Geographical Skills (OCR GCSE Geography B): Exam Questions

4 hours36 questions
1a1 mark

Study Fig. 1 an OS map extract which shows the site for Halsnead planned garden village in Merseyside, England


Figure 1

What is the name of the existing housing area in grid squares 4790 and 4791?

  • Blundell’s Hill

  • Holt 

  • Rainhill 

  • Whiston

1b1 mark

Study Fig. 1 an OS map extract which shows the site for Halsnead planned garden village in Merseyside, England


Figure 1

What is the approximate area of the site for the planned garden village of Halsnead?

  • 0.5Km2 

  • 1.5Km2

  • 2.5Km2

  • 3.5Km2

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2a1 mark

Study Fig. 3, a relief map of the UK.


Figure 3

What type of map is this?

  • Choropleth

  • Flow line

  • Isoline

  • Thematic

2b2 marks

Select which graphical technique best suits the data listed below. One has been done for you.


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3a1 mark

Study Fig. 1, a GIS map of Rio de Janeiro.


Figure 1

Identify one human feature of Rio de Janeiro shown on Fig. 1

3b1 mark

Study Fig. 1, a GIS map of Rio de Janeiro.


Figure 1

The city boundaries of Rio de Janeiro in 1900 and 2015 are outlined on Fig. 1.

Estimate the area of Rio de Janeiro in 1900 in km2

3c3 marks

Study Fig. 1, a GIS map of Rio de Janeiro.


Figure 1

Using Fig. 1, describe the location of Copacabana Beach.

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4a2 marks

Study Fig. 2 in the separate Resource Booklet, photographs and reviews of three coastal areas in Rio de Janeiro.

State two human uses of Rio de Janeiro’s coastal areas seen in Fig. 2.

4b1 mark

Study Fig. 3 in the separate Resource Booklet, beach management strategies used in Brazil.

450 metres of Copacabana Beach, in Rio de Janeiro, needs coastal management to avoid widespread coastal erosion.

Calculate the cost of rock armour for Copacabana Beach.


4c2 marks

Study Fig. 3 in the separate Resource Booklet, beach management strategies used in Brazil.

450 metres of Copacabana Beach, in Rio de Janeiro, needs coastal management to avoid widespread coastal erosion.

Using your own understanding, suggest whether beach nourishment or rock armour would be most appropriate for coastlines with high levels of erosion by hydraulic action.

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5a2 marks

The graph and table below show the population of Rio de Janeiro


Complete the line graph for 2010 and 2015 using the table of data provided.

5b1 mark

The graph and table below show the population of Rio de Janeiro

Predict the population of Rio de Janeiro in 2040, based on the current growth rate.

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6a1 mark

Study Fig. 6, a map of Botafogo, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro, and Fig. 7, photographs taken in the Santa Marta squatter settlement (favela). 


Figure 6


Figure 7

Use Fig. 6 to calculate the distance in km from (A) Santa Marta to (B) Botafogo beach.

6b2 marks

Study Fig. 6, a map of Botafogo, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro, and Fig. 7, photographs taken in the Santa Marta squatter settlement (favela)


Figure 6


Figure 7

Santa Marta is one of the squatter settlements found in Rio de Janeiro. Using Figs 6 and 7, briefly explain one challenge people living in Santa Marta may face.

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7a1 mark

Study Fig. 2, an OS map extract of Sea Palling in Norfolk.


 Figure 2

Artificial reefs have been built along the stretch of coastline shown in Fig. 2. Calculate the length of the breakwater marked X.

  • 100m

  • 120m

  • 250m

  • 360m

7b2 marks

Give one piece of map evidence which shows that the coastal defences at Sea Palling are effective. Explain your answer

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8a2 marks

Study Fig. 1, map of economic hubs and growth corridors in England.


Figure 1 

Explain what is meant by the term ‘economic hub’

8b1 mark

Study Fig. 1, map of economic hubs and growth corridors in England.


Figure 1

How many growth corridors are shown on the map?

8c1 mark

Study Fig. 1, map of economic hubs and growth corridors in England.


Figure 1

Calculate the distance between the economic hubs of Liverpool and Leeds.

8d3 marks

Using your own understanding, explain the pattern of core UK economic hubs

8e2 marks

Study Fig. 2, data relating to selected economic hubs in England.


Figure 2

Using data from Fig. 2, calculate the difference between the total number of new  businesses opening in Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds to those opening in London.  Show your working.

