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Define the DAP in Weimar Germany.
The (DAP)was the German Workers' Party. The DAP was a right-wing party that targeted the working classes. Anton Dexter founded the DAP in February 1919.
What prompted Hitler's initial involvement with the DAP?
Hitler became involved in the DAP when he was hired by the government to spy on political parties in Munich. Hitler attended his first DAP meeting in September 1919, the party was aligned with his personal beliefs.
When did the German Workers' Party (DAP) change to the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP)?
The German Workers' Party (DAP) changed to the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) in 1920.
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Define the DAP in Weimar Germany.
The (DAP)was the German Workers' Party. The DAP was a right-wing party that targeted the working classes. Anton Dexter founded the DAP in February 1919.
What prompted Hitler's initial involvement with the DAP?
Hitler became involved in the DAP when he was hired by the government to spy on political parties in Munich. Hitler attended his first DAP meeting in September 1919, the party was aligned with his personal beliefs.
When did the German Workers' Party (DAP) change to the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP)?
The German Workers' Party (DAP) changed to the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) in 1920.
How did Hitler take over the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) in 1921?
Hitler took over the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) in 1921 through his Twenty-Five-Point Programme, Hitler's appeal, forced a leadership change, creating a new private army, and the restructuring of the party.
True or False?
In 1922, Hitler changed the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) party policies to the Twenty-Five Point Programme.
Hitler changed the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) party policies to the Twenty-Five Point Programme in 1920.
Did the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) Twenty-Five Point Programme mention Jewish citizenship rights?
The Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) Twenty-Five Point Programme stated that Jewish people were not German citizens.
What was the main reason for the increase in membership to the DAP in 1920?
The main reason for the increase in membership to the DAP in 1920 was the appeal of Adolf Hitler. Hitler became popular for his speeches, he delivered 31 speeches in his first year at the DAP.
What role did Rudolf Schüssler have in the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) in 1920?
Rudolf Schüssler's became the party's administrator in the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP).
How many copies of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) newspaper called Völkischer Beobachter (the ‘People’s Observer’) were sold in December 1920?
Over 17,000 copies of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) newspaper called Völkischer Beobachter (the ‘People’s Observer’) were sold in December 1920.
When Adolf Hilter became the leader of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) in 1921 who became his deputy?
The deputy to the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) in 1921 was Rudolf Hess.
Who were the SA in Nazi Germany?
The SA (Sturmabteilung) were the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) private army. They were formed in August 1921 and were nicknamed the 'Brownshirts'.
True or False?
The Sturmabteilung (SA) was made up of the unemployed, students, and ex-soldiers.
The Sturmabteilung (SA) was made up of the unemployed, students, and ex-soldiers.
Name four ways Hitler used the Sturmabteilung (SA).
Hitler used the Sturmabteilung (SA) to:
Control crowds
Start fights
Disrupt meetings
Strengthen the image of the Nazi party
How many members did the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) have by November 1923?
The Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) had 50,000 members by November 1923
When was the Munich Putsch?
The Munich Putsch was in November 1923.
Give two short- term causes for the Munich Putsch in 1923.
The French invasion of the Ruhr and hyperinflation were two short- term causes of the Munich Putsch.
True or False?
Hitler was inspired by Mussolini's 'March on Rome' in 1922 to use the military to take over the German government.
Hitler was inspired by Mussolini's 'March on Rome' in 1922 to use the military to take over the German government.
What role did Ernst Röhm have in the Munich Putsch?
Ernst Röhm was the leader of the SA and was responsible for securing the local army and police headquarters in Munich.
True or False?
General Ludendorff failed in this role during the Munich Putsch.
General Ludendorff failed in this role during the Munich Putsch because he was persuaded to let Kahr, Seisser, and Lossow go. Without their support, the putsch had no official backing and the army suppressed the SA with ease
Did the Munich Putsch of 1923 fail?
The Munich Putsch of 1923 failed as Hitler failed to gain the support of Kahr, Seisser, and Lossow, to gain the support of the local army, and rushed the execution of the Munich Putsch.
How long was Adolf Hitler's prison sentence for his role in the Munich Putsch?
Adolf Hitler received a 5-year prison sentence for his role in the Munich Putsch.
Define High Treason.
High Treason is the crime of betraying your country, especially by attempting to kill or overthrow the monarch or government. Hitler was convicted of high treason.
True or False?
Support for the NSDAP dropped after the Munich Putsch in 1923.
