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True or false?
Urbanisation is the increasing percentage of a country's population living in towns and cities.
Urbanisation is the increasing percentage of a country's population living in towns and cities.
True or False?
Low income countries (LICs) show the highest levels of urbanisation?
High income countries (HICs) show the highest levels of urbanisation, with the lowest levels being in Africa and SE Asia.
What is the definition of a megacity?
A megacity is a city with more than 10 million people.
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True or false?
Urbanisation is the increasing percentage of a country's population living in towns and cities.
Urbanisation is the increasing percentage of a country's population living in towns and cities.
True or False?
Low income countries (LICs) show the highest levels of urbanisation?
High income countries (HICs) show the highest levels of urbanisation, with the lowest levels being in Africa and SE Asia.
What is the definition of a megacity?
A megacity is a city with more than 10 million people.
Define the term natural increase.
A natural increase is when the birth rate is higher than the death rate. It accounts for roughly 60% of urban population growth.
True or False?
LICs have the fastest rates of urbanisation?
LICs have the fastest rates of urbanisation. This is because HICs have high levels of urbanisation already.
State the meaning of push-pull factors.
Push-pull factors refer to factors that push people away from rural areas and pull them towards urban areas, leading to rural-to-urban migration.
What is rural-urban migration?
Rural-urban migration is when many people are 'pulled' to the possibility of better pay and jobs in urban areas.
By 2050, how much of the population will live in urban areas?
It is thought that by 2050, more than two-thirds (7 billion) of the world population will live in urban areas.
True or False?
The largest growth in megacities is seen in Asia.
The largest growth in megacities is seen in Asia.
What are the four main factors leading to megacity growth?
The four main factors leading to megacity growth are:
Economic development.
Population growth.
Economies of scale.
Multiplier effect.
Define the term world cities.
World or global cities are cities with status and power. They can be any size, but exert particular influences around the globe.
Name the top three world cities and explain why they are alpha cities.
The three top world cities are London, New York, and Tokyo. These are the financial centres of the world, each with smaller networks of world cities feeding into them, making them alpha cities.
True or False?
Since the 1950s, South America, Asia and Africa have seen rapid urbanisation.
Since the 1950s, South America, Asia and Africa have seen rapid urbanisation.
What are the three main reasons for urbanisation in LICs?
The three main reasons for urbanisation in LICs are:
Mass rural-urban migration.
The lure of the city and the opportunities it represents.
Natural increase.
What opportunities does urban growth give to LICs and NEEs?
The opportunities that urban growth gives NEEs and LICs include:
The growth of urban industrial development.
Increased market share through industrial exports.
Improved public services such as schools, clean water, electricity, etc.
Improved living conditions and a safer environment through street lighting and policing.
What is the major challenge faced by LICs and NEEs?
The major challenge faced by LICs and NEEs is the growth of informal (squatter) settlements.
What are informal or squatter settlements?
Informal or squatter settlements are unplanned and unregulated housing with little to no sanitary facilities, freshwater or reliable energy supply.
How many people does the UN estimate will live in some form of informal settlement by 2030?
The UN estimates that 1 in 4 people on the planet will live in some form of informal settlement by 2030.
What are very large, overcrowded informal housing areas called?
Very large, overcrowded informal housing areas are called mega-slums.
What serious risks does slum housing present?
The serious risks that slum housing presents are fires, flooding and landslides.
What percentage of the population of Rio de Janeiro lives in favelas?
Over 20 per cent of the population live in around 1000 favelas in and around the city of Rio de Janeiro.
How do the majority of the favela's residents get electricity?
The majority of the favela's residents illegally tap into the main electrical grid, making electricity poles in the street unsafe, with several households connecting to the one pole.
True or False?
Many households in Rio's favelas have access to safe, running water.
Only a small number of households in Rio's favelas have access to safe, running water.
How does the government of Brazil view favelas?
The government views favelas as eyesores, which portrays a poor image of the city.
What issue does the Brazilian government face when deciding on improving favelas?
The government has to balance improvements without attracting further inward migration and, therefore, further favela developments elsewhere.
What was the aim of the Favela Bairro Project?
The aim of the Favela Bairro Project was to provide essential services to residents and to recognise them formally as neighbourhoods of the city of Rio.
How successful has the Favela Bairro Project been?
The success of the Favela Bairro Project has been mixed, but many living conditions have been improved. Full development has been restricted because of the topography of the area (steep hillsides).
True or False?
Lagos is Nigeria's capital city.
Abuja is Nigeria's capital city. Lagos used to be the capital until 1991.
What limits the growth of Lagos to the east of the city?
Lagos Lagoon limits the growth of the city to the east.
True or False?
Wealthy residential areas are found in Maroko?
Wealthy residential areas are found on the Lagos and Victoria Islands and the Eko Atlantic.
What is housing like in Lagos?
Housing is mixed in Lagos and ranges from skyscrapers, luxury apartments and high-rise flats within the city centre to colonial mansions and gated communities on Victoria Island to tin shacks and floating slums on the outskirts.
