The 16 Mark "How Far do you Agree" Question: The Inter-War Years (Q4) (AQA GCSE History)
Revision Note
Summary of Question Four
Question Four requires you to evaluate the statement in the question
You need to evaluate the importance of the statement given in the question against other reasons
These other reasons will not be mentioned in the question
The question can be based on cause, consequence, change and/or continuity
Amount of marks | 16 + 4 SPaG |
The time that you should spend on the question | No more than 25 minutes Spend 5 minutes planning Spend 20 minutes writing |
An example of the type of question you may encounter can be seen below:
In previous years, this question has focused on the following topics:
Year of Exam | Question Topic |
2018 | |
2019 | |
2020 | |
2021 | |
2022 | |
Sample 1 | How the Nazi-Soviet Pact caused World War Two |
Sample 2 | The military terms of the Treaty of Versailles |
Making judgements in History
The 16-mark question relies on your ability to weigh all the evidence and state your opinion. Students often find this part the hardest to do
There are some common mistakes students make when making a judgement, they include:
Not giving a clear judgement. Students do this by:
Explaining that all of the reasons are the most important
Failing to decide which factor is the most important
Using language in their answer which is not decisive e.g. “kind of” or “maybe”
Contradicting your judgements
Students sometimes haven’t planned their answers properly. They start to write their answer with one judgement and then change their opinion halfway through
Doing this means that there is not a sustained judgement and you can not access Level 4 (10- 12 marks)
Good judgements will:
Explain which reason is the most important
There is no "right" or "wrong" answer in history
If you are unsure of your opinion, pick the side of the argument that you have better or more evidence to support
Consider other reasons
Even if you fully believe a reason is the most important, you still need to present evidence for other reasons
Be sustained throughout your answer
They should be used to structure your answer and help you explain
This is why planning your answer is important
Try to explore the relationships between causes/ changes/ factors/ consequences that you have presented in your argument
This will help you to evaluate your argument
For the example question, when evaluating why Germans hated the Treaty of Versailles, you could argue that the War Guilt Clause was the main cause of this hatred. In your answer, you could highlight the military restrictions and the £6.6 billion reparation bill
What Makes a Great Conclusion in GCSE History?
Conclusions are usually where most of your judgement marks will be awarded
Students often rush their conclusions so they are not as developed as they could be
All great conclusions have these three elements:
Judgement – Start with your opinion. Try to include the words from the question. Consider second-order concepts like short- and long-term consequences, change and continuity and significance
Counter – Give an example from the other side of the argument to show your awareness of this
Support – Explain why, after considering all the evidence, you have reached your judgement. Use your best piece of evidence to show your opinion
How to get SPaG Marks
In Paper 1B, students have access to an additional four marks for answering Question 4
This is awarded for SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
SPaG marks are allocated in the following categories:
SPaG mark | Reason for this mark |
0 |
1 |
2-3 |
4 |
You can boost your SPaG marks by:
Ensuring key terms mentioned in the question are spelt correctly in your answer
Making sure that you use paragraphs in your answer
Allowing yourself an appropriate amount of time to re-read your answer to check for mistakes
Reading the answer in your head as if you were speaking it. Where you would take a breath, make sure there is a comma or full stop
How to Answer a "How Far do you Agree" Question
The "How far do you agree" question will present you with a statement which you have to create a substantiated judgement around
For the example question, this is:
"'The loss of territory was the main reason why Germans hated the Treaty of Versailles.' How far do you agree with this statement?"
To answer this question successfully you should
Read the answer carefully and multiple times (if you have the time)
Annotate the question to find the key demands of the question
Plan your answer
In your plan include what key knowledge you wish to use and an outline of your argument
This will help you to create a sustained judgement
To achieve Levels 3 and 4 (9-16 marks) you must discuss the stated reason in the question
If the question was on the remilitarisation of the Rhineland, you must discuss this event in one of your paragraphs
“How Far do you Agree” Question structure
Your answer should consist of:
Specific knowledge
Relevant evidence
Substantiated judgement
A conclusion
If you want to include an introduction you can, but it is not necessary
Your answers could be written in PEEL paragraphs:
P - Make a point about the question
This should include your judgement
E - Use evidence that supports the point that you have made
Evidence needs to be relevant and specific
E - Explain why this evidence supports your point
L - Link your explanation back to the question by stating how it or is not the most important reason
To achieve Level 4 (13-16 marks), you should aim to write three paragraphs and a conclusion
Worked Example of a “How Far do you Agree” Question
Worked Example
'The loss of territory was the main reason why Germans hated the Treaty of Versailles.'
How far do you agree with this statement?
[16 marks + 4 SPaG]
The loss of territory was not the main reason Germany hated the Treaty of Versailles. In the Treaty of Versailles, Germany lost 13% of its land. This meant that many German and German-speaking people were no longer a part of Germany. Furthermore, land that was rich in natural resources and essential to the German economy was taken away and given to other countries, such as Alsace Lorraine which was returned to France and the Saar. Germany also lost its African colonies and was given to France and Britain. Many Germans disliked the loss of German territory terms of the Treaty of Versailles as it left Germany vulnerable, weak and economically poor. However, this was not the main reason Germans hated the Treaty of Versailles as this did not impact a majority of German people.
The main reason why the Germans hated the Treaty of Versailles was due to the War Guilt Clause. Article 231 stated that Germany and the German people were to blame for the war. This made the German people humiliated as they felt that this was unfair because Germany did not start the war, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia first and it was the Kaiser and the German government who declared war, not the German people. Many German people hated the Weimar Government calling them the "November Criminals". In subsequent years, the German people rebelled against the Weimar Government for signing the "Diktat" which created instability in Germany. Therefore, the main reason why the Germans hated the Treaty of Versailles was the War Guilt Clause because the Germans saw it as unfair. The German people did not understand that the Weimar Government had no choice but to sign the armistice and the Treaty of Versailles, the war would have continued which Germany, unknown to the German people, could not have continued with.
Another reason why the German people hated the Treaty of Versailles was due to the reparations. The terms of the Treaty of Versailles stated that Germany had to pay back £6.6 billion in reparations to the Allied forces. After the war, Germany struggled to pay the reparations due to the loss of territories and a weak economy. The German people hated the reparations as it resulted in the occupations of the Ruhr, hyperinflation and the increase of radical political groups in Germany, such as the Nazis which almost destroyed Germany in the 1920s and ended democracy in the 1930s. This was not the main reason the German people disliked the Treaty of Versailles because the Weimar Government were able to reduce the payments through the Dawes and the Young Plan which reduced the impact of the reparations on the German people.
Overall, the main reason why the German people hated the Treaty of Versailles was because of the War Guilt Clause. This was the main reason because it created so much hatred in Germany which had such negative effects on Germany such as the instability and hatred towards the Weimar Republic which resulted in groups like the Nazi Party gaining popularity and eventually power. The loss of territory was not the main reason for the German's hatred towards the Treaty of Versailles because the impact of the loss of territory did not affect the majority of German people as the War Guilt Clause did.
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