Support for the NSDAP dropped after the Munich Putsch in 1923 because the Munich authorities decided to ban the NSDAP.
Did Adolf Hitler learn anything from the failure of the Munich Putsch?
Adolf Hitler learned that violent putsches did not work. After being released from prison, he considered how to use the Weimar legal system to gain ultimate power in Germany.
When did Adolf Hitler write Mein Kampf?
Adolf Hitler wrote Mein Kampf during his time in prison. It was published in July 1925.
Define Mein Kampf.
Mein Kampf means 'My Struggle'. Mein Kampf contained the core values of the Nazi Party.
What were some key beliefs outlined in Mein Kampf?
In Mein Kampf Hitler outlined his support for the racial superiority of the Ayran race and Social Darwinism. He introduced Lebensraum and Führerprinzip and the restoration of traditional values, and wealth redistribution.
When did the German government lift the ban on the Nazi Party?
The German government lifted the ban on the Nazi Party in February 1925.
True or False?
Hitler reorganised the Nazi Party in the Lean Years by introducing departments for finance, and agriculture, as well as the creation of the Hitler Youth.
Hitler reorganised the Nazi Party in the Lean Years by introducing departments for finance, and agriculture as well as the creation of the Hitler Youth.
How many regions did Adolf Hitler divide Germany into?
Adolf Hitler divided Germany into 35 regions called gaue. Each gaue had a Nazi Party leader called a gauleiter.
How did Adolf Hitler fund his ambitions for the Nazi Party to become a national party?
Adolf Hitler funded his ambitions for the Nazi Party to become a national party by persuading business owners who shared his nationalist vision for Germany to contribute. Big corporations such as Thyssen, Krupp, and Bosch funded the Nazi Party.
In 1925 did Adolf Hitler trust Ernst Rohm and the SA?
In 1925 Adolf Hitler did not trust Ernst Rohm and the SA. Rohm had increased his control over the SA when Hitler was in prison.
What two steps did Adolf Hitler take to improve his paramilitary force?
The two steps Adolf Hitler took to improve his paramilitary force were:
To send Ernst Rohm abroad
Create a new private army called the Schutzstaffel (‘Protection Squad’), or SS
Who became the leader of the SS after Julius Schreck?
Heinrich Himmler became the leader of the SS after Julius Schreck.
When was the Bamberg Conference?
The Bamberg Conference was in 1926, in Bavaria.
What were the outcomes of the Bamberg Conference in 1926?
The Bamberg Conference solidified the nationalist direction of the Nazi Party, weakened the socialist aspects of the Nazi Party, and resulted in Goebbels's promotion and Strasser's fall.
How many seats did the Nazi Party gain in the May 1928 election?
In the May 1928 election, the Nazi Party only won 12 seats (roughly 3% of the overall votes). They were the 7th biggest party in the Reichstag.
Give two reasons why there was limited support for the Nazi Party by 1928.
Two reasons there was limited support for the Nazi Party by 1928 are:
Many critics now supported the Weimar Republic.
Streseman's policies improved life in Germany.
True or False?
The Wall Street Crash occurred on 26th October 1929.
The Wall Street Crash occurred on 24th October 1929.
Define turning point.
A turning point is an event where a decisive change occurs that affects the course of history.
What was the 'Golden Age' in Weimar Germany?
The 'Golden Age' in Weimar Germany was a period of prosperity and stability.
True or False?
The Wall Street Crash was the end of the Weimar Republic's 'Golden Age'.
The Wall Street Crash marked the end of the Weimar Republic's 'Golden Age'.
Define the term economic depression.
An economic depression is a severe downturn in economic activity, typically characterised by high unemployment and falling prices.
True or False?
The death of Stresemann weakened the Weimar government.
Stresemann possessed the ability to combat the economic impact of the Wall Street Crash on Germany.
Did the Wall Street Crash increase or decrease unemployment in Weimar Germany?
By January 1933, unemployment hit 6.1 million people.
What was the impact of unemployment on savers?
When share prices fell, the value of savings dropped. If people became unemployed, they would not have any savings to survive on.
Between 1930 to 1932, how many times did Chancellor Brüning use Article 48?
Chancellor Brüning used Article 48 115 times. Using Article 48 made the chancellor look like a dictator. People started to lose faith in democracy.
From 1928 to 1932, did support for the KPD (German Communist Party) increase or decrease?