What percentage of Lagos has a piped and treated water supply?
Just 14% of the population of Lagos has a piped and treated water supply to their homes.
True or False?
The growth of Lagos has led to a widening of inequality.
The growth of Lagos has led to a widening of inequality. Most residents earn as little as $1.50 a day and are employed in the informal economy, with no minimum wage.
True or False?
The largest squatter settlement in Lagos is Makoko.
Makoko is the largest squatter settlement in Lagos.
What percentage of families in Lagos live in just one room?
Approximately 75% of families live in just one room, meaning people live in cramped conditions that can spread disease.
True or False?
Many residents of squatter settlements are forced to work in the formal economic sector.
Many residents of squatter settlements are forced to work in the informal economic sector.
What is a top-down strategy?
When the government (local or national) helps to improve an area, this is called a top-down strategy.
What is a bottom-up strategy?
Bottom-up strategies are aimed at social development, with smaller community projects that are aimed at improving health, education, or food supplies at a local level.
What is unique about the Eko Atlantic City?
The Eko Atlantic City is being built on land reclaimed from the sea and will be protected by an 8.5-kilometre sea wall because of the shortage of housing.
Give an example of a traffic management strategy in Lagos.
Examples of traffic management strategy in Lagos include:
Creating alternative transport options like rail, building new bridges and roads.
Using traffic apps and radio bulletins to alert drivers to congestion.
Encouraging flexible work hours.
True or false?
There have been no improvements to education in Lagos.
There have been major improvements like rebuilding schools, building more schools in underserved areas, and the government paying for school exams.
What is the Makoko Regeneration Group?
The Makoko Regeneration Group gives residents a voice in planning for their community, identifying opportunities like new housing, energy, tourism, and water transportation.
What is a conurbation?
A conurbation is an extended urban area that consists of several towns merging with the suburbs of a central city.
Where are the fastest-growing cities in England?
The fastest-growing cities are in the southeast of England.
What is London?
London is:
The capital of the UK.
The UK’s largest city, with 9.5 million people.
A global financial centre.
True or False?
As a general rule, all towns and cities grow outward from a central core?
As a general rule, all towns and cities grow outward from a central core.
What are the four common features of all towns and cities?
The four common features of all towns and cities are:
A central core with a CBD, which is the oldest part of a city.
An inner-city zone with older, compact terraced housing.
A suburban zone with semi and detached housing with gardens.
An urban fringe with clustered housing estates, out of town shopping and industrial parks.
What is migration?
Migration is the movement of people across an official boundary, either internationally or nationally, with the intention of creating a permanent place of residence.
True or False?
Internal and international migration have impacted the UK.
True or False?
Internal and international migration have impacted the UK.
True or False?
The impacts of migration on the UK are always negative.
The impacts of migration on the UK are both positive and negative.
What opportunities can urban change bring?
The opportunities that urban change can bring are social, economic and environmental.
What is deprivation?
Deprivation is a standard of living that is below that of the majority of people within an area. It can represent a town, a city, region or a country.
True or False?
Deprivation is about not having enough money.
Deprivation is more than a lack of money. It includes levels of:
health and education
living environments
crime rates
unemployment etc.
What is urban sprawl?
Urban sprawl is the uncontrolled growth of towns and cities, encroaching on rural surroundings.
Define greenfield and brownfield sites.
Greenfield sites are areas of land that have never been built on.
Brownfield sites are areas of previously built on land that have been reclaimed and repurposed.
Define urban sustainability.
Urban sustainability is about meeting the needs of today and future needs but also of the environment we live in.
What is grey water?
Grey water has not been treated but is reused water or rainwater used in homes, such as laundry or toilets.
What is urban greening?
Urban greening is about including green spaces and elements into urban environments and infrastructure, such as streets, cities, roofs and walls.
How does urban greening help with the sustainability of cities?
Urban greening helps urban sustainability by:
Reducing flooding.
Increasing biodiversity.
Reducing temperatures.
Improving air quality.
What is corporate sustainability?
Corporate sustainability is when companies attempt to reduce their carbon footprint by focusing on how their business affects the environment.
What is an eco-town?
An ecotown is an ecologically aware urban housing centre. Built to be as sustainable as possible with as little impact on the surrounding environment.
Name three transport strategies used for urban sustainability.
Some transport strategies used for urban sustainability are:
Encourage the use of public transport.
Promote flexible or remote working hours.
Encourage the use of bicycles.
Promote car sharing.
Investment in park and ride schemes.
Introduce congestion charges.
What is special about Curitiba in Brazil?
Curitiba was the first city in Brazil to have a dedicated bus lane and has introduced a number of initiatives to make it a world leading sustainable city.
How has Curitiba reduced flooding?
Curitiba has reduced urban flooding through urban greening, such as building parks and lakes.
What percentage of waste is recycled in Curitiba?
Curitiba recycles over 70% of its waste and the poorer residents of the favelas are paid for the waste they collect: not in money but in food.