Coastal Landscapes (Edexcel GCSE Geography B)

Revision Note

Jacque Cartwright

Written by: Jacque Cartwright

Reviewed by: Bridgette Barrett

Geological Structure & Rock Type

  • The coast can be defined as the meeting point between the land and sea

  • Coastal processes are divided into two parts:

    • Marine processes: Offshore (water-based)

    • Terrestrial processes: Onshore (land-based)

  • These processes are further divided into:

    • Wave action

    • Erosion

    • Transportation

    • Weathering

    • Mass movement

  • Together with the local geology, these processes produce distinctive landforms around the coastline

  • A coastline made up of softer rocks such as sands and clays will be easily eroded by destructive waves to form low, flat landscapes such as bays and beaches

  • Coastlines of more resistant, harder rock will take longer to erode and produce rugged landscapes such as headlands

  • Joints and faults expose rock to erosion and weathering

  • The differences between hard and soft rocks will also impact the shape and characteristics of cliffs

The Effects of Rock Type on the Coastline


Hard Rock

Soft Rock

Shape of cliff

High and steep

Generally lower and less steep

Cliff face

Bare rock and rugged

Smoother; evidence of slumping

Foot of cliff

Boulders and rocks

Few rocks; some sand and mud

  • Concordant coastlines are made up of the same rock type, running parallel to the sea, these coastlines produce coves 

  • Discordant coastlines have alternating bands of rock perpendicular to the sea, these types of coastlines form headlands and bays

  • Geology, therefore, shapes the coastline vertically through the height and profile of a cliff and horizontally with bays and headlands

Examiner Tips and Tricks

Make sure you know the difference between the four types of erosion, particularly between abrasion (corrasion) and attrition. So many students confuse these two terms. A tip for you, is to think of abrasion as rubbing with sandpaper or maybe you have grazed your knees or elbows when you fell off your bike/skateboard?  Those grazes were abrasions on your knees/elbows etc. 

Erosional Landforms

Types of erosion

  • Destructive waves are responsible for the majority of erosion that happens along a coast

  • They cut into the coastline in four ways:

    • Hydraulic Action 

    • Attrition

    • Corrosion 

    • Abrasion 

  • The effects of attrition are enhanced when the waves move sediment further and longer

    • A large, rough bolder is eventually eroded into round sand grains (quartz) the longer it stays in the water and the further it travels along the coast

  • Rounded pebbles on a beach are known as a shingle

Headlands and bays

  • Occur where there are alternating bands of hard and soft rocks run perpendicular to oncoming waves (discordant coastline)

  • At first, the soft rock (e.g. clay) is eroded backward, forming an inlet

  • As the inlet continues to erode it curves inwards, and a bay is formed, usually with a beach

  • The hard rock (e.g. limestone) is left protruding out to sea as a headland

  • A headland usually features:

    • Cliffs along its sides

    • Projects out to sea

    • Usually longer than it is wide

    • Geology is of resistant rock

  • A bay usually has:

    • A wide, open entrance from the sea

    • A roughly, semi-circular shape extending into the coastline

    • Land that is lower than the headlands surrounding it

    • A bay may or may not have a beach

Diagram of headland and bay formation on a discordant coastline, showing layers of soft and hard rock, wave direction, and deposition in bays.
The formation of headlands and bays on discordant coastlines

Cliffs and wave-cut platforms

  • Cliffs are shaped through erosion and weathering processes

  • Soft rock erodes quickly and will form sloping cliff faces

  • Steep cliffs are formed where there is hard rock facing the sea

  • A wave-cut platform is a wide gently sloped surface found at the foot of a cliff:

    • As the sea attacks the base of a cliff between the high and low water mark, a wave-cut notch is formed

    • Abrasion, corrosion and hydraulic action further extend the notch back into the cliff

    • The undercutting of the cliff leads to instability and collapse of the cliff

    • The backwash of the waves, carries away the eroded material, leaving behind a wave-cut platform

