Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (AQA GCSE English Literature)

Exam Questions

5 hours119 questions
11 mark

What does Mr Enfield witness that deeply disturbs him?

  • A man tramples a young girl.

  • A man robs a shop.

  • A man breaks into Jekyll's laboratory.

  • A man fights with Dr Lanyon.

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21 mark

When does Mr Utterson first become suspicious of Mr Hyde?

  • after seeing Hyde break into Jekyll’s home

  • after hearing Mr Enfield's story about the girl

  • after Dr Lanyon tells him about Hyde

  • after receiving a letter from Jekyll

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31 mark

What does Jekyll’s will instruct should happen if Jekyll disappears?

  • Everything should go to Mr Hyde.

  • Everything should go to Dr Lanyon.

  • His property should be destroyed.

  • His money should be given to charity.

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41 mark

What does Utterson discover when he visits Hyde's house after the murder of Sir Danvers Carew?

  • a confession letter

  • Jekyll’s lifeless body

  • Hyde hiding in a cupboard

  • the remaining part of the murder weapon

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51 mark

Who is the first to discover Jekyll’s transformation into Mr Hyde?

  • Dr Lanyon

  • Mr Utterson

  • Poole

  • Mr Enfield

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61 mark

How does Jekyll describe his relationship with Hyde in his confession?

  • as a necessary evil he cannot control

  • as a convenient way to hide his crimes

  • as a way to separate his good and evil sides

  • as a scientific experiment that went wrong

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71 mark

What is Jekyll’s final action before fully becoming Hyde for the last time?

  • He writes a letter to Utterson.

  • He confesses to the police.

  • He drinks his final chemical concoction.

  • He destroys his laboratory.

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81 mark

Explain why Utterson is shocked when he compares the handwriting of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

  • because the handwriting looks identical

  • because the handwriting is completely different

  • because Hyde’s handwriting is more elegant

  • because Jekyll’s handwriting has become illegible

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91 mark

Summarise how Dr Jekyll explains the cause of his downfall in his final confession.

  • He was too ambitious and overreached his scientific limits.

  • His experiments were discovered by Utterson and the police.

  • He couldn’t control his transformations into Hyde.

  • He ran out of the chemicals needed for the transformation.

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101 mark

Comment on the significance of Dr Lanyon’s illness after witnessing Jekyll’s transformation.

  • It demonstrates the importance of physical health in the novella.

  • It suggests that Lanyon has been poisoned.

  • It shows that Lanyon was also conducting dangerous experiments.

  • It highlights the shocking nature of Jekyll’s experiments.

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11 mark

Summarise why Dr Jekyll gives Mr Hyde access to his home and wealth.

  • Jekyll trusts Hyde as a friend.

  • Jekyll feels a strange loyalty to Hyde.

  • Jekyll is forced to do so by blackmail.

  • Jekyll wants Hyde to take over his life.

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21 mark

Explain the reason Dr Lanyon becomes ill after his encounter with Mr Hyde.

  • He is shocked by the supernatural nature of Hyde's transformation.

  • He contracts an illness from Hyde.

  • He is poisoned by chemicals in Jekyll’s laboratory.

  • He is disgusted by Hyde’s appearance.

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31 mark

Comment on the symbolism of the door that Utterson and Enfield pass by at the beginning of the novella.

  • It shows Jekyll’s connection to wealth and power.

  • It symbolises the boundary between good and evil.

  • It is a symbol of Hyde’s violent tendencies.

  • It represents Jekyll’s hidden secrets.

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41 mark

How does the description of Hyde’s appearance influence Utterson’s perception of him?

  • It makes Utterson more curious about Hyde’s past.

  • It causes Utterson to see Hyde as an embodiment of evil.

  • It leads Utterson to believe Hyde is innocent.

  • It encourages Utterson to protect Hyde.

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51 mark

Suggest why Jekyll believes he can control his transformations into Hyde whenever he wishes.

  • He underestimates the strength of his darker side.

  • He knows the concoction will always work.

  • He doesn’t believe Hyde is truly dangerous.

  • He feels Hyde is a separate entity.

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61 mark

How does the revelation of Jekyll’s letter to Utterson impact the reader’s understanding of the narrative?

  • It indicates Jekyll was under someone else’s control.

  • It suggests Jekyll was innocent all along.

  • It clarifies Jekyll’s full responsibility for Hyde’s actions.

  • It confirms Jekyll’s will was forged by Hyde.

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71 mark

How does the murder of Sir Danvers Carew affect Jekyll’s behaviour after the event?

  • Jekyll distances himself from Hyde completely.

  • Jekyll returns to his social life but grows more erratic.

  • Jekyll tries to hide Hyde by destroying his laboratory.

  • Jekyll feels no remorse and continues as usual.

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81 mark

Suggest the primary reason why Poole insists that Utterson help break down the door to Jekyll’s laboratory.

  • Poole wants to prove Hyde’s innocence.

  • Poole hears strange sounds coming from the laboratory.

  • Poole believes Jekyll is experimenting with dangerous chemicals.

  • Poole is convinced that Hyde has killed Jekyll.

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