Syllabus Edition
First teaching 2016
·Last exams 2025
All Collections
c1250-c1500 The Middle Ages
The Medical Renaissance, c1500-c1700
Medicine in Britain in the 18th & 19th Century
Medicine in Modern Britain
The British Sector of the Western Front: Context
The British Sector of the Western Front: Injuries
The British Sector of the Western Front: Treatment
Improvements in Medicine & Surgery on the Western Front
c1000-c1500: Crime & Punishment in Medieval England
c1500-c1700: Crime & Punishment in Early Modern England
c1700-c1900: Crime & Punishment in Eighteenth & Nineteenth-Century Britain
c1900-Present: Crime & Punishment in Modern Britain
Context: Whitechapel in the 19th Century
Policing Whitechapel
The Whitechapel Murders, 1888
Anglo-Saxon England under Edward the Confessor
Edward the Confessor's Final Years
Edward the Confessor's Death & Succession Crisis
The Battles of 1066
How did William the Conqueror Establish His Control of England in 1066?
Resistance to William the Conqueror, 1068-1075
How did Resistance Affect How William Governed Norman England?
Life in Norman England, 1066-1088