A Christmas Carol (AQA GCSE English Literature)

Exam Questions

7 hours167 questions
11 mark

How is Ebenezer Scrooge first described in the novella?

  • "light and gentle as a feather"

  • "hard and sharp as flint"

  • "merry and carefree as a schoolboy"

  • "stubborn and hard-headed as a ram"

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21 mark

Which phrase does Scrooge often use to express his opinion of Christmas?

  •  "God bless us, every one!"

  • "Merry Christmas!"

  • "Ho, ho, ho!"

  • "Bah, humbug!"

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31 mark

Who says, “God bless us, every one!”?

  • Tiny Tim

  • Bob Cratchit

  • Fred

  • Scrooge

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41 mark

What is Scrooge’s relationship to Fred?

  • uncle

  • father

  • brother

  • cousin

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51 mark

How does Dickens describe the Ghost of Christmas Present?

  • as a “spectral being”

  • as a “solitary figure”

  • as a “jolly Giant”

  • as a “shadowy figure”

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61 mark

What is Bob Cratchit’s occupation?

  • lawyer

  • clerk

  • merchant

  • teacher

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71 mark

Who was Jacob Marley in relation to Scrooge?

  • his brother

  • his business partner

  • his father

  • his best friend

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81 mark

How does Scrooge’s attitude towards Tiny Tim reflect his character development?

  • He remains indifferent, showing his unchanged nature.

  • He becomes angry, reflecting his frustration with poverty.

  • He feels superior, reinforcing his sense of importance.

  • He becomes empathetic, showing his growing concern for others.

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91 mark

What role does Jacob Marley’s ghost play in Scrooge’s transformation?

  • He serves as a warning of the consequences of a selfish life.

  • He offers Scrooge wealth and power.

  • He forges a long, metal chain for Scrooge.

  • He demonstrates that Scrooge is unable to change his fate.

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101 mark

What does the simile “as solitary as an oyster” suggest about Scrooge’s character?

  • It implies that he may still contain a pearl of goodness.

  • It shows that he is wealthy and well-guarded.

  • It suggests he is isolated, with a hard exterior but potential for change.

  • It highlights that his character is as unpredictable as the sea.

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11 mark

What does the metaphor “Scrooge’s heart was cold” suggest about his personality?

  • It implies that Scrooge is unfeeling and lacks compassion.

  • It suggests that Scrooge is old and frail.

  • It highlights that Scrooge is logical and calculating.

  • It implies that Scrooge is fearful of others.

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21 mark

How does Bob Cratchit’s reaction to Scrooge during the Christmas toast illustrate his character?

  • It shows his forgiving and kind nature despite Scrooge’s cruelty.

  • It reflects his fear of losing his job and being punished.

  • It demonstrates that he hides his disdain for Scrooge from his family.

  • It reveals his hope that Scrooge will one day treat him better.

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31 mark

What is the significance of the Ghost of Christmas Past’s “bright clear jet of light”?

  • It shows the spirit’s power to blind Scrooge to his mistakes.

  • It represents Scrooge’s bright future if he changes.

  • It serves as a beacon to guide Scrooge through the present.

  • It symbolises memory and the illumination of Scrooge’s past.

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41 mark

How can Bob Cratchit's reaction to Scrooge’s newfound generosity be used to illustrate the theme of forgiveness?

  • Bob resents Scrooge's transformation and refuses to forgive him for his past mistreatment and poor working conditions.

  • Bob immediately welcomes Scrooge's change of heart, showing that forgiveness can be given when someone truly repents.

  • Bob is indifferent to Scrooge's transformation, suggesting that forgiveness is not necessary.

  • Bob forgives Scrooge after receiving financial compensation, indicating that forgiveness must be rewarded.

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51 mark

Suggest how the character of Fan influences Scrooge’s attitude towards his nephew Fred.

  • Scrooge resents Fred because he blames him for Fan’s early death.

  • Scrooge’s memories of Fan’s kindness inspire him to embrace Fred’s warmth.

  • Scrooge treats Fred harshly because Fan was too lenient with Scrooge.

  • Scrooge ignores Fred because he associates him with Fan’s death.

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61 mark

How does Dickens use the contrast between Scrooge and Fezziwig to comment on the treatment of employees?

  • Fezziwig’s success shows that Scrooge’s methods are ineffective.

  • Fezziwig’s wealth contrasts with Scrooge’s poverty, justifying Scrooge’s behaviour.

  • Fezziwig’s kindness highlights the cruelty of Scrooge’s treatment of Bob Cratchit.

  • Fezziwig’s fear of poverty explains his generosity, unlike Scrooge.

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71 mark

What might the Ghost of Christmas Present’s “glowing torch” symbolise in its interaction with Scrooge?

  • the spreading of warmth and kindness, contrasting with Scrooge’s coldness

  • the burden of wealth that Scrooge carries, symbolising the weight of his greed

  • the light of truth that reveals Scrooge's wealth and success, emphasising his status

  • the power to change time and events, enabling Scrooge to alter his fate

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81 mark

How does the depiction of Ignorance and Want influence Scrooge’s perception of his society’s values?

  • It reinforces his view that wealth is the ultimate measure of success.

  • It confirms his belief that the poor are responsible for their own plight.

  • It reveals to him the consequences of society’s neglect of the poor.

  • It strengthens his resolve to avoid any involvement in social issues.

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11 mark

How does Dickens use the description of Scrooge as “hard and sharp as flint” to establish his character in the novella?

  • It suggests that Scrooge is a valuable asset to society, like flint is valuable for making fire.

  • It highlights Scrooge’s tough exterior and inability to connect with others emotionally.

  • It indicates Scrooge’s sharp business acumen and intelligence.

  • It foreshadows Scrooge’s transformation into a kinder, gentler person.

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21 mark

How does the depiction of Bob Cratchit’s working conditions serve as a critique of the treatment of the lower classes during Dickens’ time?

  • It reveals that most employers were unaware of their workers’ hardships and would improve conditions if they knew.

  • It shows that the working class had few responsibilities and were treated leniently by their employers.

  • It suggests that Bob’s poverty is due to his own lack of ambition rather than the actions of his employer.

  • It reveals the exploitation of workers and the harsh conditions they endured, reflecting social injustice.

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31 mark

Assess the impact of Scrooge’s transformation on the novella’s overall message.

  • Scrooge’s transformation complicates the novella’s message by implying that wealth and generosity are incompatible.

  • Scrooge’s transformation undermines the novella’s message by suggesting that change can be sudden and unearned.

  • Scrooge’s transformation has little impact on the novella’s message, which focuses more on the spirits than on Scrooge.

  • Scrooge’s transformation reinforces Dickens’ message that change is always possible, regardless of past behaviour.

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41 mark

Assess the role of Scrooge’s childhood memories in his ultimate transformation.

  • Scrooge’s childhood memories are primarily used to provide context and have minimal impact on his eventual transformation.

  • Scrooge’s childhood memories are less influential, as his transformation is primarily driven by his fear of the future.

  • Scrooge’s childhood memories play a critical role in his transformation by reminding him of the kindness he once knew and the joy he lost, prompting him to change.

  • Scrooge’s childhood memories distract him from the main issue of his present behaviour, making them less relevant to his transformation.

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