Global Variations in Economic Development (AQA GCSE Geography) : Revision Note
Classifications of Economic Development
Development is defined as:
The progress of a country as it becomes more economically and technologically advanced
It refers to positive changes in people’s quality of life, such as happiness, educational opportunities, increased incomes, human rights, access to clean water and healthier living conditions
These different components are not independent of each other but linked: For example health and environment are dependent on income and they in turn may impact happiness:
Physical: Water supply, housing, power and heat, climate, diet and nutrition etc
Social: Family and friends, education, health etc.
Psychological: Happiness, security, freedom etc.
Economic: Income, job security, standard of living, mobility etc
Development does not happen in a smooth, continuous process.
It can be slowed, halted and even reversed through:
Economic recession
Development can occur through:
Investment in agriculture (tractors, fertilisers etc.) improves food supplies, which in turn, improves the health of people
Improvements in supplies of power to rural areas
Improvements in access to education for females and overall literacy rates
Levels of development vary on a local, national and international scale
There are differences between areas of the same city, the same country and between countries
Germany is more developed than Mexico, but Egypt is less developed than Mexico
At an international level the development of a country can be categorised into one of three groups:
Low Income countries (LICs): Most people have a poor quality of life with inadequate services and few opportunities
Newly Emerging Economies (NEEs): Countries experiencing rapid economic growth and development based on industrial development. Incomes are rising and most people enjoy a reasonable standard of living
High Income Countries (HICs): Countries that have modern industries and people enjoy a good standard of living with relatively high levels of income
The differences between less and more development is known as the development gap
Economic & Social Measures of Development
Development is hard to measure accurately as it covers so many features or strands
It is measured using indicators
Table of Indicators
Social Indicators | Economic Indicators |
These relate to strands such as: Quality of life and social well-being Equal opportunities, access to services such as education and healthcare Life expectancy, birth control, education Diversity, traditions and heritage | These relate to strands such as: Employment, income and general wealth Savings, house building, house sales, consumer spending International trade Resources, pollution controls and conservation |
Individual indicators are misleading when used alone, as some features develop before others
Which can indicate that a country is more developed than it really is
By using multiple indicators as a measure of development, a clearer picture of that country's development is produced
Measures of Development
Indicator | Definition | Measure of... | Effect on development |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) | The total value of a country's output of goods and services produced in a given year | Economic - wealth | Higher |
Gross National Income (GNI) | Gross national income (GNI) is an alternative to gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure of wealth. It calculates income instead of output. It is, therefore, the measure of the total income received by a country from its residents and businesses regardless of whether they are located in the country or overseas | Economic - wealth | Increases |
GNI per head | This is the total income of a country's goods and services, (including overseas income) divided by the number of people living in that country | Economic - wealth | Increases |
Human Development Index (HDI) | This uses life expectancy, literacy rate, education level and GNI to calculate a country's score between 0 (least developed) and 1 (most developed) | Disparities between countries = social and economic | Higher |
Literacy Rate | The percentage of adults who can read and write | Social - education | Lower |
Life Expectancy | The average number of years a person can expect to live to | Social - health | The lower the age, the lower the development |
People per Doctor | This measures the average number of people that could be seen by a doctor at any one time | Social - health and education | The lower the number of doctors, the lower the level of health care, but also a lack of suitable education to train people |
Birth Rate | The number of live births per 1,000 of the total population in one year | Social - women's rights | The lower the birth rate, the higher the development. Women have access to better health care |
Infant Mortality Rate | The number of children that do not survive to their first birthday per 1,000 babies born | Social - health | The higher the number the lower the development |
Death Rate | The number of deaths per 1,000 of the country's population in a year | Social - health | The lower the number, the higher the development |
Access to Safe Water | The percentage of people who have access to safe drinking water | Social - health | Higher |
Limitations of Economic & Social Measures
Limitations of Development Measures
Indicator | Limitations |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) | GDP ignores the welfare component as the goods and services produced may or may not add to the welfare of society: Pollution or even happiness or leaves out some production in an economy, such as homegrown food |
Gross National Income (GNI) | The measure only takes into account one factor – income It is an average calculation so a few wealthy people can distort the figures Data about income is sensitive so people may not always be honest about their earnings People working in the informal sector and 'stay at home' parents are not taken into account |
GNI per head | It is an average and hides information about whether a person is either rich or poor or the quality of life within the country |
Human Development Index (HDI) | The index only takes into account four indicators of development and the statistics provided by some countries may be unreliable and is subjective It is a general measure based on average calculations: It does not take into account disparities (differences) that might exist within a country |