    • The process repeats and the cliff continues to retreat, leading to a coastal retreat

Diagram of a cliff and wave-cut platform showing cliff retreat, wave-cut notch, and positions of original and new cliff face above sea levels.
The process of cliff retreat and wave-cut platform formation

Caves, arches, and stacks 

  • These form in a headland because of wave action and sub-aerial weathering

  • As waves approach the shore, their speed is reduced as they move along the sea floor

  • This changes the angle of the waves, and they will turn so the crest becomes parallel to the coast - known as wave refraction

  • This refraction concentrates erosive action on all sides of the headland

  •  The erosional processes of hydraulic power, abrasion and some corrosion begin to attack any weaknesses in the headland

  • As the crack begins to widen, abrasion will begin to wear away at the forming cave

  • The cave will become larger and eventually breaks through the headland to form an arch

  • The base of the arch continually becomes wider and thinner through erosion below and weathering from above

  • Eventually, the roof of the arch collapses, leaving behind an isolated column of rock called a stack

  • The stack is undercut at the base by wave action and sub-aerial weathering above, until it collapses to form a stump

Diagram illustrating coastal erosion: crack forms, enlarges to a cave, breaks into a natural arch, collapses into a stack, erodes to a stump.
The formation of a cave, arch, stack and stump

Examiner Tips and Tricks

Make sure that you can draw and annotate the formation of a cave, arch, stack and stump as it is a popular question in the exams.

Remember that attrition is not part of the formation of this feature; attrition is the knocking together of rocks to smooth and round them. 

Corrosion is an active part of the formation of these features, as all salt water is slightly acidic and most rock contains some soluble minerals that will react with the salt water. 

Sub-aerial weathering (from above) also contributes to the collapse of the arch and stack.

UK's Coastal Climate

UK's overall climate

  • The UK has a temperate maritime climate

  • This means a mild, seasonal climate-cool, wet winters and warm wet summers

  • Continentality, the North Atlantic Drift and air masses affect the UK weather

    • Continentality:

      • Coastal areas are warmer in winter and cooler in summer 

      • Seas take up the heat in the summer, cooling the surrounding land

      • During the winter, the heat is released, keeping the coastal land warmer

    • North Atlantic Drift:

      • Ocean currents bringing warm waters from the Caribbean to the west coast of the UK

      • This keeps the west coast of the UK warmer than other regions of the UK

    • Air Masses:

      • Large volumes of air with similar water content and temperatures

      • Classified by the region where they form: 

        • Arctic or Polar cold air

        • Tropical warm air

        • Maritime wet air

        • Continental dry air

  • Five types of air masses that bring different weather to the UK:

The UK's Air Masses

Air Mass


Polar Maritime

Cold and wet

Arctic Maritime

Very cold and wet

Polar Continental

Cold and dry

Tropical Continental

Warm and dry

Tropical Maritime

Warm and wet

Impact of UK climate on coastal erosion

  • The UK's climate impacts coastal erosion in the following ways:

    • Th UK seasons affect the rate of weathering and erosion

      • Cold temperatures lead to freeze-thaw weathering on cliff faces, increasing rock falls

      • Winds are stronger in winter than in summer and stronger winds give energy to waves

    • Prevailing winds in the UK are from the south-west

      • This brings frequent rainfall and increases the rate of weathering

    • Storm frequency is high in many areas of the UK

      • Coasts are exposed to strong winds which increases destructive wave power 

      • Rainfall is heavily leading to flooding and increases in the mass movement

Worked Example

Explain how the climate of the UK can contribute to coastal erosion.

