Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (AQA GCSE English Literature)

Exam Questions

5 hours119 questions
11 mark

In which chapter does Jekyll state, "man is not truly one, but truly two"?

  • Chapter 8

  • Chapter 9

  • Chapter 10

  • Chapter 4

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21 mark

How is Hyde described when he tramples his victim in Chapter 4?

  • with human fury

  • with demonic rage

  • with beastly elegance

  • with ape-like fury

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31 mark

Which character is described as “austere with himself” and avoids the theatre for 20 years?

  • Dr Jekyll

  • Mr Hyde

  • Dr Lanyon

  • Mr Utterson

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41 mark

What does the quote “My devil had long been caged; he came out roaring” imply about Jekyll's internal struggle?

  • his moral righteousness

  • his repressed evil desires

  • his fear of society

  • his scientific curiosity

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51 mark

What does Jekyll believe is the “curse of mankind” according to Chapter 10?

  • the desire for absolute power at any cost

  • the conflict between good and evil within us

  • the inability to choose between right and wrong

  • the inability to control one's destiny

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61 mark

How does Stevenson describe Hyde in Chapter 2 when Utterson first hears about him?

  • "pale and dwarfish"

  • "tall and handsome"

  • "weak and fragile"

  • "angelic and graceful"

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71 mark

In Chapter 9, what is Dr Lanyon’s reaction to witnessing Jekyll’s transformation?

  • He praises Jekyll's experiment and wants to write about it.

  • He dismisses it as a hallucination that can be explained scientifically.

  • He is so shocked that it leads to his death.

  • He encourages Jekyll to continue, hoping to witness further transformations.

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81 mark

Comment on how secrecy and reputation are linked in the character of Mr Utterson.

  • Mr Utterson is willing to hide Jekyll’s secrets to protect his friend’s reputation.

  • Mr Utterson disregards his reputation to uncover the truth.

  • Mr Utterson sacrifices his career to maintain his honesty.

  • Mr Utterson refuses to help Jekyll in order to preserve his own reputation.

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