The 8 Mark "Write an Account" Question: The Gulf & Afghanistan (Q3) (AQA GCSE History)

Revision Note

Zoe Wade


Zoe Wade



Summary of Question Three 

  • Question Three requires you to explain the sequence or connections of the event or issue outlined 

  • You also need to analyse how the event or issue impacted a wider development in the course

  • For the wider world depth study, this question will focus on cause and consequence 

Amount of marks 


The time that you should spend on the question 

No more than 10 minutes

  • An example of the type of question you may encounter can be seen below:

Question Three for The Gulf & Afghanistan, 1990-2009
An example of Question Three in Paper 1B
  • In previous years, this question has focused on the following topics: 

Year of Exam 

Question Topic 


The 11th September attacks led to an international crisis in 2001


The actions of the Taliban in Afghanistan led to opposition in the West, 1996 to 2001


The end of the Iran-Iraq War led to problems in the region


No paper available


Saddam Hussein’s treatment of the Kurds and Shia Muslims in

Iraq led to problems in the Gulf.

Sample 1

Saddam Hussein’s occupation of Kuwait became an international crisis in 1991

Sample 2

The difficulties faced by weapons inspectors in Iraq became an international crisis in 2002 and 2003

How to Explain Cause & Consequence 

  • Cause and consequence is a second-order concept 

  • Causes and consequences are like falling dominos

    • The causes are what push the dominos over

      • For the example question, a cause of the actions of the Taliban in Afghanistan was Sharia Law

    • The consequences are the other dominos that fall

      • For the example question, a consequence of the actions of the Taliban in Afghanistan was the 9/11 attacks

  • Cause and consequence can be directly linked and can be used to help explain the relationship between events, issues or developments 

Hand labeled "Cause" pushes domino labeled "Event One," causing it to topple into "Event Two," and then "Event Three," all under the label "Consequences."
An illustration showing causes and consequences in history as a set of dominos


  • A cause in history is usually something that resulted in an event or issue to happen

    • For example, a cause of tensions in the Gulf was disagreements over oil prices 

  • There can be multiple causes of a single event

    • Some can be short-term and long-term 

  • A cause does not always have to be something which happened before the event or issue happened 

    • For example, a cause of tension in Afghanistan was the presence of US troops which lasted until 2010


  • A consequence in history is something which has happened in response to the cause 

  • Consequences can be:

    • Different for different groups of people 

      • E.g. the consequences of the Iraq War affected the Shia, the Kurds and the Sunni communities in different ways

    • Short and long-term 

    • Both positive and negative 

  • When explaining cause and consequences you may want to use causation connectives such as:

    • Due to 

    • As a result

    • Consequently

  • For the wider depth study, you may want to revise key events by organising them into cause and consequence, as it will help you to answer this question

“Write an Account” Question Structure 

  • Your answer should consist of: 

    • Specific and relevant knowledge 

    • A demonstration of the cause and consequence of the event or issue

    • An explanation of how the event or issue mentioned in the question impacted the wider development of the topic

  • Your answers could be written in PEE paragraphs: 

    • P- Make a point about the question

    • E- Include knowledge to support the point you have made

      • Focused on the group or development mentioned in the question 

      • Show knowledge to demonstrate cause and/or consequence

    • E- Explain the question

      • Focus on the key demands of the questions 

      • Include a complex explanation showing your understanding of cause and/or consequence 

  • To achieve full marks, you need to repeat this twice 

  • It is tempting in this question to write your answer like a story, do not do this 

    • The question is asking you to explain the causes and consequences 

Worked Example of a “Write an Account” Question

Worked Example

Write an account of how the actions of the Taliban in Afghanistan led to opposition in the West, 1996 to 2001.

[8 marks]


One way the actions of the Taliban in Afghanistan led to opposition in the West was the enforcement of Sharia law. Sharia law is an Islamic legal system based on the Quran. It acts as a code of conduct for modern Muslims to adhere to. From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban created a strict version of Sharia law. This ranged from banning music to punishments such as public stonings, whippings and hangings. Consequently, the West opposed the Taliban as their interpretation of Sharia law was considered an extreme abuse of Afghan people’s human rights. It caused so much international outrage that many Western countries did not legally or politically recognise the Taliban regime as the rightful leader of Afghanistan. Therefore, the Taliban’s use of Sharia law caused significant political opposition from the West.

Another way the actions of the Taliban caused Western opposition was the Taliban’s support of jihadi groups. Jihad is the Islamic concept of a holy war, with an extreme version being the right to defend Islam using force if necessary. Groups like al-Queda and jihadi leaders such as Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri received special treatment in Afghanistan. They were given areas to create al-Qaeda training bases. As a result, this angered the West as jihadi groups targeted the West in terrorist attacks such as attempts to sink a US ship the USS Cole in Yemen in 2000 and eventually the 9/11 attacks. Therefore, Western countries believed Afghanistan was a threat to world peace and just as bad as the jihadi groups that they were protecting.

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Zoe Wade

Author: Zoe Wade

Zoe has worked in education for 10 years as a teaching assistant and a teacher. This has given her an in-depth perspective on how to support all learners to achieve to the best of their ability. She has been the Lead of Key Stage 4 History, showing her expertise in the Edexcel GCSE syllabus and how best to revise. Ever since she was a child, Zoe has been passionate about history. She believes now, more than ever, the study of history is vital to explaining the ever-changing world around us. Zoe’s focus is to create accessible content that breaks down key historical concepts and themes to achieve GCSE success.