The Challenge of Resource Management (AQA GCSE Geography): Exam Questions

3 hours26 questions
1a1 mark

Study Figure 9, a map showing world oil consumption in 2016.


What is the difference between Africa and North America’s share of world oil consumption shown in Figure 9?

1b3 marks

Using Figure 9 and your own understanding, suggest how inequalities in the consumption of resources influence well-being.

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2a1 mark

Study Figure 11, a map of South and East Asia showing the percentage of people who were undernourished between 2014 and 2016.

Figure 11 - Paper 2

Name one country where less than 5% of the population were undernourished.

2b2 marks

How many of the Asian countries shown in Figure 11 had 15–24.9% of their population undernourished?
Shade one circle only.

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2c1 mark

What percentage of the 24 countries in Asia for which data is shown had 15–24.9% of their population undernourished? 
Answer to 1 decimal place.

2d2 marks

Describe the distribution of countries which had 15–24.9% of their population undernourished as shown in Figure 11.

2e2 marks

Outline one reason why some countries have a limited food supply.

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3a1 mark

Study Figure 12, a map of Africa showing percentage access to basic drinking water services in 2015.


Name one country with a 91–100% access to basic drinking water services.

3b2 marks

How many of the African countries shown in Figure 12 had less than 50% access to basic drinking water services?
Shade one circle only.

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3c1 mark

What percentage of the 48 countries in Africa for which data is shown had less than 50% access to basic drinking water services?

Answer to 1 decimal place.

3d2 marks

Describe the distribution of countries which had 76–90% access to basic drinking water services as shown in Figure 12.

3e2 marks

Outline one reason why some countries have a limited availability of water.

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4a1 mark

Study Figure 13, a map of Europe showing the percentage energy consumption from renewable sources in Europe (excluding Russia) in 2014.


Name one country which had less than 10.0% of energy consumption from renewable sources.

4b2 marks

How many European countries shown in Figure 13 had 35.0-49.9% of energy consumption from renewable sources?

Shade one circle only.

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4c1 mark

What percentage of the 41 countries in Europe for which data is shown had 35.0–49.9% consumption of energy from renewable sources?

Answer to 1 decimal place.

4d2 marks

Describe the distribution of countries which had 20.0–34.9% consumption of energy from renewable sources shown in Figure 13.

4e1 mark

Outline one reason why some countries have a limited energy supply.

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5a2 marks

Study Figure 9, a table showing mango imports into the UK, 2012–2016.

Figure 9


Mango imports (1000 tonnes)











Calculate the percentage increase in mango imports into the UK between 2012 and 2016.
Answer to the nearest whole percentage.

Show your working

Nearest whole percentage =

5b1 mark

State one environmental effect of the increase shown in Figure 9.

5c2 marks

Outline one advantage of sourcing food locally in the UK.

5d2 marks

Outline one advantage of the trend towards agribusiness in the UK.

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6a1 mark

Study Figure 11, a graph showing daily protein consumption for selected countries, 1960–2013.


What was the difference in protein consumption per person per day between China and the UK in 2013?

6b2 marks

Complete Figure 11 using the following data.


Daily protein consumption 2013


64 grams


46 grams

6c2 marks

Describe the trend for China shown in Figure 11.

6d3 marks

Suggest why food consumption in a country might change over time.

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7a1 mark


Study Figure 12, information about the water crisis in Cape Town, a city in South Africa, a LIC/NEE country.

Figure 12

Restrictions on the amount of water available per person per day:

  • 19 May 2017–100 litres

  • 3 Sep 2017–90 litres

  • 1 Feb 2018–50 litres

  • If the water crisis continues people will be rationed to 25 litres.

For comparison, the average Californian usage – 321 litres per person per day.

Calculate the difference between the average Californian usage and restrictions in Cape Town on 1 February 2018.

Study Figure 13, a graph showing how the water restrictions in Cape Town have changed.

7b2 marks

Use the data in Figure 12 to complete the graph in Figure 13.

7c2 marks

Describe the trend shown in Figure 13.

7d3 marks

Outline one or more likely impacts of water insecurity.

