Blood Brothers (AQA GCSE English Literature)

Exam Questions

5 hours125 questions
11 mark

What type of play structure does Blood Brothers follow?

  • a linear structure with flashbacks, a prologue and an epilogue

  • a non-linear structure with no clear beginning or end

  • a cyclical structure, starting and ending with the same event

  • an episodic structure with each act representing a different year

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21 mark

How does the play employ dramatic irony?

  • The audience is unaware of the twins’ relationship until the end, which creates shock.

  • The twins are aware of their relationship from the start, but struggle to accept the truth.

  • The audience is given no clues about the fate of the twins.

  • The audience knows about the twins’ relationship, but the characters do not.

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31 mark

What is one of the primary motifs used throughout Blood Brothers?

  • the tragic fall of kings

  • the image of Marilyn Monroe

  • the destruction of nature

  • the rise of industrialisation

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41 mark

Which dramatic technique does Russell use to show the passage of time?

  • flashbacks to earlier moments

  • fast-paced dialogue between characters

  • musical montages to narrate events

  • lengthy monologues from the characters

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51 mark

How does Russell use lighting in the play to signify key moments?

  • Red lighting is used to signify moments of violence and death.

  • Blue lighting is used to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

  • Flashing lights are used to indicate major character changes.

  • Lighting is not used as a significant element in the play.

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61 mark

Which stagecraft technique does Russell use to contrast the lives of Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons?

  • He uses sound effects to emphasise the wealth of Mrs Lyons and vastness of her home.

  • He uses different colours for the costumes of the characters, symbolising their status.

  • He places the two houses at opposite ends of the stage to symbolise class divide.

  • He shows the inside of Mrs Lyons’ house but keeps Mrs Johnstone’s children outside.

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71 mark

How does the use of songs contribute to the structure of Blood Brothers?

  • The songs act as moments of comic relief throughout the play, breaking up the tragedy.

  • The songs are used as soliloquies to express the inner thoughts of characters.

  • The songs serve only as entertaining interludes, and they do not advance the plot.

  • The songs are irrelevant to the emotional development of the characters.

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81 mark

How does Russell use a cyclical structure to reinforce a sense of tragedy?

  • by starting and ending the play with the same scene, highlighting the inevitability of fate

  • by changing the ending each time the play is performed, to create suspense

  • by beginning the play with hope and ending it in despair, showing the impact of choices

  • by skipping between different timelines, confusing the audience about the characters’ fate

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11 mark

Comment on the effect of Russell using two separate acts.

  • The two-act structure confuses the audience, making it hard to follow the play.

  • The second act emphasises the play’s message by repeating the events and ideas from the first act.

  • The first Act 1 is focused on Eddie’s life and story, while the second Act 1 is focused on Mickey’s downfall.

  • The two-act structure contrasts innocent childhood in Act 1 with the harsh reality of adulthood in Act 2.

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21 mark

How does the role of the Narrator relate to classic Greek tragedy?

  • The Narrator is used only to move the story forward and is not connected in any way to the characters.

  • The Narrator mirrors a Greek chorus: he provides commentary, foreshadowing, and moral judgement.

  • The Narrator tries to change the fate of the characters and avert tragedy but is ultimately unsuccessful.

  • The Narrator interacts directly with the characters, influencing their decisions throughout the play.

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31 mark

Explain the significance of Russell’s use of the motif of Marilyn Monroe in Blood Brothers.

  • Marilyn Monroe represents glamour and success, symbolising the wealth Mrs Johnstone longs for.

  • Marilyn Monroe symbolises Mrs Johnstone’s lost youth and dreams, as well as the idea of tragedy.

  • Marilyn Monroe reflects Mrs Lyons' envy of Mrs Johnstone’s freedom.

  • Marilyn Monroe is a symbol of Mickey’s obsession with fame and money.

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41 mark

Suggest how the lighting in the first and last scenes of Blood Brothers helps to support the play’s tragic structure.

  • The lighting is dark and ominous in both scenes to signify the violent ending of the twins.

  • The lighting remains bright throughout, emphasising hope even during the darkest moments.

  • The lighting is used to confuse the audience about the characters’ fate, flickering on and off.

  • The lighting gradually gets brighter, suggesting the atmosphere of a police interrogation.

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51 mark

How does Russell juxtapose the two acts of Blood Brothers to illustrate class differences?

  • by using different musical styles in Act 1 and Act 2 to symbolise Mrs Johnstone’s changing mood

  • by placing Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons in the same social class, yet showing their differences

  • by contrasting the hope of Act 1 with the despair of Act 2, reflecting the brothers’ diverging fortunes

  • by using different lighting techniques in each act to represent the passing of time

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61 mark

Apply your understanding of dramatic irony to explain how it influences the audience’s reaction to the twins’ relationship?

  • The audience is aware of the twins’ real relationship from the beginning, increasing tension as the characters remain unaware.

  • The twins know about their relationship early on, which creates suspense for the audience as tension between them grows.

  • The audience and characters discover the twins’ relationship at the same time, leading to a shocking reveal in the play’s conclusion.

  • The dramatic irony is removed by the end of the play, allowing the characters to reflect on their fate in full knowledge of the truth.

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71 mark

How might Russell’s use of stage directions—placing Mrs Johnstone’s children outside while Mrs Lyons’ home is shown as secure—suggest social inequality?

  • It implies that Mrs Lyons is unwilling to allow her children to play outside in a more equal setting.

  • It suggests that Mrs Johnstone’s children are more independent and liberated than Mrs Lyons’.

  • It shows that Mrs Johnstone is afraid of her children being inside the house.

  • It highlights the safety and security that wealth provides, contrasted with the vulnerability of poverty.

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11 mark

Assess how Russell’s use of a cyclical structure in Blood Brothers influences the audience’s understanding of fate.

  • It suggests that the characters have the power to change their fate, but fail to do so on this occasion.

  • It emphasises that the characters are trapped in an unchangeable cycle of fate and tragedy.

  • It allows the audience to witness the characters’ growth and how they ultimately escape their destiny.

  • It indicates that the tragic events of the play could have been avoided.

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21 mark

Criticise the effectiveness of Russell’s portrayal of Mrs Johnstone as a tragic hero in Blood Brothers.

  • She is portrayed as a tragic hero because her decisions and fatal flaws directly lead to her downfall.

  • She is portrayed as a tragic hero because she is able to overcome her flaws and rise above her circumstances despite adversity.

  • She is not portrayed as a tragic hero because she is powerless to change her fate, with society and superstition influencing her choices.

  • She is portrayed as a tragic hero because she intentionally sacrifices one of her twins to ensure the other’s success.

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31 mark

Evaluate Russell’s use of sound to depict off-stage events and how it affects the audience’s engagement.

  • The use of sound, such as the gunshot during Mickey’s robbery, heightens tension.

  • The use of sound is minimal and has little effect on how the audience experiences the play.

  • The use of sound serves primarily as a distraction from the main action of the play.

  • Sound is used only in musical moments and is not intended to reflect key events in the story.

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41 mark

Is Russell’s decision to end the play without resolution an effective way to convey its themes?

  • Ending without resolution is effective as it suggests the cyclical nature of class and fate, leaving the audience to reflect on society’s role in the tragedy.

  • Ending without resolution is ineffective as it leaves the audience confused and unsure about the message of the play or the fates of the characters.

  • The unresolved ending is meant to comfort the audience by implying that the characters’ fates could be different in the future.

  • The unresolved ending suggests that the characters can still change their destiny, offering hope to the audience.

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