Investigating Dynamic Urban Areas (Edexcel GCSE Geography B): Exam Questions

1 hour4 questions
1a2 marks

You have carried out your own fieldwork investigating environmental quality in an urban area.

Name your urban area:

Explain one reason why you chose that urban area.

1b4 marks

Using an annotated sketch map, explain how you chose your sites or location for data collection.

1c4 marks

Explain why the conclusions that you reached might be unreliable.

1d8 marks

In 2017 a group of 20 students carried out questionnaires in an urban area on a Wednesday afternoon. They asked 40 randomly selected residents to select the three problems in the area that they rated as the most serious.

They compared these results with the results of a similar survey gathered by students in 2014 who also randomly selected 40 residents.

These two sets of results are shown below.


Figure 10

The students concluded that the social, economic and environmental conditions in the urban area had improved since 2014.

Assess the evidence for this conclusion.

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2a6 marks

You have carried out your own fieldwork investigating environmental quality in an urban area.

Name your urban area:


Explain one weakness in the method that you used to collect quantitative data.



Explain how case studies or theories helped you to analyse your results.


2b4 marks

Draw an annotated sketch map or annotated diagram to show how you presented some of your fieldwork data.

2c8 marks

A group of 20 students carried out questionnaires in two contrasting inner city areas on a Thursday afternoon.

They asked 40 randomly selected residents about the area they lived in (Area A or Area B). They gave them three statements about their area.

Statement 1 (S1) – ‘Crime is a major problem in your area.’

Statement 2 (S2) – ‘Noise is a major problem in your area.’

Statement 3 (S3) – ‘Litter and graffiti are major problems in your area.’

The residents were asked to either:
strongly agree
disagree or strongly disagree with these three statements.

The results are shown below on Figure 10, presented as divided (compound) bar graphs.


Figure 10

The students concluded that urban Area A had a better environment than urban Area B. Assess the evidence for this conclusion.

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2 marks

A group of 20 students carried out fieldwork investigating environmental quality in two contrasting urban areas.

They conducted an environmental quality survey in 10 streets in each area.

They assessed the levels of graffiti, traffic noise, litter and pavement quality on a scale of +2 to −2 for each factor, with +2 indicating a very positive view and −2 indicating a very negative view.

Their results are shown below.


Westgate – an inner-city suburb dominated by terraced housing built in the 19th century

Lower Walton – a suburb on the urban fringe dominated by detached housing built in the 1980s


Mean score for the 10 streets

Range of scores across the 10 streets

Mean score for the 10 streets

Range of scores across the 10 streets



−1 to −2


+2 to −1

Traffic noise


+2 to −1


+1 to −2



+1 to −2


+2 to −1

Pavement quality


+2 to −2


+2 to −2

Total score (range +8 to −8)





Figure 10

Calculate the ‘Total score’ for Lower Walton.

You must show your working.

Total score = ..............................................................

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2 marks

Explain one method that the students might have used to select the streets that they surveyed.

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2 marks

Suggest one way in which secondary data might have been used in this investigation.

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4 marks

Suggest two reasons why the students concluded that Westgate and Lower Walton had more differences than similarities.

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8 marks

You have conducted your own fieldwork into the reasons why the quality of life varies within an urban area.

Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the methods that you used to collect your primary data.

Named urban area: .........................................................................

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4a2 marks

You have carried out your own fieldwork investigating environmental quality in an urban area.

Name your urban area:

Explain one way in which you used quantitative data to measure differences in the environmental quality of your chosen area.

4b4 marks

Using an annotated diagram that shows one way in which you presented the results of your data collection, explain your results.

4c4 marks

Explain how you would improve your data collection methods to increase their accuracy.

4d8 marks

In 2017 a group of students carried out a questionnaire in three different urban areas, one in the city centre, one in the suburbs and one in a rural settlement just inside the city boundary.

The interviews were conducted between 13:00 and 15:00 on a Thursday afternoon by asking people in the three different areas;

(a) if they were residents in that location and
(b) if they would be prepared to take part in a survey.

The students interviewed 30 residents in total, 13 in the city centre, 10 in the suburb and 7 in the rural settlement just inside the city boundary.

The residents were asked to identify the three most important factors for them when they chose their current residence. The results are shown below in Figure 10.


Figure 10

The students concluded that housing cost and closeness to family and friends were the most important factors overall.

Assess the evidence for this conclusion.

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