(4 marks) 


  • The UK's climate is considered to be temperate maritime, (1) meaning summers are warm and wet and winters are mild and wet. (1) The south-west prevailing winds bring frequent rainfall to the country, leading to increased erosion, weathering and mass movement along the coast. (1)

  • Storm frequency is high, which brings heavy rainfall and strong winds that increase the destructive power of the waves. (1)

  • During the winter the UK frequently sees temperatures dip below freezing at night and then rise above 0°C by day. (1) This repeated freezing and thawing, results in weathering of cliff faces and headlands adding to erosion and cliff collapse. (1)

Wave Types & Characteristics

Wave action

  • Waves are marine processes that erode, transport and deposit material

  • Waves are formed as winds blow over the surface of the sea 

  • The height and strength of a wave is dependent on 3 factors:

    • The fetch 

    • The amount of time the wind blows

    • The strength of the wind

  • The greater the strength, time and fetch of the wind, the larger the wave

  • As a wave enters the shallow water of the coast, friction from the seabed causes the wave to lean forward and eventually will crest and break onto the beach 

  • The movement of water up the beach is called the swash, and the return movement is the backwash

  • There are two types of waves:

    • Destructive waves erode the beach

      • They have a short wavelength, high-frequency rate and a steep wave gradient

      • Their backwash is stronger than their swash, which scours the beach, dragging material out to sea 

    • Constructive waves are beach builders

      • They have a long wavelength, low-frequency rate and a shallow wave gradient

      • The swash is stronger than its backwash, which carries material up onto the beach and deposits it there  

Comparison of Wave Type











Long with low height

Short with high height


Low (6-8 per minute)

High (10-12 per minute)

Type of beach

Sandy - depositional 

Shingle - erosional

Diagram comparing constructive and destructive waves. Constructive waves build beaches; destructive waves cause erosion. Includes arrows indicating swash and backwash.
Constructive waves are beach builders and destructive waves are the destroyers

Worked Example

Identify which statement below, best describes the characteristics of a destructive wave?

(1 mark)



 long wavelength and weak backwash



 short wavelength and weak backwash



 short wavelength and strong backwash



 long wavelength and strong backwash


  • The answer is C (1):

    • A destructive wave has a short wavelength, high frequency rate, steep wave gradient and a strong backwash 


  • Weathering is best defined as:

The break-down of rock in-situ

  • Weathering does not involve the movement of the material; this is what makes it different from erosion

  • Sub-aerial weathering describes coastal processes that are not linked to the action of the sea

  • It includes freeze-thaw weathering (mechanical) and chemical weathering

  • Weathering weakens cliffs and makes them more vulnerable to erosion

  • Mechanical weathering physically breaks up rock

    • Freeze-thaw or frost shattering is where:

      •  Water gets into cracks and joints in the rock

      •  When the water freezes it expands and the cracks open a little wider

      • When the water thaws, the crack contracts, releasing pressure on the crack

      •  Over time, repeated freezing and thawing, widens the crack until pieces of rock split off the rock face, whilst big boulders are broken into smaller rocks and gravel

  • Chemical weathering occurs when rocks are broken down by a chemical process:

    • Rainwater is slightly acidic through absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

    • This reacts with minerals in the rock creating new material

    • Rock-type affects the rate of weathering e.g. limestone chemically weathers faster than granite

    • The warmer the temperature, the faster the chemical reaction

  • Biological weathering takes place when rocks are worn away by living organisms:

    • Trees and other plants can grow within the cracks in a rock formation

      • As the roots grow bigger, they push open cracks in the rocks making them wider and deeper

      • Over time the growing tree eventually prizes the rock apart

    • Burrowing animals, such as rabbits, disturb the ground above the burrow, which puts pressure on any cracks, eventually leading to pieces falling off the rock

Worked Example

Outline two ways that sub-aerial processes can affect the shape of a cliff

(4 marks)

  • There will be 2 marks available for each point

  • 1 mark for the processes

  • 1 mark for the explanation

  • Remember that there are three sub-aerial processes that you can use to answer this question

    • Freeze-thaw, chemical and biological

  • You need to explain how each process works and then link that to how it would change the shape of a cliff


