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What relation was Mary of Guise to Mary, Queen of Scots?
Mary of Guise was Mary, Queen of Scots mother. Mary of Guise ruled Scotland on behalf of Mary, Queen of Scotland.
When did the Scottish Protestant lords rebel against Mary of Guise?
The Scottish Protestant lords rebelled against Mary of Guise in 1559.
Why did Elizabeth secretly send money and troops to the Scottish rebels during the rebellion against Mary of Guise?
Elizabeth secretly sent money and troops to the Scottish rebels as there was a threat of France invading England through Scotland.
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What relation was Mary of Guise to Mary, Queen of Scots?
Mary of Guise was Mary, Queen of Scots mother. Mary of Guise ruled Scotland on behalf of Mary, Queen of Scotland.
When did the Scottish Protestant lords rebel against Mary of Guise?
The Scottish Protestant lords rebelled against Mary of Guise in 1559.
Why did Elizabeth secretly send money and troops to the Scottish rebels during the rebellion against Mary of Guise?
Elizabeth secretly sent money and troops to the Scottish rebels as there was a threat of France invading England through Scotland.
When was the Treaty of Edinburgh signed?
The Treaty of Edinburgh was signed in 1560.
Mary, Queen of Scots returned to Scotland in after her husband, King Francis II of France, died.
Mary, Queen of Scots returned to Scotland in 1561 after her husband, King Francis II of France, died.
Define the term treaty.
A treaty is a written agreement between two or more countries, formally approved and signed by their governments.
True or False?
When Mary, Queen of Scots returned to Scotland, she had unlimited power.
When Mary, Queen of Scots returned to Scotland, she had no real power as the Scottish lords controlled the government.
What relation was Mary, Queen of Scots to Elizabeth I?
Mary, Queen of Scots was Elizabeth's second cousin.
Why did Mary, Queen of Scots' background give her a stronger claim to the English throne than Elizabeth's claim?
Mary, Queen of Scots claim to the English throne was stronger than Elizabeth's as Mary's parent's James V and Mary of Guise were married before and after Mary's birth in 1542.
Which European monarch supported Mary, Queen of Scots claim to the English throne?
King Phillip II of Spain supported Mary, Queen of Scots claim to the English throne.
True or False?
Many English Catholics believed that Mary, Queen of Scots was not the rightful heir to the English throne.
When Mary I died in 1558, many English Catholics believed that Mary, Queen of Scots was the rightful heir.
When did Mary, Queen of Scots marry Henry Stuart (Lord Darnley)?
Mary, Queen of Scots married Henry Stuart (Lord Darnley) in 1565.
True or False?
Elizabeth I was happy with Mary, Queen of Scots marrying Lord Darnley?
Elizabeth I was unhappy with the marriage between Mary, Queen of Scots and Lord Darnley. Elizabeth sought to marry Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester to Mary, Queen of Scots.
When was Lord Darnley murdered?
Lord Darnley was murdered in 1567.
Who was blamed for the murder of Lord Darnley?
Mary, Queen of Scots and the Earl of Bothwell were blamed for the murder of Lord Darnley.
True or False?
Earl of Bothwell was not popular amongst the Scottish nobles.
Earl of Bothwell was not popular amongst the Scottish nobles. They believed Bothwell was violent and power-hungry.
When did the Scottish nobles declare a civil war on Mary, Queen of Scots?
The Scottish nobles declared a civil war on Mary, Queen of Scots on 15th June 1567.
After Mary, Queen of Scots was forced to abdicate in 1567, who took over the Scottish throne?
James, Mary, Queen of Scots's 13-month old son, was made King of Scotland after Mary, Queen of Scots' abdication. The Scottish nobles ruled on his behalf.
When Mary, Queen of Scots escaped from Scotland to England in 1567, which castle was she taken to by the local officials?
When Mary, Queen of Scots escaped from Scotland and fled to England in 1567 she was taken to Carlisle Castle by local officials.
When Mary, Queen of Scots arrived in England, how to Elizabeth's government respond to the news?
When Mary, Queen of Scots arrived in England, Elizabeth's government was angry. Mary's arrival increased the threat posed to Elizabeth by Catholics in Europe and England against Elizabeth.
Define the term usurp.
The term usurp means to take power by force.
When did Mary, Queen of Scots arrive in England?
Mary, Queen of Scots arrived in England in 1568.
If Elizabeth chose to return Mary, Queen of Scots to the Scottish lords, they may have imprisoned or Mary, Queen of Scots.
If Elizabeth chose to return Mary, Queen of Scots to the Scottish lords, they may have imprisoned or murdered Mary, Queen of Scots.
What potential negative consequences might Elizabeth face if she had decided to support Mary, Queen of Scots in reclaiming the Scottish throne?
If Elizabeth decided to support Mary, Queen of Scots in reclaiming the Scottish throne, Mary could use her army to overthrow Elizabeth.
The 'casket letters' proved that Mary had with Bothwell to kill Darnley.
The 'casket letters' proved that Mary had plotted with Bothwell to kill Darnley.
Why did Elizabeth refuse to allow the English court to make a decision about whether Mary, Queen of Scots was guilty of murdering Lord Darnley?
Elizabeth refused to allow the English court to make a decision because if Mary was found guilty, Elizabeth would be responsible for overthrowing an appointed monarch. If found innocent, Mary could gain support to overthrow Elizabeth.
How many years was Mary, Queen of Scots imprisoned in England?
Mary, Queen of Scots was imprisoned in England for 19 years.