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True or False?
The USA had no interest in Cuba before 1959.
The USA relied on Cuba's sugar and tobacco exports. US businesses also owned all of Cuba's oil refineries, railways and electricity.
In , the US government supported a military coup by Sergeant Fulgencio Batista. Batista became the president of Cuba and was very corrupt.
In 1933, the US government supported a military coup by Sergeant Fulgencio Batista. Batista became the president of Cuba and was very corrupt.
Define a revolutionary in the context of the Cuban Revolution.
A revolutionary is someone who tries to cause or take part in a revolution. In Cuba, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were revolutionaries.
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True or False?
The USA had no interest in Cuba before 1959.
The USA relied on Cuba's sugar and tobacco exports. US businesses also owned all of Cuba's oil refineries, railways and electricity.
In , the US government supported a military coup by Sergeant Fulgencio Batista. Batista became the president of Cuba and was very corrupt.
In 1933, the US government supported a military coup by Sergeant Fulgencio Batista. Batista became the president of Cuba and was very corrupt.
Define a revolutionary in the context of the Cuban Revolution.
A revolutionary is someone who tries to cause or take part in a revolution. In Cuba, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were revolutionaries.
When did Fidel Castro overthrow Batista to form a new government in Cuba?
Fidel Castro overthrow Batista to form a new government in Cuba in January 1959.
What did Castro do in February 1960 that caused tension between Cuba and the USA?
In February 1960, Castro signed a trade agreement with Khrushchev. Secretly, Cuba agreed to buy arms from the Soviet Union.
Define a trade embargo in the context of Cuba in the 1960s.
A trade embargo is when a government bans trade with another country due to political difficulties. In October 1960, Eisenhower began a trade embargo with Cuba.
Define diplomatic relationship in the context of Cuba and the USA in 1961.
A diplomatic relationship is an open communication between countries. The US government ended their diplomatic relationship with Cuba in 1961.
What was the consequence of the USA ending their diplomatic relationship with Cuba in 1961?
The consequence of the USA ending their diplomatic relationship with Cuba in 1961 was Cuba relying on the Soviet Union, rather than the USA, for protection and trade.
How far, in miles, was Cuba from the USA coastline?
Cuba was only 90 miles away from the coast of the USA.
Which American organisation created a plan to overthrow Castro in 1961?
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) created a plan to overthrow Castro in 1961.
When did the Bay of Pigs invasion occur?
The Bay of Pigs invasion occurred on 17th April 1961.
Define a counter-invasion in the context of Cuba in 1961.
A counter-revolution is political activity that happens as a reaction to an earlier political change. The CIA planned to use Cuban exiles to invade Cuba so it would look like a counter-revolution, rather than a US invasion.
In less than 24 hours, the Bay of Pigs invasion force Castro's government.
In less than 24 hours, the Bay of Pigs invasion force surrendered to Castro's government.
Give two reasons why the Bay of Pigs invasion failed.
Two reasons why the Bay of Pigs invasion failed were: The weakness of the CIA/invasion force and the strength of Castro's government.
Did the Bay of Pigs invasion increase or decrease Cold War tensions?
The event was damaging to the USA's reputation and forced Cuba to become closer to the Soviet Union.
What action did Khrushchev do in September 1961 that increased Cold War tensions over Cuba?
The action that Khrushchev did which increased Cold War tensions was to declare that the Soviet Union would give weapons to Cuba.
Kennedy warned Khrushchev not to place on Cuba. Khrushchev assured Kennedy that the Soviet Union would not do this.
Kennedy warned Khrushchev not to place nuclear weapons on Cuba. Khrushchev assured Kennedy that the Soviet Union would not do this.
When did the Cuban Missile Crisis occur?
The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in October 1962.
NATO had missiles pointing at the Soviet Union in . In retaliation, Khrushchev decided to place nuclear weapons in Cuba.
NATO had missiles pointing at the Soviet Union in Turkey. In retaliation, Khrushchev decided to place nuclear weapons in Cuba.
When did a U-2 spy-plane take photographs of missile launch pads in Cuba?
On 14th October 1962, a U-2 spy-plane took photographs of missile launch pads in Cuba.
What options did Kennedy have to deal with missile launch pads on Cuba?
Kennedy had three options to deal with the missile launch pads on Cuba:
Bombing the missile launch sites in Cuba.
Attacking the Soviet ships en route to Cuba.
Planning a US invasion of Cuba.
What was the name given to the period of 16th October to 28th October 1962?
The name given to the period of 16th October to 28th October 1962 was the 'Thirteen Days'.
Define ExComm.
ExComm stands for Executive Committee. Kennedy assembled an ExComm to discuss the US reaction to Cuba on 16th November 1962.
Define a naval blockade in the context of Cuba in 1962.
A naval blockade is using ships to surround a country, not allowing access to it by sea. On 22nd October, Kennedy established a naval blockade around Cuba.
True or False?
When the Soviet ships reached the naval blockade around Cuba, they turned around.
The Soviet ships reached the blockade on 24th November 1962 and turned around. This allowed the US and the Soviet Union to reach an agreement to end the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Did the US public know that the agreement to end the Cuban Missile Crisis involved the USA removing their missiles from Turkey?
The US public had no knowledge of the removal of the US missiles in Turkey. This ruined Khrushchev's reputation.
What was the name of the direct communications line between Moscow and Washington that was established after the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Moscow and Washington established a direct communications line with each other called the 'hotline'.
The Test Ban Treaty in banned the testing of nuclear weapons in space, underwater and in the atmosphere.
The Test Ban Treaty in August 1963 banned the testing of nuclear weapons in space, underwater and in the atmosphere.
What were the effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis on Khrushchev’s leadership?
The Cuban Missile Crisis had a significant impact on Khrushchev's leadership. Khrushchev's popularity decreased and he was removed from power in 1964 for what was seen as a Soviet failure.