An Inspector Calls (AQA GCSE English Literature)

Exam Questions

8 hours177 questions
11 mark

In what year did Priestley write the play?

  • 1945

  • 1912

  • 1929

  • 1951

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21 mark

What political ideology is presented as morally unacceptable in the play?

  • Capitalism

  • Socialism

  • Conservatism

  • Liberalism

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31 mark

Which social class does Eva Smith represent in the play?

  • aristocracy

  • middle class

  • upper class

  • working class

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41 mark

In the context of 1912, what was a significant challenge faced by workers?

  • excessive social welfare

  • lack of union protection

  • overpayment

  • job automation

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51 mark

Which major event influenced the shift towards socialist values in Britain by 1945?

  • Great Depression

  • Industrial Revolution

  • World War 2

  • Crimean War

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61 mark

What societal system is sharply contrasted between the Birlings and Eva Smith?

  • class system

  • gender roles

  • political systems

  • educational systems

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71 mark

In 1912, what was the primary means of financial assistance for the poor?

  • the Welfare State

  • private charities

  • government subsidies

  • employment insurance

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81 mark

Why did Priestley set the play in 1912 rather than in 1945?

  • to avoid political controversy in 1945, given that audiences would have only recently survived a war

  • to depict historical events more truthfully and which the audience would have been familiar with

  • to highlight the stark differences in societal structures and attitudes between the two periods

  • to appeal to a younger audience who may have viewed the past through rose-tinted spectacles

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91 mark

How does Priestley use the character of Eva Smith to comment on the class system?

  • by showing her struggles as a working class woman to highlight the unfairness of the system

  • by depicting her as a successful entrepreneur who can overcome setbacks to find new employment

  • by showing her affinity with the upper class through her relationships with Eric and Gerald

  • by showing that her lack of education left her unable to obtain wealth and power

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101 mark

How does the character of Sheila reflect the changing role of women during the early 20th century?

  • She begins to challenge the patriarchal norms and seeks greater independence.

  • She becomes submissive and dependent on male characters, who represent strength and power.

  • She avoids any form of conflict in order to give the impression that she is not a troublemaker.

  • She disregards the suffragette movement entirely, believing that it would be better to appease men.

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11 mark

How does the setting of 1912 influence the portrayal of the class system in the play?

  • It highlights the strict divisions and inequalities between social classes.

  • It shows that the class system was already becoming less significant.

  • It suggests that class divisions were more flexible in this period.

  • It indicates that the working class had significant political power.

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21 mark

What does the character of Eva Smith symbolise in the context of 1912?

  • the rising political power of women in society

  • the power and influence of the upper class

  • the vulnerability and exploitation of the working class

  • the luxury and comfort enjoyed by the middle class

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31 mark

If the play were set in 1945, how would Eva Smith's situation differ under the newly established Welfare State?

  • Her dismissal from work would be more justified, as there were fewer reasons for workers to strike.

  • Her situation would remain largely unchanged as women were equally mistreated in 1945.

  • She would have fewer rights than in 1912, as the UK struggled with financial losses after World War 2.

  • She would have been provided with more protection and access to social support.

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41 mark

How might Gerald Croft’s relationship with Eva Smith reflect the power dynamics of the class system in 1912?

  • Gerald’s upper-class status allows him to exploit Eva with little consequence.

  • Gerald and Eva’s relationship represents equality between different social classes.

  • Gerald’s relationship with Eva challenges the traditional class hierarchy.

  • Eva’s power over Gerald is evident in their interactions as she convinces him to leave Sheila.

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51 mark

In the context of the post-World War 2 era, how might the audience’s reception of Mr Birling’s capitalist views differ from an audience in 1912?

  • A post-war audience would view Mr Birling’s views as more progressive.

  • Both audiences would likely agree with Mr Birling’s views.

  • The post-war audience would likely be more critical of Mr Birling’s capitalist views.

  • A 1912 audience would be more critical of his views due to the societal context.

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