8f1 mark

Show the average cost of office space per square foot in London compared to Brighton as a ratio in its simplest form.

London : Brighton

8g2 marks

Calculate the median number of new businesses opening in the economic hubs in 2016. 

Show your working

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9a1 mark

Study the OS map extract, a 1:50000 scale map of Leeds.

Leeds is a city in West Yorkshire and is an economic hub.

The village of Colton is east of Leeds city centre.

Give the six figure grid reference for the picnic site located in Colton.

9b1 mark

Study Fig. 4,  a Desire Line map showing where workers in Leeds city centre live. The map is based on the OS map extract of Leeds.


Figure 4

Using Fig. 4 and the OS map extract, which place do the largest number of workers in Leeds city centre commute from?

9c1 mark

Study Fig. 4,  a Desire Line map showing where workers in Leeds city centre live. The map is based on the OS map extract of Leeds.


Figure 4

How could you adapt the Desire Line map to make it clearer?

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10a2 marks

Study Fig. 6, a fact file on the flooding of the River Aire in Leeds. The area covered by this map is highlighted on the OS map extract.


Figure 6

Give two pieces of evidence from the photographs that suggest the flooding on the South Bank in Leeds affected people.

10b3 marks

Study Fig. 7, a map showing some of the planned developments on Leeds South Bank. The area covered by this map is highlighted on the OS map extract. 


Figure 7

Using one piece of evidence from Fig. 7, explain why the South Bank proposal would be beneficial for Leeds.

10c1 mark

Suggest an alternative way of presenting the plan information shown in Fig. 7.


Figure 7

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11a2 marks

Study Fig. 1 in the separate Resource Booklet, which shows a map of England.

Describe the location of Milton Keynes.

11b1 mark

What is the distance from Milton Keynes to London?

11c1 mark

Study Fig. 2 in the separate Resource Booklet, which shows population pyramids for Milton Keynes and England, 2020.

Give the percentage of the total population of Milton Keynes aged over 90 years

11d3 marks

Study Fig. 2 in the separate Resource Booklet, which shows population pyramids for Milton Keynes and England, 2020.

Calculate the difference between the percentage total population aged 30–39 in Milton Keynes and in England

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12a2 marks

Study Fig. 3 in the separate Resource Booklet, showing different views about Milton Keynes.

Give two reasons why people like living in Milton Keynes.

12b3 marks

Study Fig. 5 in the separate Resource Booklet, which shows an annotated map of Milton Keynes, 2020.

Figs. 4 and 5 show that urbanisation has taken place in Milton Keynes between 1960 and 2020.

Explain what is meant by the term ‘urbanisation’.

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13a2 marks

Explain one way people have influenced global climate through the human enhanced greenhouse effect

13b1 mark

Study Fig. 6 in the separate Resource Booklet, which shows Green Energy Plans made in Milton Keynes. (i) Give one plan to improve green energy mentioned in the article

Give one plan to improve green energy mentioned in the article

13c2 marks

Study Fig. 6 in the separate Resource Booklet, which shows Green Energy Plans made in Milton Keynes.

Calculate the total cost of the improvements to Milton Keynes. Show your working

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14a2 marks

Study Fig. 1, a map of Indonesia showing the earthquake on 28th September 2018.


Figure 1

Describe the location of the epicentre of the earthquake.

14b1 mark

State the intensity of shaking from the earthquake felt in the city of Poso.

14c3 marks

Using your own understanding, explain how an earthquake is caused

14d2 marks

The tsunami reached the city of Palu 6 minutes after the earthquake occurred.

Using the equation speed = distance/time, calculate the speed of the wave in km per minute. Show your working

............................................................ km per minute

14e2 marks

Study Fig. 3, an infographic showing the impacts of and responses to the tsunami in Sulawesi.


Figure 3

Calculate the total population of the regions of Sulawesi labelled on Fig. 3 as ‘severely affected’ by the earthquake and tsunami. Show your working

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15a1 mark

Study Fig. 4, a map of Sulawesi, Indonesia showing the location of and threat to coral reefs.


Figure 4

Estimate the percentage of coral reef in Sulawesi that is classified as High Threat.

15b2 marks

Using your own understanding, describe one feature of the flora and fauna of a coral reef ecosystem. Flora:  Fauna:

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16a2 marks

Study Fig. 6, key statistics tables for the Sulawesi rainforest and the economy of Indonesia.


