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When did Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins produce an X-ray image of DNA?
Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins produced an X-ray image of DNA in 1951.
True or False?
The discovery of DNA allowed scientists to discover the causes of hereditary diseases.
The discovery of DNA allowed scientists to discover the causes of hereditary diseases. This later allowed scientists to use the Human Genome Project to understand what combinations of DNA caused hereditary diseases.
Who were the two scientists who created the electron microscope in 1931?
The electron microscope was created by Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll in 1931. This microscope helped scientists to see DNA and study its structure.
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When did Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins produce an X-ray image of DNA?
Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins produced an X-ray image of DNA in 1951.
True or False?
The discovery of DNA allowed scientists to discover the causes of hereditary diseases.
The discovery of DNA allowed scientists to discover the causes of hereditary diseases. This later allowed scientists to use the Human Genome Project to understand what combinations of DNA caused hereditary diseases.
Who were the two scientists who created the electron microscope in 1931?
The electron microscope was created by Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll in 1931. This microscope helped scientists to see DNA and study its structure.
In the 1950 study about the correlation between smoking and lung cancer rates in men and women. Who was more likely to develop lung cancer?
The 1950 study revealed that men were more likely to develop lung cancer than women as they smoked more often.
True or False?
Studies in the late 1990s/ early 2000s discovered that second- hand smoking was not harmful to a person's health.
Studies in the late 1990s/ early 2000s discovered that second- hand smoking was harmful to a person's health. Second- hand smokers are more likely to develop asthma and lung cancers than those who are not around cigarette smoke.
In the 21st study on why a healthy diet is important, what disease was more likely to occur from eating too much sugar?
The 21st study on why a healthy diet is important stated Type 2 diabetes was more likely to occur from eating too much sugar.
In the 1930s were blood tests used to diagnose a range of conditions?
In the 1930s blood tests were used to diagnose a range of conditions without surgery.
In modern medicine, what is an ECG?
In modern medicine, ECG stands for Electro Cardiograms. This machine can monitor heart activity and check for irregular heartbeats.
How do people who suffer from diabetes in the 21st century regulate and control their insulin levels?
People who suffer from diabetes in the 21st century regulate and control their insulin levels by using blood sugar monitors and can administer themselves through injections or automated insulin pumps.
What does the early 20th- century term "magic bullet" mean?
The early 20th-century term "magic bullet" is the idea that one chemical treatment could attack harmful bacteria without hurting the rest of the body.
What was the world's first "magic bullet"?
The world's first "magic bullet" was Salvarsan 606 discovered in 1909 by Paul Ehrlich and a Japanese scientist Hata as a cure for syphilis.
What did scientist Gerhard Domagk discover in 1932?
In 1932Gerhard Domagk discovered that a red dye called Prontosil killed infections in mice. This was tested on Domagk's daughter who was dying from blood poisoning and Prontosil saved her life.
Define staphylococcus.
Staphylococcus is a type of bacteria that can cause blood poisoning and toxic shock syndrome. In the early 20th century staphylococcus developed resistance to "magic bullets"
True or False?
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin during a carefully observed trial in his laboratory.
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin after returning from a holiday and found a petri dish that contained the staphylococcus bacteria had mould in the petri dish. This mould prevented staphylococcus from growing.
Why were Howard Florey and Ernst Chain given £25.00 by the British government during the Second World War?
Howard Florey and Ernst Chain were given £25.00 by the British government during the Second World War because in 1940 they had successfully tested penicillin on mice. Their research caught the attention of the British government which was looking for an effective treatment against infection.
Did penicillin have a positive effect on the end of the Second World War?
By 1945, the US Army had access to two million doses of penicillin per month. An estimated 50% of wounded soldiers survived their injuries because of penicillin.
Why has bacteria like MRSA become a danger to public health in the 21st century?
Bacteria like MRSA become a danger to public health in the 21st century because some bacteria have become resistant to penicillin. They have become resistant because doctors have been prescribing antibiotics too often.
Define Laparoscopic Surgery.
Laparoscopic Surgery is an operation that can be completed through smaller incisions using cameras, also known as keyhole surgery. This helps the body heal from surgery more quickly
When in the 20th century, was the National Health Service (NHS) launched?
The National Health Service (NHS) was launched in 1948 by Aneurin Bevan and the Labour government.