  1. One sub aerial process is freeze-thaw weathering (1), where temperatures need to go above and below freezing 0° C. Any water trapped in cracks of a rock, freeze and expand, exerting pressure on the crack. When temperatures rise, water melts, pressure is released and the crack contracts. Repeated cycles eventually break the rock apart. Therefore, there will be more freeze-thaw occurring in winter than in summer, resulting in more weathering of the cliff face (1). This means that the cliff is weakened and can then be eroded more easily by the waves (1)

  2. Chemical weathering (1) is another sub-aerial process and the rock type, will decide on how quickly the rock will dissolve. Rainwater and seawater are both slightly acidic. Less resistant rock, such as limestone, will react with the acid in the water faster than granite. Therefore, a cliff made of softer less resistant rock will weather faster than a cliff made of harder more resistant rock (1)

Mass Movement

  • Mass movement is:

The downhill movement of material under the influence of gravity

  • Throughflow and runoff caused by heavy rain can also make cliffs more unstable and increase the likelihood of mass movement

  • It includes landslides, slumping and rockfalls

  • The type of movement is determined by:

    • Angle of slope (the steeper the slope the faster the movement)

    • Nature of regolith

    • Amount and type of vegetation

    • Water

    • Type and structure of rock

    • Human activity

    • Climate

  • Soil Creep:

    • Common in humid climes with the movement of less than 1cm per year 

    • Soil expands when it freezes, gets wet or is heated up in the sun

    • As the soil expands, it lifts at right angles to the slope

    • When the soil shrinks, it falls straight back down

    • Soil creep takes a long time because the soil moves only a millimetre to a few centimetres at a time

  • Flow:

    • Occurs on slopes between 5° and 15° with speeds between 1 to 15km per year

    • Usually happens after the soil has become saturated with a flow of water across the surface

    • Vegetation is flattened and carried away with the soil

  • Slide:

    • A movement of material 'en masse' which remains together until hitting the bottom of a slope

  • Fall:

    • Slopes are steep and movement is rapid

    • Caused by a number of reasons:

      • Extreme weathering: Freeze-thaw action can loosen rocks that become unstable and collapse

      • Rainfall: Too much rain will soften the surface leading to the collapse of the slope

      • Earthquakes can dislodge unstable rocks 

      • Hot weather can dry out soil causing it to shrink and allowing rocks to fall

  • Slump:

    • Usually found on weaker rock types (i.e. clay), that become saturated and heavy

    • This is common at the coast and is also known as rotational slip

    • It involves a large area of land moving down the slope in one piece

    • Because of the way it slumps, it leaves behind a curved indented surface

Infographic shows types of mass movement: fall, slide, flow, and slump. Illustrations detail rock and soil movement processes on slopes.
Major mass movement examples


  • Material in the sea arrives from many sources:

    • Eroded from cliffs

    • Transported by longshore drift along the coastline

    • Brought inland from offshore by constructive waves

    • Carried to the coastline by a river

  • Once in the water, the material is moved in different ways:

    • Traction 

    • Saltation

    • Suspension

    • Solution 

Longshore drift

  • It is the main process of deposition and transportation along the coast 

  • Influenced by the prevailing wind, waves approach the beach at an angle

  • As the waves break, the swash carries material up the beach at the same angle

  • As the swash dies away, the backwash carries the material down the beach at right angles (90°) 

  • The process repeats, transporting material along the beach in a zig-zag movement

Diagram showing longshore drift process. Arrows depict wave and wind direction, moving material in a zigzag pattern along the beach.
The process of longshore drift

Worked Example

Describe and explain the process of longshore drift

(4 marks)

  • Identify the command words and link to the key term 

  • Command words are 'describe and explain' - say what you see and why

  • Your focus is on 'longshore drift' - what is it?


  • Longshore drift is the process where the waves transport material (1), such as sand along the beach in the direction of the prevailing wind (1). The swash moves material up the beach at an angle (1), as the waves approach in a similar direction to the wind. The material then moves back down the beach at 90° due to gravity (1), this is the backwash. This movement continues along the beach in a zig-zag motion (1) in the direction of the prevailing wind 

Examiner Tips and Tricks

When describing a feature, make sure you are clear on the correct sequence/stage.  Use annotated sketches or diagrams to help you explain the steps. 