Using the information in Fig. 6 Table A, calculate the number of km2 of tree coverage lost from 2010–2018

............................................................ km2

16b1 mark

Using the information in Fig. 6 Table B, how can you tell that ecotourism is not a large industry in Indonesia?


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17a3 marks

Study Fig. 1, which shows a map of the world showing the location of Vanuatu.


Figure 1

Vanuatu is an archipelago; over 80 small islands make up the country.

Describe the location of Vanuatu.

17b1 mark

Study Fig. 2, which shows a map of Vanuatu.


Figure 2

Pele Island is to the north of Efate Island, where the capital Port Vila is located. A more detailed relief map is shown below:


What is the maximum height above sea level found on Pele Island?

17c2 marks

Study Fig. 2, which shows a map of Vanuatu.


Figure 2

Pele Island is to the north of Efate Island, where the capital Port Vila is located. A more detailed relief map is shown below:


Using the relief map, calculate the gradient from A to B. Show your working.

17d1 mark

Study Fig. 3, which shows country profiles for Vanuatu and the United Kingdom (UK). Vanuatu is an LIDC and the United Kingdom is an AC.







Life expectancy

74 years

81 years

Birth rate



Death rate



Infant mortality

14/1000 live births

4/1000 live births


$2700 per capita

$44300 per capita

Literacy rate



Figure 3

Calculate the difference between the GDP per capita of Vanuatu and the UK

17e1 mark

Vanuatu’s birth rate is higher than the UK’s. Calculate the percentage increase between the birth rate of the UK and the birth rate of Vanuatu.

17f6 marks

Suggest whether the country profile for Vanuatu is typical of an LIDC.

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1a4 marks

Rio de Janeiro can be considered a world city.

Explain the characteristics of a world city

1b6 marks

Study Fig. 5, statistics for Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.


Rio de Janeiro


Average monthly income (per person)



Literacy rate (% of population)



Access to safe drinking water (% of population)



Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of population)



Number of doctors (per 1000 people)



Unemployment rate (% of population)



Figure 5

Using Fig. 5 and your own understanding, explain why Rio de Janeiro has experienced rapid urban growth.

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26 marks

Using Figs 2, 6 and 7 in the separate Resource Booklet, and your own understanding, assess the contemporary challenges created by the inequality within Botafogo. 

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36 marks

A ‘start-up’ is a newly created company that is typically technology orientated and  has a high potential for growth. They can be very fast growing and often develop an innovative product

Study Fig. 3, factors that affect the location of start-up businesses.


Figure 2


Figure 3

Using Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and your own understanding, explain why economic hubs are good  locations for new start-up businesses.

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46 marks

Using Figs. 6 and 7 and your own understanding, explain why river basin management is needed to overcome contemporary challenges that affect life in the city


Figure 6


Figure 7

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56 marks

Using Fig. 2, discuss how the population pyramids show that the population structure of Milton Keynes is both similar and different to the population structure of England.

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64 marks

Study Fig. 4 in the separate Resource Booklet, which shows an annotated map of Milton Keynes, 1960.

Describe the pattern of built-up areas in Milton Keynes in 1960.

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76 marks

Using Fig. 6 and your own understanding, assess how the green energy plans for Milton Keynes can help to reduce the human enhanced greenhouse effect.

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84 marks

Using evidence from Fig. 3, explain two ways in which people were affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi.


Figure 3

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96 marks

Study Fig. 5, a factfile about uses of coral reefs in Sulawesi, Indonesia.


Figure 2

A collage of images and text about Sulawesi's marine life, showing divers, coral reefs, fishing activity, and notes on environmental threats and protection.

Figure 5

Using Figs. 4 and 5, analyse the physical and human threats to coral reef ecosystems in Sulawesi.

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106 marks

Study Fig. 7, tropical rainforest cover in Sulawesi, Indonesia.


Figure 7

Using Figs. 6 and 7, discuss the economic importance of the rainforest to Indonesia.

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112 marks

Study Figs 3 and 4 in the separate Resource Booklet, beach management strategies used in Brazil and a sketch showing impacts of beach nourishment (beach replenishment) at Copacabana Beach.

Using Figs 1, 2, 3 and 4 and your own understanding, explain how challenges in the city of Rio de Janeiro affect the coastal landscape.

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212 marks

Rio de Janeiro is facing many challenges, both physical and human, and, as outlined in the article above, the city now has a very limited budget.  Using the information in the separate Resource Booklet and your own understanding:

  1. Examine whether you think that Rio de Janeiro should prioritise coastal management or improving the squatter settlements (favelas) over the next 10 years? 

