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First teaching 2016
Last exams 2025
Medical Treatments in Modern Britain (Edexcel GCSE History) : Revision Note
Approaches to Treatment in the 20th Century - Summary
Since the Renaissance, scientists have experimented with chemicals to create medical treatments. Modern scientists are now able to study the molecular structure of different chemicals. This is the result of technological advances. It has helped in the development of more effective chemical cures. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists searched for a treatment that targeted harmful microorganisms without hurting the entire body. Ehrlich and Domagk proved this was possible by creating 'magic bullets for diseases such as syphilis and blood poisoning.
The concept of 'Magic bullets' started the development of antibiotics. Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin in 1928. Howard Florey and Ernst Chain then applied Fleming's findings to mass-produce penicillin (an antibiotic) in 1941. World War Two forced the British and American governments to finance Florey and Chain's research. The government dropped their laissez-faire attitude and began to value the advancement of medicine. Before 1945, people were more likely to die from an infection in a minor wound. These types of deaths in modern Britain are almost unheard of.
The biggest change to medical care was the creation of the National Health Service (NHS) in 1948. The less wealthy were no longer denied healthcare. The NHS revolutionised access to care. It incorporated general practitioners (GPs) and hospitals in a unified system. New developments in surgery improved the levels of care the NHS provided. Advances in science and technology resulted in x-rays, robotic surgery and hypodermic needles.
Even in the 21st century, there are still diseases which medicine cannot treat. Scientists have been unable to create specialised treatments for different types of cancers. Microbes can evolve to become resistant to drugs. Some people have difficulties accessing NHS services. Many GPs do not have enough time to see every patient that requires their services. New diseases like COVID-19 mean there is a need for the constant development of treatments. Despite these challenges, medical advances have transformed treatments in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Antibiotics - Ehrlich & Domagk
'Magic Bullets'
By the 20th century, doctors understood the idea of antibodies
Medical professionals had discovered that vaccination worked by producing a reaction from the patient's immune system
Scientists believed the human body was capable of producing antibodies to other chemical compounds
A 'magic bullet' was an early 20th-century concept. The idea was that one chemical treatment could attack harmful bacteria without hurting the rest of the body
Ehrlich and Syphilis
Syphilis continued to be a problem in the 19th and 20th centuries
When Britain fought the Boer War (1880-1902) and World War One (1914-1918), it became clear that many young men had syphilis. The army could not conscript enough healthy men
Scientists needed to find an effective cure for syphilis. Medical professionals were still prescribing the mercury treatments of the 16th century
Paul Ehrlich tested arsenic compounds to find a cure for syphilis
By 1907, Ehrlich had tested more than 600 versions of arsenic but had not found a cure
In 1909, Japanese scientist Hata retested the arsenic compounds Ehrlich had experimented with
He discovered that compound 606 cured syphilis
He named the chemical cure Salvarsan 606
This became the world's first 'magic bullet'
Domagk and Antibiotics
Scientist Gerhard Domagk discovered in 1932 that a red dye called Prontosil killed infections in mice
Domagk did not know if this would cure bacterial infections in humans
He tested Prontosil on his daughter, who was dying from blood poisoning. Prontosil saved her life
Queen Charlotte's Maternity Hospital in London used Prontosil to treat puerperal fever
Death rates in puerperal fever dropped from 20% to 4.7%
Domagk's and Ehrlich's success encouraged scientists to pursue the development of antibiotics
Examiner Tips and Tricks
Students often confuse 'magic bullets' with antibiotics. 'Magic bullets' began the journey towards antibiotics. Both treatments aim to attack bacterial infections within the body. However 'magic bullets' like Salvarsan 606 and Prontosil were chemicals. The first antibiotic, penicillin, is created from a living microorganism.
