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After the Second World War, Greece and Turkey were both struggling to prevent a takeover of their governments.
After the Second World War, Greece and Turkey were both struggling to prevent a communist takeover of their governments.
When was the Truman Doctrine announced?
The Truman Doctrine was announced on 12th March 1947.
Define the term Truman Doctrine.
The Truman Doctrine was the idea that countries in Europe had a choice between capitalism and communism. The USA should involve themselves to limit the spread of communism.
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After the Second World War, Greece and Turkey were both struggling to prevent a takeover of their governments.
After the Second World War, Greece and Turkey were both struggling to prevent a communist takeover of their governments.
When was the Truman Doctrine announced?
The Truman Doctrine was announced on 12th March 1947.
Define the term Truman Doctrine.
The Truman Doctrine was the idea that countries in Europe had a choice between capitalism and communism. The USA should involve themselves to limit the spread of communism.
The Truman Doctrine marked the end of the USA's foreign policy of Isolationism and the start of the policy of Containment.
The Truman Doctrine marked the end of the USA's foreign policy of Isolationism and the start of the policy of .
How was the Marshall Plan connected to the Truman Doctrine?
The Marshall Plan gave money to countries who followed the ‘first way’ of the Truman Doctrine and reject communism.
When was the Marshall Plan passed by the US Congress?
In 1948, the Marshall Plan passed by the US Congress.
The Marshall Plan gave away billion to European countries in Western Europe.
The Marshall Plan gave away $13 billion to 16 European countries in Western Europe.
Was Marshall Aid offered to the satellite states of Eastern Europe?
The Marshall Plan was offered to the satellite states of Eastern Europe but Truman knew that Stalin would not allow them to accept the money.
Define the term 'dollar imperialism'.
Dollar imperialism was the belief that the USA used their wealth to create a sphere of influence in Western Europe after the Second World War.
Did the Marshall Plan increase or decrease Cold War tensions?
Stalin called the Marshall Plan ‘dollar imperialism’ because of how the USA was trying to expand its ‘empire’ using money. Stalin saw the system as a threat to communism.
Define the term Cominform.
Cominform was a political organisation created by the Soviet Union. It controlled the communist governments in Eastern Europe.
When was Cominform created?
Cominform was created on 22nd September 1947.
was removed from Cominform in 1948 after growing tensions with the Soviet Union.
Yugoslavia was removed from Cominform in 1948 after growing tensions with the Soviet Union.
Define the term Comecon.
Comecon was economic organisation created by the Soviet Union. It controlled the economies of the satellite states in Eastern Europe.
When was Comecon created?
Comecon was created on 25th January 1949.
Due to Comecon, each member their industries and their agriculture.
Due to Comecon, each member nationalised their industries and collectivised their agriculture.
Did Cominform and Comecon increase or decrease Cold War tensions?
It furthered divided East and West. The West was supported by the USA through the Marshall Plan. The East was supported by the Soviet Union through Cominform and Comecon.
Define the term alliance.
An alliance is a group of countries or political parties who have agreed to work together because of shared interests or aims.
What alliance did the USA create in 1949, partly in response to Cominform and Comecon?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was created by the USA in 1949, partly in response to Cominform and Comecon.
Define NATO.
NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
When was NATO formed?
NATO was formed in April 1949.
The creation of what Soviet organisation in 1949 caused the creation of NATO?
The creation of Comecon caused the creation of NATO.
NATO was a military alliance based on .
NATO was a military alliance based on collective security.
Define collective security.
Collective security is an agreement among a group of nations to protect the others in the event of war. If one member was attacked, all members would defend it.
Was NATO an alliance between Eastern countries?
NATO was an alliance between Western countries.
Did NATO improve or worsen US-Soviet relations?
In 1955, the Soviet Union created its own military alliance.
The division of Germany and Berlin was only meant to be , while a new German government was created.
The division of Germany and Berlin was only meant to be temporary, while a new German government was created.
Define the ACC.
The ACC stands for the Allied Control Commission. This joint organisation was in charge of the running of Germany.
When did the representative for the Soviet Union’s zone stormed out of a meeting held by the ACC?
In March 1948, the representative for the Soviet Union’s zone stormed out of a meeting held by the ACC.
In 1947, the USA and Britain merged their zones to create ‘ ’.
In 1947, the USA and Britain merged their zones to create ‘Bizonia’.
In March 1948, who merged their zone with the USA and Britain to create ‘Trizonia’?
In March 1948, France merged their zone with the USA and Britain to create ‘Trizonia’.
What was the new currency that the three Western countries tried to create in Trizonia in June 1948?