Literacy Rate | This can be hard to measure in LICs due to lack of monitoring Conflict zones and squatter settlements are difficult areas to measure literacy rates |
Life Expectancy | Data is not always reliable, especially in LICs It can be misleading in countries with a very high rate of infant mortality as people who survive infancy may live longer than expected |
People per Doctor | More people are seeking medical help and advice via mobile phone/web chat – this is not included in the data |
Birth Rate | Some countries may have low birth rates but are quite poor (e.g. Cuba at 10 per 1000 – this is due to political decisions to invest more money in healthcare over other sectors) Birth control policies can distort this as a measure of overall development (e.g. China, 12 per 1000) |
Infant Mortality Rate | Not all the deaths of children are reported, especially in LICs and remote regions of NEEs, meaning the true rates may be even higher |
Death Rate | By comparison, death rate is a less reliable measure of development than birth rate Birth rates can be high in some LICs due to poverty but also high in HICs where many people die of old age |
Access to Safe Water | Data collection in LICs is not likely to be accurate and so official figures can underestimate the issue People may technically have access, but high costs force people to use unsafe water Leaking pipes and natural disasters may deprive people of piped water |
Demographic Transition Model
The demographic transition model (DTM) illustrates the five generalised stages of population change that countries pass through as they develop
The graph is based on the changes that took place in western countries such as the UK
It shows how birth and death rates change over time and how this affects the overall population as the country
The gap between the birth rate and death rate is called natural change

The DTM shows that as population move through the stages, the gap between birth rate and death rate at first widens, then it narrows
Stage 1
The total population is low
High birth rates due to lack of contraception/family planning
High death rates due to poor healthcare, poor diet and famine
High infant mortality which leads people to have more children so that some children survive to adulthood
Example: Traditional rainforest tribes in parts of Indonesia, Brazil and Malaysia, have small groups of people live separately with little contact with the outside world. They have a high birth rate and death rate
Stage 2
The total population starts to rise rapidly
Birth rates remain high as people continue to have large families
Death rates decrease as a result of improved diets, better healthcare, lower infant mortality and increased access to clean water
Example: Afghanistan has a birth rate is 30 per 1000 and its death rate is 12 per 1000. About 80% of its population are farmers who need children to support them in the fields and tending livestock
Stage 3
The total population continues to increase but the rate of growth begins to slow
Birth rate begins to fall rapidly due to increased birth control, family planning, increased cost of raising children and low infant mortality rate
Death rate still decreasing but at a slower rate as improvements in medicine, hygiene, diet and water quality continue
Example: Nigeria a NEE, is experiencing rapid economic growth. The death rate is much lower than the birth rate, therefore the country’s population is growing rapidly
Stage 4
The total population is high and is increasing slowly
Birth rate is low and fluctuating due to accessible birth control and the choice of having fewer children as well as delaying the age women start to have children
Death rate is low and fluctuating
Example: USA is one of the most developed countries in the world and has a good-quality health care which means death rates are low (8 per 1000). Women tend to have smaller families, choose to study and follow careers which keeps the birth rate lower at 13 per 1000. Population growth is due mainly to immigration
Stage 5
The total population starts to slowly decline as the death rate exceeds the birth rate
Birth rate is low and slowly decreasing
Death rate is low and fluctuating
Example: South Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world at 0.81 children per woman. In comparison the average rate across the world's HICs is 1.6 children per woman. A country needs at least 2.1 children per couple to keep their population at the same size without relying on migration
Worked Example
Explain why birth rates are still high in many LEDCs
[4 Marks]
Identify the command word
The command word is 'explain'
The focus of the question is 'birth rates'
Take care to ensure that you focus on LICs (Lower Income Countries)
Any two from the following with a developing point:
Lack of /don’t use/cannot afford contraception [1]
Lack of education about contraception/about problems of large families [1]
Children needed for work/to earn money/for farming; needed to look after elderly/no pensions [1]
Children needed to do household chores or example – fetching wood/water, cleaning the house, and looking after younger children [1]
Traditional views about large families/polygamy/families want a male child [1]
Religious/cultural views on contraception/abortion/family size [1]
High infant mortality/they have more babies so some will survive [1]
Early marriages/teenage pregnancy [1]
Lack of emancipation for women/women don’t have careers/lack of education for women [1]
No access to sexual (family) health clinics including abortion, etc. [1]
Causes of Uneven Development
There are many factors which lead to the differences in development

Factors affecting development and human welfare
Physical causes of uneven development:
Landlocked countries are cut-off from seaborne trade routes which are important to economic growth
Africa has some of the most landlocked countries on earth. E.g. Chad
Small countries develop more slowly due to having fewer human and natural resources
Climate related diseases and pests such as Malaria, affect the ability of the population to stay healthy enough to work
Locust swarms can decimate crops
Extreme weather events such as droughts, floods and tropical storms can slow development and can incur costly repairs to infrastructure e.g. Bangladesh
Limited access to clean water can slow development by making people sick and unable to work. e.g. Angola
The physical geography also impacts the natural resources available
The natural resources are those things provided by the physical environment