  2. Suggest how your decision could lead to long-term sustainability for the city. 

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312 marks

Study Fig. 5, an extract from a property magazine featuring three of the suburbs of Leeds.


Figure 4


Figure 5

Some people choose to live in residential areas, often on the edge of cities, known as suburbs, and commute to work in Leeds city centre.

Using evidence from the OS map extract, Figs 4 and 5 and your own understanding, discuss the reasons why people may choose to live in the suburbs but commute into the city centre for work

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412 marks

Using the information in the separate Resource Booklet, the OS map extract and your own understanding:

  1. Evaluate the economic and environmental sustainability of Leeds.

  2. Suggest one way in which Leeds can attempt to achieve greater long-term sustainability.

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512 marks

Milton Keynes has gone from a few small villages to a large city and booming economic hub in just 60 years. It is now one of the top locations for new businesses in the UK.

Using Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, examine the social and economic reasons for the growth in Milton Keynes from 1960 to 2020.

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612 marks

Using the information in the separate Resource Booklet and your own understanding:

1. Evaluate whether Milton Keynes is environmentally sustainable.

2. Suggest one additional way that Milton Keynes could become more sustainable.

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712 marks

Using the information in the separate Resource Booklet and your own understanding:

  1. Assess the environmental value of Sulawesi, Indonesia.

  2. Suggest one sustainable development strategy for use in Sulawesi to tackle either the threat of tectonic hazards or destruction of their ecosystems.

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8a2 marks

Study Fig. 4, an excerpt from the Vanuatu Climate Minister’s speech at the 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris.


8 December 2015, Paris, France, COP21Minister of Climate Change in Vanuatu Jerome Ludvaune took to the podium at the COP21 talks in Paris today to ask the leaders of the world to agree a temperature rise target of well below 1.5°C. At this level, the risks that climate change poses to the survival of Vanuatu are minimised, said Minister Ludvaune.

‘Vanuatu is still recovering from nationwide suffering and devastation inflicted by severe, category 5, Cyclone Pam, now made worse by the drought induced by the strongest ever El Niño event. The lives of many of my people have been lost.

We, the leaders of the world, must stop this crisis, drawing the line here in Paris. We wish we could prevent all further warming, so that further suffering is prevented. Disappointingly, scientists tell us this is impossible, and further warming is inevitable. We do know that limiting warming to well below 1.5°C is still within our reach.’

Figure 4

Explain what is meant by the term ‘climate change’.

8b2 marks

Study Fig. 4, an excerpt from the Vanuatu Climate Minister’s speech at the 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris.


8 December 2015, Paris, France, COP21Minister of Climate Change in Vanuatu Jerome Ludvaune took to the podium at the COP21 talks in Paris today to ask the leaders of the world to agree a temperature rise target of well below 1.5°C. At this level, the risks that climate change poses to the survival of Vanuatu are minimised, said Minister Ludvaune.

‘Vanuatu is still recovering from nationwide suffering and devastation inflicted by severe, category 5, Cyclone Pam, now made worse by the drought induced by the strongest ever El Niño event. The lives of many of my people have been lost.

We, the leaders of the world, must stop this crisis, drawing the line here in Paris. We wish we could prevent all further warming, so that further suffering is prevented. Disappointingly, scientists tell us this is impossible, and further warming is inevitable. We do know that limiting warming to well below 1.5°C is still within our reach

Figure 4

Using Fig. 4, state two natural hazards which Vanuatu was recovering from in December 2015.

1  .................................................

2  .................................................

8c1 mark

Study Fig. 5 in the separate Resource Booklet, which shows climate change information for Luganville.

Estimate the percentage of Luganville that is at risk of flooding from climate change.

 ................................ %

8d3 marks

Study Fig. 5 in the separate Resource Booklet, which shows climate change information for Luganville.

Using evidence from Fig. 5, outline one economic impact climate change may have on Luganville.

8e12 marks

Using Figs. 3, 4 and 5 in the separate Resource Booklet, examine how Vanuatu’s level of development may affect their response to climate change.

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912 marks

Using the information in the separate Resource Booklet and your own understanding:

  1. Evaluate whether environmental problems are the most significant reason for Vanuatu’s current level of development.

  2. Outline one aid strategy for Vanuatu and provide reasons for your choice.

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