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8a2 marks

Study Figure 14, a graph showing the percentage of energy from renewable sources in the Balearic Islands, a region of Spain.


Complete Figure 14 using the following data.


Renewable energy (%)



2035 target


8b1 mark

Calculate the difference between the 2018 percentage from renewable energy and the 2035 target.

8c2 marks

Study Figure 15, a newspaper article about energy in the Balearic Islands.


State two alternatives to large solar energy farms suggested in Figure 15.

8d3 marks

Suggest how energy supply issues can lead to conflict.

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9a1 mark

What is organic farming?

9b3 marks

Explain why there is a growing demand in the UK for food from LICs.

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10a1 mark

What is meant by famine?

10b2 marks

Study Figure 11, a map of Africa showing the percentage of population that was undernourished between 2016 and 2018.


Complete Figure 11 using the following data.


% of population undernourished


less than 5

Central African Republic

25 or more

10c2 marks

Describe the distribution of the countries which had 5 –14.9% of their population undernourished between 2016 and 2018 as shown in Figure 11.

10d2 marks

Suggest one reason for differences in undernourishment between countries.

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11a2 marks

Study Figure 13, a map of Africa showing the water footprint per person per year.


Complete Figure 13 using the following data.


Water footprint m3 per person per year


more than 2000

Central African Republic


11b2 marks

Describe the distribution of the countries which had a water footprint of 550 –1000 m3 per person per year as shown in Figure 13.

11c2 marks

Outline one way in which economic development leads to increased water consumption.

11d1 mark

What is meant by water deficit?

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12a2 marks

Study Figure15, a map of Africa showing the percentage of population with access to electricity in 2017.


Complete Figure 15 using the following data.


% of population with access to electricity



Central African Republic

25– 49.99

12b2 marks

Describe the distribution of the countries which had 75–100% access to electricity as shown in Figure 15.

12c2 marks

Outline one way in which economic development leads to increased energy consumption.

12d1 mark

What is meant by energy deficit?

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13a2 marks

Study Figure 9, a map showing the levels of well-being for young people in selected countries.


Suggest how access to clean water may influence the differences in levels of well-being shown in Figure 9.

13b1 mark

Name one area in the UK that experiences water deficit.

13c3 marks

There is a need to transfer water in the UK to maintain supplies.

Explain how changing demand for water increases this need.

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14a2 marks

Study Figure 11, a divided bar chart showing the typical daily diet in the UK and Somalia.


Complete Figure 11 using the following data for Somalia.


% calories

Dairy and eggs




14b2 marks

State two differences between the typical daily diet in the UK and Somalia shown in Figure 11.

14c2 marks

Outline one reason for differences in food supply between countries.

14d1 mark

What is meant by food insecurity?

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15a2 marks

Study Figure 13, a divided bar chart showing water use by different sectors of the economy in Europe, Africa and Asia.


Complete Figure 13 using the following data for Asia.


% water used





15b2 marks

State two differences between the water use in Europe and Africa shown in Figure 13.

15c2 marks

Outline one reason for differences in water use between countries.

15d1 mark

What is meant by water insecurity?

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16a1 mark

Study Figure 15, a divided bar chart showing the energy mix in the European Union (EU) and China.


Complete Figure 15 using the following data for China.

Energy source

% energy generated





16b2 marks

State two differences between the energy mix in the EU and China shown in Figure 15.

16c3 marks

Outline one reason for differences in energy use between countries.

16d1 mark

What is meant by energy insecurity?

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173 marks

Suggest how poor water supply may affect social well-being

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18a1 mark


Study Figure 12, a graph showing GNI per person and food consumption per person for selected countries.

Figure 12


Plot the following data on to Figure 12.


GNI (US$ per person 
per year)

Food consumption 
(kilocalories per person 
per day)


16 000


18b1 mark

Which country is identified by the following data?

GNI (US$ per person 
per year)

Food consumption 
(kilocalories per person 
per day)

32 000


18c1 mark

Draw a best fit line on Figure 12.

18d2 marks

Describe the relationship between GNI and food consumption shown in Figure 12

18e3 marks

Outline one or more reasons for the link between GNI and food consumption

18f2 marks

Give two impacts of food insecurity.