Depositional Landforms

  • Deposition will happen when transported material is dropped from the sea water

  • This occurs when the velocity (speed) of the water flow slows down

  • This means there is not enough force to hold/suspend the material in the water anymore, and it is dropped onto the ground

  • Beaches are formed of sediment deposited in bays

  • Saltmarshes and mudflats are formed in sheltered estuaries, usually behind spits


  • Beach formation usually occurs in the summer months when the weather is calmer

  • Form in sheltered areas such as bays through deposition via constructive wave movement, where the swash is stronger than the backwash

  • Blown sand can create sand dunes at the backshore of a beach

  • When a constructive wave carries sediment up the beach, the largest material is deposited along the upper reach of the swash

  • As the backwash moves back down the beach, it loses water and therefore energy as it travels due to the porosity of the sand

  • Consequently, the deposition of sediment gets progressively smaller, and the beach is therefore, sorted by wave deposition, with the smallest mud particles settling in the low-energy environment offshore

  • If a destructive wave forms due to a storm, then large shingle is thrown above the usual high tide level to form a ridge at the top of the beach called a berm

Diagram illustrating beach sediment layers: beach berm, shingle, coarse sand, fine sand, mud, with a low water mark. Shows sediment deposition on a beach.
diment deposition


  • An extended stretch of sand or shingle that extends out to sea from the shore

  • Spits occur when there is a change in the shape of the coastline

  • Or the mouth of a river, which prevents a spit forming across the estuary

  • A spit may or may not have a 'hooked' end, depending on opposing winds and currents

  • A good example is Spurn Point, which stretches for three and a half miles across the Humber Estuary in the northeast of England

Stages of formation

  • Sediment is transported by the action of longshore drift

  • Where the coastline changes direction, a shallow, sheltered area allows for the deposition of sediment

  • Due to increased friction, more deposition occurs 

  • Eventually, a spit slowly builds up to sea level and extends in length

  • If the wind changes direction, then the wave pattern alters and results in a hooked end

  • The area behind the spit becomes sheltered

  • Silts are deposited here to form salt marshes or mud flats

Diagram illustrating spit formation with wind-driven waves, zig-zag sediment movement, and coastal features like a salt marsh and curved spit.
Spit formation


  • When a spit grows across a bay, and joins two headlands together

  • bar of sand is formed (sandbar)

  • Sandbars can also form offshore due to the action of breaking waves from a beach

Diagram showing coastal features: a bay, old bay, lagoon, spit, and bar. Arrows indicate longshore drift along the coastline.
Image showing how longshore drift contributes to spit and bar formation

Worked Example

Figs. 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3, show three coastlines.


Identify each of the following landforms:


landform W in Fig. 3.1



landform X in Fig. 3.2



landform Y in Fig. 3.2



landform Z in Fig. 3.3.



  • W - Wave-cut platform [1]

  • X - Beach [1]

  • - Sand dunes [1]

  • Z - Cliff [1]

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Jacque Cartwright

Author: Jacque Cartwright

Expertise: Geography Content Creator

Jacque graduated from the Open University with a BSc in Environmental Science and Geography before doing her PGCE with the University of St David’s, Swansea. Teaching is her passion and has taught across a wide range of specifications – GCSE/IGCSE and IB but particularly loves teaching the A-level Geography. For the past 5 years Jacque has been teaching online for international schools, and she knows what is needed to get the top scores on those pesky geography exams.

Bridgette Barrett

Author: Bridgette Barrett

Expertise: Geography Lead

After graduating with a degree in Geography, Bridgette completed a PGCE over 25 years ago. She later gained an MA Learning, Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham focussing on online learning. At a time when the study of geography has never been more important, Bridgette is passionate about creating content which supports students in achieving their potential in geography and builds their confidence.