Edward the Confessor's Death & Succession Crisis (Edexcel GCSE History)

Exam Questions

18 mins18 questions
11 mark

Why was Edward the Confessor's reign controversial among historians?

  • He was a warrior king who fought many wars to expand the kingdom.

  • He relied heavily on his earls to enforce his power.

  • He was the last Anglo-Saxon king to rule over Scotland and Wales.

  • He had a large family but did not name an heir.

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 When did Edward the Confessor die?

  • 5th January 1066.

  • 15th March 1065.

  • 2nd February 1067.

  • 1st June 1064.

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Where was Edward the Confessor buried?

  • The Tower of London.

  • York Minster.

  • Westminster Abbey.

  • Canterbury Cathedral.

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What important role did the Witan have in January 1066?

  • They compiled the Domesday Book.

  • They selected the next King of England.

  • They made key religious changes to England.

  • They changed England’s currency.

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51 mark

What was Harald Hardrada’s claim to the English throne based on?

  • An old claim to the throne through Harthacnut and Magnus Olafsson.

  • His friendship with Edward the Confessor.

  • His marriage to Edward's sister, Edith.

  • His Norman heritage.

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What caused William, Duke of Normandy’s claim to the English throne?

  • An agreement was made in 1051 with Edward.

  • The exile of Tostig Godwinson.

  • Support from Harold Godwinson.

  • His conquest of England in 1050.

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What title did Harold Godwinson hold before becoming king?

  • Earl of Northumbria.

  • Duke of Normandy.

  • Earl of Wessex.

  • King of Norway.

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Which one of the claimants had the strongest blood connection to Edward the Confessor?

  • William, Duke of Normandy.

  • Harold Godwinson.

  • Harald Hardrada.

  • Edgar the Aethling.

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What was a key reason the Witan chose Harold Godwinson as king?

  • He was Edward's blood relative.

  • He promised to conquer Normandy.

  • He had support from most English nobles.

  • He was a close ally of William of Normandy.

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Which of the following was a weakness of Edgar the Aethling’s claim to the throne?

  • Edgar was only a teenager.

  • He was a Viking king.

  • He had no blood relation to Edward.

  • He had made powerful enemies among England’s nobility.

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What was one reason William of Normandy believed he could successfully invade England?

  • He had a large, well-trained army.

  • He had Tostig’s support for the invasion.

  • He had already conquered Wales.

  • He had strong support in the Danelaw.

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What weakened Harold Godwinson’s claim to the throne?

  • He had no military experience.

  • He was not a blood relative of Edward.

  • He was too young to rule.

  • He had no support from the other English earls.

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Who became king on 6th January 1066?

  • Harald Hardrada.

  • Edgar the Aethling.

  • William, Duke of Normandy.

  • Harold Godwinson.

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What was the Witan’s fear in January 1066?

  • An economic collapse in England.

  • An attack by Leofwine Godwinson.

  • An invasion from Normandy.

  • Suppressing the uprising in Northumbria.

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How did Harold Godwinson’s quick coronation help the English nobility?

  • It allowed them to strengthen ties with Normandy.

  • It helped to control the people of the Danelaw, who were rebelling.

  • It gave the nobility more time to prepare for war.

  • It prevented foreign claimants from gaining support.

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What made William, Duke of Normandy’s claim to the throne controversial?

  • He was too closely related to Edward.

  • He was not a skilled military leader.

  • He was not English and did not speak the language.

  • He had been promised the throne by Harold Godwinson.

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What was Tostig Godwinson’s influence in the succession crisis?

  • He became a claimant to the English throne.

  • He killed his brother, Harold Godwinson.

  • He allied himself with William, Duke of Normandy.

  • He allied himself with Harald Hardrada.

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Why was Edward the Confessor’s death significant for England?

  • It ended the Viking invasions of the Danelaw.

  • It caused a succession crisis with multiple claimants.

  • It marked the beginning of Norman rule.

  • It led to the union of England and Scotland.

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