Table of Uses of Resources
Natural resource | Uses |
Water | Domestic use, energy |
Forests | Timber, habitat, rubber, recreation, food, medicines |
Fossil Fuels | Fuel, energy |
Soil | Growing crops |
Rocks | Construction |
Minerals | Glass, jewellery, money |
Animals | Food, furs and skins |
Some countries are able to meet all their needs from the natural resources they have
Many countries have to import some natural resources that are not available within their borders
When countries have to import natural resources, this means they do not have the security of supply as imports could be affected by war or political issues
Water, food and energy security are particularly important to support a country's development
Economic causes of uneven development:
A lack of money in a country slows development because it prevents improvements to living standards, education, sanitation and infrastructure
Without these, development in agriculture and industry will be slow and the economy cannot get going
Wealthy regions, such as Asia, Europe and North America dominate trade because they export secondary (processed) goods which earn more income
As these countries accumulate wealth, they become more powerful
Which means they are able to dictate the terms of trade to their advantage, usually at the expense of LICs
Can help to increase water, food and energy security
Mechanisation of farming increases yields and improved land surveying may reveal more energy sources
Technology can also mean that existing resources are used more efficiently
Historical causes of uneven development:
Many LICs were colonised by powerful trading nations such as France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and the UK
Much of Africa, South America and Asia were exploited for their resources and their people: Over 10 million people were transported from Africa to North America as slaves
It was during this time that global development became uneven
Despite many countries becoming independent in the 20th century, they have been affected by power struggles and civil wars, as a legacy of hundreds of years of exploitation, with many still facing challenges in terms of development
Wars reduce levels of development as men are often fighting instead of working
Money is used buying weapons rather than improving the country’s roads, schools, hospitals etc.
There is damage to infrastructure: Buildings and roads
Social causes of uneven development:
Levels of education affect the skills people have. The more educated a population is the more a country will develop
Healthcare affects how well people are which affects their ability to work
Lack of equality can mean that the overall productivity of a country is affected
The population structure of a country
The birth and death rates, as well as immigration, affect the available workforce
Those countries where birth rates have fallen the most, show the highest rates of growth
Government policies
The stability and effectiveness of government can have a significant impact on development and human welfare
Development and human welfare are greatest where there is a democratically elected government
Corrupt governments do not invest in the country's development or in improving the quality of life for the population
A government's economic policy affects development and human welfare through:
Open economy: where foreign investment is encouraged, which generates faster development
Higher rates of saving and lower spending compared to GDP, results in further development
Effects of Uneven Development
Imbalance between rich and poor
Some countries have lower levels of development and poorer quality of life than others.
Imbalances also exist within countries
Disparities in wealth: In 2014 the fastest growth of wealth was in North America which holds 35% of global
wealth. Africa’s share of global wealth is about 1%.Disparities in health: There is a link between a country’s development and the health of its population
LICs are unable to invest in good quality health care which creates disparities between the causes of death in HICs and LICs
LICs tend to have higher complications during childbirth
Higher rates of infectious diseases e.g. HIV and Malaria
HICs main cause of death is chronic diseases e.g. cancer with fewer infant mortality
Inequality can lead to migration
Migration is the movement of people from place to place which can be voluntary or forced
International migration is a consequence of uneven development, as people seek to improve their quality of life
Movement can be two ways: Poor wanting a better life or the rich not wanting to live near squatter settlements
Mexico an NEE, borders the USA an HIC, every year over 130,000 Mexicans migrate to the USA legally, yet thousands enter illegally hoping for a better quality of life and paid jobs
International migration can be a positive for countries:
Since the Arab Spring uprising in 2010, thousands of people have migrated into Europe from war torn regions of the Middle East and North Africa (e.g. Syria, Libya, and Yemen)
Risking their lives to cross the Mediterranean into Italy, Turkey, Greece and then especially onto Germany
It is estimated that in 2016 alone, 1.1 million migrants entered Germany
As Germany is at stage 5 of the DTM with a declining population, this influx of migrants could potentially benefit Germany's future economy
Worked Example
Study the table showing the Gross National Income (GNI) data for selected countries in 2016.
Calculate the median value for the GNI data in Figure 5.
[2 Marks]
Figure 5
Country name | GNI |
Argentina | 11 960 |
Belgium | 41 860 |
China | 8 260 |
Finland | 44 730 |
Haiti | 780 |
India | 1 680 |
Kenya | 1 380 |
Mali | 750 |
Poland | 12 680 |
Spain | 27 520 |
United Kingdom | 42 390 |
You need to remember that 10% of the marks come from mathematical skills and therefore you should be able to perform a range of mathematical skills accurately
Check what the question is asking you as sometimes you have to provide your workings and or units
2 marks if you answer correctly - even if no working shown, as the question has not asked for it this time, but do be aware
1 mark if there is evidence of attempting to work out correctly e.g. ranking of figures on the table but answer subsequently wrong
US dollar sign not necessary
Median = 11 960
Median = middle value when ordered in size
750, 780, 1380, 1680, 8260, 11960, 12680, 27520, 41860. 42390, 44730
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