In June 1948, the three Western countries created a new currency for Trizonia known as the Deutschmark.
The Deutschmark broke the agreement made between the Grand Alliance members made at the Conference.
The Deutschmark broke the agreement made between the Grand Alliance members made at the Potsdam Conference.
Did the creation of the Deutschmark increase or decrease Cold War tensions?
Stalin was determined to protect the Soviet zone in Germany and ensure that it remained communist.
Define the term blockade.
A blockade is to surround a country with soldiers or ships to stop people or goods from going in or out.
After Trizonia introduced the Deutschmark in , Stalin wanted to demonstrate that Germany should not be divided.
After Trizonia introduced the Deutschmark in June 1948, Stalin wanted to demonstrate that Germany should not be divided.
Why did transport access impact the Soviet Union's decision to blockade Berlin?
The Allies had to travel through East Germany to access West Berlin. The blockade would prevent Western access to West Berlin.
In , the Soviet Union closed road, rail and canal links across Soviet-controlled Germany.
In June 1948, the Soviet Union closed road, rail and canal links across Soviet-controlled Germany.
At the time of the blockade, how many days worth of food did West Berlin have?
West Berlin only had enough food for 36 days at the time of the blockade.
What did Stalin hope to achieve from the Berlin Blockade?
Stalin hoped that the Western powers would give up their control of West Berlin, which would allow the Soviet Union to control the whole capital.
Why could the Western powers not supply West Berlin by land?
The Western powers could not supply West Berlin by land because it would make them look aggressive and could lead to war.
Which policy was Truman not prepare to abandon during the Berlin Blockade?
Truman was not prepared to abandon the policy of Containment.
It was decided that supplies into West Berlin would be the most effective way to prevent West Berlin from falling into the hands of the Soviet Union.
It was decided that supplies flown into West Berlin would be the most effective way to prevent West Berlin from falling into the hands of the Soviet Union.
When did the Berlin Airlift take place?
The Berlin Airlift took place between June 1948 to May 1949.
Define Operation Vittles.
Operation Vittles was the codename that the West gave to the Berlin Airlift.
How many tons of supplies did the USA and Britain fly into West Berlin every day?
The USA and Britain flew in around 1,000 tons of supplies into West Berlin every day.
How many airports did the Western powers use to fly supplies into West Berlin during the Berlin Blockade?
The Western powers used two airports to fly supplies into West Berlin. The two airports were Berlin-Tempelhof and Berlin-Tegel.
Was the Berlin Blockade resolved by the Western powers agreeing to remove the Deutschmark?
The Allies refused Stalin's offer to end the blockade if they abandoned the Deutschmark.
The longer the airlift went on, the more it became for the Soviet Union.
The longer the airlift went on, the more humiliating it became for the Soviet Union.
Was the Berlin Blockade a success for the West or the East?
The West.
On 9 May 1949, the Soviet Union lifted the Berlin Blockade.
Did the Berlin Blockade increase or decrease tensions between the USA and the Soviet Union?
Even when the Berlin Blockade was lifted, the West's victory created even greater tension between the two ‘superpowers.’
Define the FRG.
The FRG stood for the Federal Republic of Germany.
Which superpower created the FRG?
The USA, alongside the other members of Trizonia, was the superpower created the FRG.
When was the FRG created?
The FRG was created in May 1949.
Define the GDR.
The GDR stood for German Democratic Republic.
Which superpower created the GDR?
The Soviet Union was the superpower created the GDR.
When was the GDR created?
The GDR was created in October 1949.
East Germany and West Germany did not recognise each other as official states until .
East Germany and West Germany did not recognise each other as official states until 1972.
Did the creation of the FRG and GDR increase or decrease Cold War tensions?
The creation of the FRG and the GDR formally divided Germany into two separate states.
When was the Warsaw Pact created?
The Warsaw Pact was created in May 1955.
What event triggered the formation of the Warsaw Pact?
The event that triggered the formation of the Warsaw Pact was the German Federal Republic joining NATO.
The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance based on .
The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance based on collective security.
Define collective security.
Collective security is an agreement among a group of nations to protect the others in the event of war. If one member was attacked, all members would defend it.
Was the Warsaw Pact an alliance between Eastern countries?
The Warsaw Pact was under the command of the Soviet Union.
The Warsaw Pact confirmed the of Europe into two groups.
The Warsaw Pact confirmed the separation of Europe into two groups.
Did the creation of the Warsaw Pact increase or decrease the likelihood of war?
The two military alliances (NATO and the Warsaw Pact) in Europe increased the likelihood of war and led to both groups increasing their military power.