Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (AQA GCSE English Literature)

Exam Questions

5 hours119 questions
11 mark

In which chapter does Stevenson first introduce the character of Jekyll?

  • Chapter 1

  • Chapter 3

  • Chapter 4

  • Chapter 5

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21 mark

What form is The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde written in?

  • novella

  • novel

  • short story

  • play

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31 mark

What narrative style does Stevenson primarily use in the novella?

  • first-person narration

  • stream of consciousness

  • omniscient third-person narrator

  • unreliable narrator

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41 mark

To which genre does Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde primarily belong?

  • romantic

  • realism

  • horror

  • Gothic

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51 mark

What is the symbolic significance of the fog in the novella?

  • It alludes to Hyde’s purity of character.

  • It represents the clarity of Jekyll’s intentions.

  • It represents moral ambiguity and hidden darkness.

  • It symbolises purity and innocence.

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61 mark

How is Hyde often described in terms of imagery?

  • animalistic

  • aristocratic

  • primitive

  • heroic

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71 mark

Which biblical reference does Stevenson use to emphasise the duality of Jekyll and Hyde?

  • the Garden of Eden

  • Cain and Abel

  • David and Goliath

  • the Tower of Babel

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81 mark

Explain how the structure of the novella contributes to its mystery.

  • Stevenson reveals key information only in the final chapter.

  • The novella opens with a clear resolution to the central conflict.

  • The novella is written chronologically, with no surprises.

  • Hyde is introduced before Jekyll.

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91 mark

Summarise the significance of the epistolary form in the final two chapters.

  • It shows that Lanyon and Jekyll were close friends.

  • It adds a sense of mystery by presenting only one character’s perspective at a time.

  • It makes the narrative confusing and hard to follow, weakening the novel’s central message.

  • It highlights Hyde’s importance over Jekyll by underlining that Hyde is the novel’s true protagonist.

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11 mark

Explain why Stevenson chose to introduce Hyde before Jekyll in the novella.

  • to suggest that Hyde is more important than Jekyll

  • to confuse the reader about the identity of the protagonist, who could be one of two figures

  • to reinforce the perception that Hyde and Jekyll are separate entities

  • to show Hyde as a villain from the start of the novella

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21 mark

Summarise the effect of Stevenson’s decision to withhold information about Hyde’s activities for a year in the narrative.

  • It makes the reader sympathise with Hyde.

  • It creates an atmosphere of confusion.

  • It heightens the sense of mystery and foreboding.

  • It indicates that Hyde has been redeemed.

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31 mark

Explain how the fragmented narrative structure contributes to the reader’s understanding of events.

  • It makes the story harder to follow, increasing confusion.

  • It provides multiple perspectives that add to the mystery.

  • It allows the reader to see events only from Utterson’s point of view.

  • It reveals the truth about Jekyll and Hyde early in the novella.

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41 mark

How does Stevenson’s description of the violent wind and lashing trees foreshadow the events to come in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

  • The wind and trees represent the calming influence Jekyll will have on the story.

  • The violent weather foreshadows the stormy relationship between Utterson and Jekyll.

  • The wind symbolises the fleeting nature of Hyde’s violent tendencies.

  • The turbulent weather symbolises the violent nature of Hyde and the calamities to come.

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51 mark

How does the personification of the moon as “lying on her back as though the wind had tilted her” contribute to the unsettling atmosphere in the novella?

  • It emphasises the unnatural and distorted events taking place.

  • It hints at a battle between good and evil that plays out in nature.

  • It suggests the natural world is in harmony with human behaviour.

  • It indicates that the weather has no effect on the characters in the story.

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61 mark

How does Stevenson’s use of the epistolary form in the final chapters affect the reader’s interpretation of the events?

  • It makes the narrative more straightforward by clarifying the preceding events.

  • It forces the reader to question the reliability of the narrators.

  • It provides objective truth about Jekyll and Hyde from unbiased sources.

  • It removes any ambiguity in the story.

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71 mark

Comment on how the symbolic use of doors and keys reflects the central theme of duality in the novella.

  • Doors and keys represent the boundaries between Jekyll’s public and private lives.

  • They are used to show that Jekyll and Hyde share similar characteristics.

  • Doors and keys represent the connection between Jekyll’s social and professional life

  • They suggest that Jekyll is unable to fully separate from Hyde’s influence.

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81 mark

Suggest why Stevenson chose to structure the novella with a delayed reveal of Hyde’s true identity.

  • to increase the reader’s sympathy for Hyde as a victim

  • to create an atmosphere of dread and mystery throughout the novella

  • to confuse the reader about the actual events of the story

  • to ensure the reader sees Jekyll and Hyde as entirely separate characters

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11 mark

How does Stevenson use pathetic fallacy in his descriptions of weather to foreshadow violent events?

  • The weather remains calm and peaceful before violent events take place.

  • The tempestuous weather conditions foreshadow the dangerous events involving Hyde.

  • The moon’s appearance is always described as bright before Hyde commits crimes.

  • The weather is used to indicate changes in the narrative pace, not to foreshadow violence.

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21 mark

Debate whether the setting of London is more effective in portraying isolation or danger in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

  • The setting mostly portrays isolation, as the streets are empty, symbolising Jekyll’s loneliness.

  • The setting is focused on danger, with the fog and darkness emphasising the threat Hyde poses to the city.

  • The setting reflects both isolation and danger; it shows how beings like Hyde thrive in its deserted spaces.

  • The setting mainly focuses on wealth and comfort, contrasting the lives of the upper and lower classes.

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31 mark

Assess the effectiveness of the narrative structure in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in building suspense and revealing the duality of Jekyll and Hyde.

  • The fragmented narrative structure is confusing and weakens the novella’s ability to reveal Jekyll’s secret.

  • The narrative structure is effective, as it withholds key information until the final chapters.

  • The use of different narrators reduces the suspense and makes the plot overly complex.

  • The narrative structure reveals Jekyll’s duality too early, diminishing the sense of mystery.

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