Fleming and Penicillin
Fleming's Discovery of Penicillin
Fleming was a Scottish doctor working at St. Mary's Hospital in London
Alexander Fleming:
Pioneered the use of Salvarsan 606 to treat syphilis
Worked in battlefield hospitals during World War One and saw men who died of syphilis infection
During the 1920s, Fleming began to study a type of bacteria called Staphylococcus
Staphylococcus was resistant to the 'magic bullets' available at the time
It is a deadly bacteria which can cause blood poisoning and toxic shock syndrome
In 1928, Fleming accidentally discovered penicillin
Fleming went on a holiday, forgetting to clean a petri dish which contained the staphylococcus bacteria
On his return, Fleming noticed mould in the petri dish. This mould prevented staphylococcus from growing
Medieval people observed that mouldy bread had healing qualities. Fleming's examination demonstrated that mould could fight bacteria
Fleming published his findings in 1929
Fleming didn't realise the potential impact of his discovery on humans
Scientists at the time were more interested in looking for chemical cures for disease. Germ Theory states that microbes are dangerous and they do not possess the ability to heal
His first experiment showed penicillin was ineffective when combined with blood
Florey and Chain and the Development of Penicillin
Florey and Chain worked together at Oxford Medical School
Howard Florey was an Australian pathologist
Ernst Chain was a German biochemist who had escaped from Nazi Germany
In 1939, during their study of antibiotics, Florey and Chain discovered Fleming's work on penicillin
Chain was able to grow mould and extract enough penicillin to run tests
In 1940, they successfully tested penicillin on mice
Eight mice were infected with staphylococcus
Four mice received penicillin while four mice did not receive treatment
The four mice without treatment died
Penicillin saved the other four mice
Florey and Chain's research caught the attention of the British government
At this time, Britain was fighting Germany in World War Two
In World War One, many soldiers died from their wounds becoming infected
The British government knew that the effective treatment of wounds could be the difference between winning or losing World War Two
Florey and Chain received £25 from the government to fund their research into penicillin
Today, this would be approximately £1100
By 1941, penicillin was ready for human trial
Albert Alexander was a local policeman
He was in hospital suffering from septicaemia, a deadly blood poisoning
Alexander had developed the infection after scratching himself on a rose thorn
Albert took penicillin and showed signs of recovery. Florey and Chain ran out of their supply of penicillin
Despite Albert's death, the trial proved that penicillin worked on humans
Mass Production of Penicillin
In July 1941, Florey flew to America to persuade pharmaceutical companies to mass-produce penicillin
Florey had approached British companies but, due to the Second World War, they did not have the time or resources to grow penicillin
Mass production of penicillin required growing the mould in beer vats
It was a slow process. After a year, the American companies had only produced enough penicillin for ten doses
America recognised the potential of penicillin
The US government gave money to 21 pharmaceutical companies to produce the drug
British pharmaceutical companies began to mass-produce penicillin in 1943
Towards the end of the Second World War, penicillin became vital
By 1945, the US Army had access to two million doses of penicillin per month
An estimated 50% of wounded soldiers survived their injuries because of penicillin
Examiner Tips and Tricks
It is a common misconception that Alexander Fleming was responsible for making penicillin a usable antibiotic. Fleming happened to discover penicillin in mould and did not recognise the potential it had to treat infections in humans. In an exam question, remember to state that Florey and Chain were responsible for developing penicillin into the antibiotic we use today.

A storyboard showing the discovery and development of penicillin
Factors Which Enabled the Development of Penicillin
The US government funded Florey and Chain's research
The British government invested in medical research for the first time
The use of beer vats and milk churns to mass-produce penicillin
Attitudes in society
The Second World War motivated the government to discover a treatment that prevented soldiers from dying from infection
The urgency for penicillin to be available meant that thorough medical trials were not considered necessary
Scientists were able to observe how penicillin mould killed staphylococcus
The scientific team at Oxford worked together to test and produce penicillin
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
Florey and Chain proved the impact penicillin could have on infections in humans
Florey persuaded American pharmaceutical companies to mass-produce penicillin
Florey refused to patent penicillin, believing it should be readily available to all
Modern Development of Antibiotics
Penicillin inspired scientists to research other moulds and fungi for their antibiotic abilities
Selman Wakston discovered Streptomycin in 1943. This was effective against tuberculosis
Dorothy Hodgkin mapped the chemical structure of penicillin in 1945. This allowed other scientists to create synthetic antibiotics which were adapted to treat different bacteria
John C. Sheehan created the first chemical copy of penicillin in 1957
Science and technology impacted the development of antibiotics
Antibiotics were distributed in capsule form. This is an easier method to administer medicine
Those with serious infections have antibiotics administered by hypodermic needles. This allows an accurate dose of medicine to be placed directly into a patient's bloodstream
Drug trials ensured that new antibiotics worked and had limited side effects
In the 21st century, some bacteria have become resistant to penicillin
Penicillin-resistant strains of bacteria emerged in 1942
When antibiotics became readily available in the 1950s, doctors prescribed them too often
Antibiotics only work for bacterial infections yet they were being offered to patients with viruses
A government report in 2018 discovered that GPs in England incorrectly prescribed 20% of patients with antibiotics
Bacteria like MRSA are a danger to public health
MRSA is resistant to some antibiotics mainly penicillin. It can still be treated with other antibiotics
Worked Example
Explain one way in which the treatment of infection in wounds was the samein the19th century as the treatment of infection inwounds in the 20th century
4 marks
One way in which the treatment of infection in wounds was the same in the 19th century as in the 20th century was by targeting the bacteria behind the infection (1)
In the 19th century, the work of Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister developed the concept of antiseptics. (1) Versions like carbolic acid were placed into a wound to avoid infection after surgery (1)
Similarly, in the 20th century, scientists like Florey and Chain worked to produce penicillin, an antibiotic which could kill bacteria growing inside the body (1)
Examiner Tips and Tricks
The closer the two time periods, the easier it is to find a similarity. Try to ensure that the two examples that you use are different but show a similar theme.