From 1928 to 1932, the KPD (German Communist Party) gained one million voters. By 1932, the KPD was the largest Communist party outside of Russia.
After the Wall Street Crash, did Hitler's ideas begin to appeal to more or less German people?
Hitler’s ideas began to appeal to a broader audience. Hitler rallied the people around the issues of the Treaty of Versailles, providing “Bread and Work” to the unemployed and restoring law and order.
Name three actions that Hitler did to increase his popularity between 1930 and 1932.
Between 1930 and 1932, Hitler increased his popularity by:
Using his oration talents to make numerous speeches to the people
Hiring aeroplanes for travel across the country
Organising impressive marches and rallies
Define paramilitary forces.
Paramilitary forces are organised armed groups that operate like military forces but are not part of the official armed forces.
True or False?
The SA had more members than the KPD's (German Communist Party) Red Front Fighters.
The SA had 400,000 members and the KPD’s( German Communist Party) Red Front Fighters numbered 130,000.
What did big businesses think that the NSDAP could protect them from?
Big businesses thought that the NSDAP could protect them from the rise of communism.
What two aspects of the Nazi Party appealed to some working-class voters?
The two aspects that appealed to some working-class voters were:
The promise of "Work and Bread"
The NSDAP's support of traditional German values
True or False?
From 1929 to 1933, the middle classes continued to support moderate parties.
Many middle-class people believed that the Weimar government had lost their savings and caused a moral decline in Germany. Many voters supported a strong leader like Hitler to rebuild Germany.
In the 1930 elections, what percentage of the rural vote did the Nazi Party gain in some areas of Germany?
In the 1930 elections, the Nazi Party gained 60% of the rural vote in some areas.
Why were farmers more likely to vote for the NSDAP?
Farmers were poorly treated under the Weimar Republic. High debt, low prices and increasing taxes damaged the standard of living in farming communities.
True or False?
Half of all 16 and 30-year-olds did not work by 1933.
Young people were hit heavily by unemployment. The NSDAP promised to improve young people's lives more than the moderate parties.
Define national unity.
National unity is when the people of a country are joined together on a cause or a belief.
Name three ways Hitler aimed to achieve national unity.
The three ways that Hitler aimed to achieve national unity were by:
Reminding Germans of the dolchstoss committed by the Weimar government in the Treaty of Versailles.
Accusing the Jewish people of being ‘enemies of Germany’
Promoting the return to traditional values
True or False?
Hitler learnt that achieving power through violent putsches was possible after the failed Munich Putsch.
Hitler learnt that achieving power through violent putsches was not possible after the failed Munich Putsch.
In the repeat of the 1932 presidential election, what percentage of the vote did Hitler achieve?
In the repeat of the 1932 presidential election, Hitler achieved 36% of the votes. Hitler lost the election. The fact that Hitler achieved 13 million votes scared many moderate parties in the Reichstag.
Why did Chancellor Brüning resign on 30th May 1932?
Brüning resigned because he did not have majority support in the Reichstag. In addition, Hindenburg no longer supported Brüning’s government.
Define the term coalition.
A coalition is a group of two or more political parties working together to win an election or govern a country.
True or False?
The coalition of von Papen and von Schleicher in May 1932 was called the 'Cabinet of Lords'
The coalition of von Papen and von Schleicher was called the 'Cabinet of Barons.' The public created this nickname because this government did not help the lower classes.
In the July 1932 election, the Nazi Party received 38% of the vote. Did this percentage increase or decrease in the November 1932 election?
In the November 1932 election, the NSDAP retained their position as the biggest party but their share of the votes had reduced to 33%.
True or False?
Hitler became Chancellor in December 1932 as he was the leader of the biggest party in the Reichstag.
Out of desperation to avoid a Nazi government, Hindenburg appointed von Schleicher as chancellor on 2nd December 1932.
Define the term military dictatorship.
A military dictatorship is when the armed forces take over the running of the country. They govern the country without elections and with ultimate power.
What caused President Hindenburg to end von Schleicher's government in January 1933?
Von Schleicher called for Hindenburg to suspend the Weimar Constitution. A suspension of the constitution would allow von Schleicher to form a military dictatorship. Hindenburg refused.
What did von Papen suggest on 30th January 1933?
Von Papen suggested that he should be co-chancellor to Hitler's chancellorship. Hindenburg and von Papen believed they had Hitler ‘in their hand’ and could keep him under control.