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19a1 mark


Study Figure 13, a graph showing GNI per person and the percentage of rural areas with a basic water supply for selected countries.

Figure 13


Plot the following data on to Figure 13.


GNI (US$ per person 
per year)

Basic water supply in 
rural areas (%)


 16 000


19b1 mark

Which country is identified by the following data?

GNI (US$ per person per year)

Basic water supply in rural areas (%)



19c1 mark

Draw a best fit line on Figure 13

19d2 marks

Describe the relationship between GNI and access to a basic water supply shown in Figure 13.

19e3 marks

Outline one or more reasons for the link between GNI and water supply

19f2 marks

Give two impacts of water insecurity

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20a1 mark


Study Figure 14, a graph showing GNI per person and energy consumption for selected countries

Figure 14


Plot the following data on to Figure 14.


GNI (US$ per person 
per year)

Energy consumption
(kg oil equivalent per 
person per year)


 16 000


20b1 mark

Which country is identified by the following data?

GNI (US$ per person per year)

Energy consumption (kg oil equivalent per person per year)



20c1 mark

Draw a best fit line on Figure 14

20d1 mark

Describe the relationship between GNI and energy consumption shown in Figure 14

20e3 marks

Outline one or more reasons for the link between GNI and energy consumption

20f2 marks

Give two impacts of energy insecurity.

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21a1 mark

Study Figure 10, information showing the major sources of the UK's electricity at 3.20pm on 27 October 2020.

Six gauges show electricity sources: Solar (3%), Wind (28%), Nuclear (17%), Natural Gas (30%), Biomass (5%), Coal (2%). Key indicates interpretation.

What is solar energy?

21b2 marks

Suggest how the energy mix used to generate the UK’s electricity has changed in the last 30 years. Use Figure 10 and your own understanding.

21c1 mark

Explain why demand for different energy sources has changed in the UK.

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22a1 mark

Study Figure 12, a map of parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The map shows the locust forecast for May–July 2020.

Map showing locust threat levels in Eastern Africa and Southwest Asia. Red areas (high threat), orange (medium), yellow (low), green (minimal). Arrows indicate movement.
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22b1 mark

What percentage of the 25 countries shown had a serious threat level?

22c2 marks

Describe the pattern of the threat from locusts shown in Figure 12.

22d1 mark

What is food insecurity?

22e2 marks

Explain how pests and diseases can affect food supply.

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23a1 mark

Study Figure 14, a map of Africa showing the risk of water insecurity in 2019.

Map of Africa showing the risk of water insecurity by country: very low (yellow), low (olive), medium (orange), high (red), and very high (dark red/black).

How many of the African countries shown in Figure 14 had a high risk of water insecurity in 2019?

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23b1 mark

What percentage of the 48 countries in Africa shown had a high risk of water insecurity in 2019?

23c2 marks

Describe the distribution of countries which had a very low risk of water insecurity shown in Figure 14.

23d1 mark

What is water insecurity?

23e2 marks

Explain how limited infrastructure can affect water supply.

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24a1 mark

Study Figure 16, a map of Europe (excluding Russia) showing the percentage of electricity produced from renewable sources in 2019.

Map of Europe showing the percentage share of electricity production from renewables in 2019. Colors range from dark red (81-100%) to light yellow (0-20%) and grey (no data).

How many of the countries shown in Figure 16 produced 41–60% of their electricity from renewable sources in 2019?

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24b1 mark

What percentage of the 41 countries in Europe for which data is shown produced 41–60% of their electricity from renewable sources in 2019?

24c2 marks

Describe the distribution of countries which produced 0–20% of their electricity from renewable sources in 2019.

24d1 mark

What is energy insecurity?

24e2 marks

Explain how political factors can affect energy supply.

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16 marks

Study Figure 10, a graph showing the UK's changing energy mix from 2006 to 2016.


Using Figure 10 and your own understanding, discuss the issues arising from the UK’s changing energy mix.

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26 marks

Explain how different strategies can be used to make food supplies more sustainable.

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