Modern Surgery - Transplants, Transfusions & Keyhole Surgery
An extensive range of operations are now available to patients
For example, people in modern Britain have access to operations like hip replacements and organ transplants
Surgery in modern times is much safer
Modern surgery has methods to cope with the three major problems of surgery:
Blood loss
The contributions of Lister and Simpson resolved the issue of pain and infection. Blood transfusions combated blood loss in the mid-20th century
Surgeons are now able to complete deeper, more complex operations like brain surgery
New Surgical Technology
New technology | Impact on treatments |
Microsurgery | This allows the transplant of organs. The first successful operation was a kidney transplant (1956). This led the way to lung transplants (1963) and heart transplants (1967) |
Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Surgery | Operations that can be completed through smaller incisions using cameras. This helps the body to heal from surgery more quickly |
Robotic Surgery | Using equipment controlled by computers ensures more accurate surgery. This is vital for surgery that requires millimetre precision, for example, brain surgery. Patients can be fitted with robotics to improve their quality of life. An example of this is prosthetic limbs for amputees |
X-rays | Surgeons can now make use of X-rays to find and reduce cancerous and benign tumours. This process is called radiotherapy |
Mechanised organs | Dialysis can perform the function of the kidneys, ridding the body of waste. A heart bypass operation involves a machine which takes on the role of the heart. These technologies are more readily available in the 21st century |
Medical Care: The Impact of the NHS
The Liberal Party won the 1906 general election. They passed a series of reforms which attempted to improve medical care:
In 1907, children received free medical inspections in school
The National Insurance Act of 1911 provided health insurance for male workers earning under £160 per year. The Act entitled eligible workers to 25 weeks of sick pay
In 1912, school-aged children became entitled to free medical treatments
Many people still did not receive the medical treatment that they needed
The provision of healthcare depended on each local authority
National Insurance did not cover women or a worker's family
Areas outside of London and the South East of England did not have enough hospitals. Built in the 19th century, the available hospitals required updating
People still had to pay for doctors. As a result, many continued to rely on purchasing herbal treatments like Beechams from pharmacies
Structure of the NHS
The Labour government under Aneurin Bevan launched the NHS (the National Health Service) in 1948
It provided free care for everyone
Workers funded the NHS through their National Insurance payments. The government continue to apply this tax
The government used the existing provision of hospitals and medical services and took them under their control

A flowchart showing the structure of the NHS
The Impact of the NHS
Positive impacts | Negative impacts |
Women and children had access to free treatment | The government did not have the money to spend on upgrading or building new hospitals. They were financially recovering from World War Two |
The poor could now afford medical care | GPs resisted the NHS. The loss of income and increase in the demand for their services worried them |
A better-connected network of GPs and hospitals | GPs were so busy that they ended up lacking up-to-date knowledge. In the 1950s, a quarter of all GPs did not possess satisfactory medical knowledge |
More patients had access to specialist doctors, skilled in treating their condition | More people using healthcare caused an increase in waiting times for appointments |
The Extent of Change in Care & Treatment
Improved Access to Care
In 1919, the government established the Ministry of Health
This showed a desire by the government to ensure a good standard of healthcare across Britain
The NHS gave free healthcare to all
People were no longer turned away for being unable to pay for treatment
The role of hospitals transformed
Before, hospitals provided facilities for the elderly to rest
People questioned where the elderly would go if they had no family to care for them
Now, hospitals are only for the treatment of disease
Improvements to Treatments
Deaths by infectious diseases fell significantly
In 1900, 25% of all deaths were the result of infectious diseases
By 1990, this percentage had fallen to less than 1%
Chemical treatments were available
At the start of the 20th century, people relied on herbal remedies
After 1945, a range of 'magic bullets' were available to treat a variety of illnesses
Issues with Treatments
It is difficult to make vaccines for viruses
There is a new flu vaccine every year because there are lots of variant of the disease
Microbes can evolve to become resistant to certain treatments
An example of this is newer strains of COVID-19
Newer or more complex diseases sometimes do not respond to treatment
Scientists can take many years to develop successful treatments. There are few specialised medical cures for diseases with many variations like cancer
Lifestyle factors have caused diseases like heart disease to increase
Scientists do not fully understand the impact of all lifestyle choices on public health
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