True or False?
GPs supported the creation of the National Health Service (NHS) in the 20th century.
GPs did not support the creation of the National Health Service (NHS) in the 20th century. They were concerned about the loss of income and increased demand.
By 1990 had deaths by infectious diseases fallen to less than 1%?
In 1900, 25% of all deaths were the result of infectious diseases. By 1990 deaths by infectious diseases fell to less than 1%.
True or False?
The government's role in illness prevention in the Medieval period was the same as in the 20th and 21st centuries.
In the Medieval period, the government did not introduce any laws to improve public health, while in the 20th and 21st centuries, the government took an active role in preventing disease through legislation and campaigns.
What were the two main reasons why the government ended its laissez-faire attitudes in the 20th century?
The two main reasons why the government ended its laissez-faire attitudes in the 20th century were because they understood what caused disease and there were more methods to preventing disease.
True or False?
The 20th century saw the implementation of more vaccination programmes.
The 20th century saw the implementation of more vaccination programmes such as whooping cough (1950), tetanus (1961), measles (1968), and rubella (1970).
Name three methods of disease prevention used by the British government in the 21st century.
Three methods of disease prevention used by the British government in the 21st century are compulsory vaccination, new Public Health Laws, and better communication about health risks.
When did the British government introduce the polio vaccine?
The British government introduced the polio vaccine in 1962. The last case of polio in Britain was in 1984.
What does HPV stand for?
HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus, a virus that can cause cervical cancer. A report in 2021 stated that the HPV vaccine had resulted in an 87% reduction in cervical cancer cases
Why do some people in the 21st century choose not to vaccinate their children?
Some people in the 21st century choose not to vaccinate their children due to:
A dislike of government interference
A lack of trust in medical professionals
The belief that vaccines are unsafe
What is the Clean Air Act?
The Clean Air Act was legislation passed by the British government in 1956 and 1968 to improve air quality and reduce respiratory diseases caused by air pollution
Why in the 21st century, did the British government place a larger emphasis on the public attempting to prevent some diseases themselves?
The British government placed a larger emphasis on the public attempting to prevent some diseases themselves in the 21st century because science linked lifestyle to illnesses and the demand for the NHS increased.
True or False?
The British government created healthy living campaigns such as Stopober to educate the public about healthy living in the 21st century.
The British government created healthy living campaigns such as 'Stopober' to educate the public about healthy living in the 21st century. They also created adverts about the dangers of smoking and the Change4Life campaign in 2015.
True or False?
Lung cancer is easy to diagnose.
Lung cancer is very hard to diagnose. Patients can mistake their symptoms for other diseases and cancerous tumours in the lungs are hard to detect.
What is a CT scan used for in lung cancer diagnosis?
A CT scan is used to create clearer images of the lungs for detecting cancer.
Define PET-CT scan.
PET-CT scan is a diagnostic imaging technique using a combination of positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) to detect cancerous cells.
How many pathways are there to diagnose lung cancer?
Two pathways.
A patient with symptoms of lung cancer first has a PET-CT scan then a doctor will perform a bronchoscopy.
True or False?
Cancer is measured in stages between 1 and 5.
Cancer is measured in stages between 1 and 4. Stage 1 cancer is small and in one area and stage 4 cancer is advanced.
Define radiotherapy.
Radiotherapy is the process of aiming radiation at a tumour to reduce its size.
What side effects can chemotherapy have on patients?
Chemotherapy can cause severe side effects such as:
Extreme sickness
Hair loss
A higher risk of catching infections
True or False?
If cancer has spread within the lung, patients can not receive a healthy lung from a donor.
If cancer has spread within the lung, patients can receive a healthy lung from a donor. However, patients can recover without a transplant as humans can survive with only one lung.
Define pharmacogenomics.
Pharmacogenomics is when scientists adapt treatments to suit each individual's DNA structure.
True or False?
Deaths linked to smoking were costing the National Health Service (NHS) £165 million a year.
Deaths linked to smoking were costing the National Health Service (NHS) £165 million a year. This resulted in the British government to take action against smoking.
Name two ways the British government approached lung cancer prevention in the 21st century.
The British government approached lung cancer prevention in the 21st century by influencing public behaviour and passing laws to change public behaviour or face punishment.