Urbanisation (OCR GCSE Geography B): Exam Questions

31 mins8 questions
1a2 marks

Study Fig. 2 which shows the plan for Halsnead garden village.


Figure 2

Use Fig. 2 to suggest two pull factors which may attract people to live in Halsnead.

1b1 mark

The planned garden village of Halsnead is an example of suburbanisation.

Which of the following is the correct meaning of the term suburbanisation?

  • Improving the quality of life in inner city areas

  • Increase in the amount of people living in urban areas

  • People moving from rural areas to urban areas

  • The growth of urban areas as they expand outwards

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22 marks

State two causes of suburbanisation in ACs.

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3a1 mark

Urban Futures

Study the scatter graph below which shows GNI per capita and urban population for 12 selected countries.  

The following data is for the country of Hungary.  

GNI per capita = $25640     Urban Population = 72%.  

Use a cross to plot this data onto the scatter graph

3b1 mark

Study the scatter graph below which shows GNI per capita and urban population for 12 selected countries.

Add a best-fit line to the scatter graph

3c1 mark

Which one of the following statements best describes the relationship shown on the scatter graph?

  • the higher the GNI per capita the lower the urban population percentage

  • the higher the GNI per capita the higher the urban population percentage

  • the lower the GNI per capita the higher the urban population percentage

  • there is no clear relationship between GNI per capita and urban population

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4a1 mark

Which one of the following most accurately defines re-urbanisation?

  • When people migrate back into inner city areas

  • When people migrate from the inner city to the countryside

  • When people move from one city to another

  • When people move from the inner city to the suburbs

4b1 mark

Give one reason why people would be attracted to live in the suburbs of a city

4c3 marks

Explain the consequences of suburbanisation.

4d1 mark

Study the graph below, which shows the population growth in a city in an EDC


The population of the city is expected to reach 24 000 000 by 2030. Plot this on the graph.

4e1 mark

Calculate the increase in population between 1980 and 1990

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5a1 mark

Urban Futures

Which of the following is the correct meaning of the term ‘world city’?

  • A city which has a large migrant population

  • A city which is located in an Advanced Country

  • A city which is very important in the global economy

  • A city with a population of over 10 million people

5b2 marks

New York is a megacity which had a population of 20 million in 2011. By 2025, the population  is predicted to have reached 24 million. Calculate the percentage increase in the size of the population.

Show your working.

Answer ..........................................................

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6a3 marks

Study Fig. 1, which shows the share of the total population living in urban areas between 1986 and 2016.


Figure 1

Which of the following statements is correct?

  • All countries experienced a fall in the share of their population living in urban areas.

  • Between 1986 and 2016 the share of the population of China living in urban areas more than doubled.

  • In the year 2006 over half of Bangladesh’s population was living in urban areas.

  • The USA experienced the biggest increase in the share of the population living in urban areas.

6b2 marks

State an alternative way of presenting the data in Fig. 1 and justify why this would be appropriate.


Figure 1

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74 marks

Explain how two push factors may result in migration from rural to urban areas in LIDCs.

1  ....................................................

2  ....................................................

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14 marks

Study Fig. 1 which shows the Kroo Bay area of Freetown in Sierra Leone in Africa.


Figure 1

Use Fig. 1 to identify and explain two consequences of rapid urbanisation in LIDCs.

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