold married Edith, the widow of the King of Wales.

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Why was Tostig's friendship with Malcolm III unpopular in Northumbria?

  • Tostig wanted Malcolm to be King of England.

  • Northumbrians feared that Tostig would turn on Malcolm, leading to a war.

  • After Malcolm raided Northumbria in 1061, Tostig agreed to peace terms rather than get revenge.

  • Tostig married Malcolm’s daughter. Northumbria did not want to be connected to Scotland.

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What was the key significance of the 1065 rebellion against Tostig for Edward the Confessor?

  • It showed the strength of Edward's military skills.

  • It weakened Edward’s power, as he could not control his earls.

  • It showed that Edward supported Tostig fully.

  • It ended the influence of the House of Godwin.

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51 mark

How did Edward the Confessor's Norman appointments impact the relationship with the Godwins?

  • The Godwins resented the Norman influence. 

  • The Godwins lost their lands to the Normans.

  • The Godwins supported the Norman influence.

  • The Normans helped strengthen the House of Godwin.

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