Walking Away (AQA GCSE English Literature) : Revision Note

Sam Evans

Written by: Sam Evans

Reviewed by: Kate Lee

Updated on

Each poetry anthology at GCSE contains 15 poems, and in your exam question you will be given one poem - printed in full - and asked to compare this printed poem to another. As this is a closed-book exam, you will not have access to the second poem, so you will have to know it from memory. Fifteen poems is a lot to revise. However, understanding four things will enable you to produce a top-grade response:

  • The meaning of the poem

  • The ideas and messages of the poet 

  • How the poet conveys these ideas through their methods

  • How these ideas compare and contrast with the ideas of other poets in the anthology

Below is a guide to Cecil Day Lewis’ poem Walking Away, from the Love and Relationships anthology. It includes:

  • Overview: a breakdown of the poem, including its possible meanings and interpretations

  • Writer’s methods: an exploration of the poet’s techniques and methods

  • Context: an exploration of the context of the poem, relevant to its themes

  • What to compare it to: ideas about which poems to compare it to in the exam


In order to answer an essay question on any poem it is vital that you understand what it is about. This section includes:

  • The poem in a nutshell

  • A ‘translation’ of the poem, section-by-section

  • A commentary of each of these sections, outlining Cecil Day Lewis’ intention and message

Walking Away in a nutshell

Walking Away, written by the poet Cecil Day-Lewis, a former Poet Laureate, reflects on the separation and distance which occurs between parent and child as time passes. The autobiographical poem explores the painful process as a natural part of life and relationships.

Walking Away overview

Lines 1-2

“It is eighteen years ago, almost to the day —

A sunny day with leaves just turning,”


  • The poem begins with a measure of time passing, suggesting the triggering of a memory

Day Lewis’ intention

  • Day Lewis’ speaker marks the moment as significant as they remember a day eighteen years ago 

  • The poet uses natural imagery to describe the day as autumnal, creating a nostalgic mood

Lines 3-4

“The touch-lines new-ruled — since I watched you play

Your first game of football, then, like a satellite”


  • The poem’s speaker describes the day, eighteen years ago, when they watched their child play football

Day Lewis’ intention

  • The poet breaks the speaker’s voice here to indicate the emotional memory of his child’s first game of football

Lines 5-7

“Wrenched from its orbit, go drifting away

Behind a scatter of boys. I can see

You walking away from me towards the school”


  • The poem’s speaker describes the painful moment the child leaves their side to go to school

  • The speaker compares the separation as their child walks away to a satellite pulled out of its orbit

Day Lewis’ intention

  • The poet vividly describes the way the child leaves them, disappearing into a group of children, to convey the loss the parent still feels as they remember 

  • Day Lewis compares the dependant relationship of parent and child to a satellite in its orbit, describing how each life revolves around the other

    • However, the violent image of the satellite pulled out of orbit conveys the way the parent feels as their child is no longer dependent on them and their life no longer revolves around the parent

Lines 8-10

“With the pathos of a half-fledged thing set free

Into a wilderness, the gait of one

Who finds no path where the path should be.”


  • The speaker describes the child as unprepared, like a baby bird as it is “set free” from a nest 

  • He describes the way the child walks; he is nervous as he does not know where to go

Day Lewis’ intention

  • The poet uses natural imagery again to present the natural process of separation in family relationships:

    • Here, he uses the image of a baby bird flying from its nest into the dangerous wilderness to represent the child leaving the safety of the home

    • The imagery conveys the parents own feelings of hesitation

Lines 11-12

“That hesitant figure, eddying away

Like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem


  • The speaker continues to describe the child’s anxiousness as they leave

    • The parent describes the child as if they are floating away

    • They compares the child to a seed falling into the ground

Day Lewis’ intention

  • Day Lewis presents the process of the child leaving and beginning their own life as natural

    • The poet uses comparisons with nature to consider how the emotions the child and parent feel as they separate are a natural part of life

    • The new life the child is about to experience is conveyed with the simile, comparing the child to a seed about to grow 

Lines 13-15

“Has something I never quite grasp to convey

About nature’s give-and-take — the small, the scorching

Ordeals which fire one’s irresolute clay.”


  • The speaker begins to reflect on these ideas: 

    • The speaker explains their confusion about the pain and love (the give-and-take) which is a necessary part of relationships and growing up 

    • They acknowledge the power of nature, which creates pain (fire) to strengthen us and mold us(clay) 

Day Lewis’ intention

  • Day Lewis presents the process of the child leaving and beginning their own life as confusing:

    • He considers how love and growing up is a painful, yet powerful and natural process 

Lines 16-17

“I have had worse partings, but none that so

Gnaws at my mind still. Perhaps it is roughly”


  • The speaker explains that the painful emotions on the day their child went to school for the first time does not compare with any other moment of separation, suggesting the power of family love

  • The speaker vividly describes the impact of the memory 

Day Lewis’ intention

  • The poet uses language which presents the relentless agony of parent and child separation: 

    • The memory “gnaws” even eighteen years later

    • The poet ends the line with the word “roughly” to highlight the harsh emotions felt

Lines 18-20

“Saying what God alone could perfectly show —

How selfhood begins with a walking away,

And love is proved in the letting go.”


  • The speaker ends the monologue referring to religious ideas:

    • The speaker believes God and nature are at work in the process

    • He believes love is felt most strongly at moments of separation 

Day Lewis’ intention

  • Day Lewis presents the process of the child leaving and beginning their own life as not only natural, but as part of God’s plan

    • He ends the poem with a conclusion, prefaced by a dash, that painful separations can build our character and prove our love

Writer’s Methods

Although this section is organised into three separate sections - form, structure and language - it is always best to move from what the poet is presenting (the techniques they use; the overall form of the poem; what comes at the beginning, middle and end of a poem) to how and why they have made the choices they have. 

Focusing on the poet’s overarching ideas, rather than individual poetic techniques, will gain you far more marks. Crucially, in the below sections, all analysis is arranged by theme, and includes Cecil Day Lewis’ intentions behind his choices in terms of:




Poet’s intention

Distance within family relationships

Walking Away presents the first-person perspective of a parent as they remember watching their child leave for school: “I can see you walking away”

Cecil Day Lewis uses the form of an intimate monologue to convey a parent’s feelings as they reflect on parental love as they reflect on the growing distance in family relationships

The speaker directly addresses the child: “since I watched you play/Your first game of football”

Although the speaker addresses their child, the listener is silent, highlighting the distance between them

The poem follows a disciplined ABACA rhyme scheme to reflect the parent’s stable tone as they reflect

Day Lewis employs a regular rhyme scheme to present the parent as calm despite the painful memory, perhaps implying the stoic nature of the parent

Day Lewis’ poem about distance in family relationships takes the form of a parent’s personal reflection, which begins with a sentimental and reflective conversation to their child


The poem is divided into four quintets which show the speaker’s flowing thoughts as they reflect on the relationship between parent and child. At first, the memory is triggered by a similar event occurring in the present day. However, the memory develops as the parent reflects on other moments of separation. Finally, the poem ends with a clear acceptance of the natural and positive elements of the process.



Poet’s intention

Complex relationships

The poem’s first line introduces the idea of a triggered memory with a reference to time: “It is eighteen years ago, almost to the day –”

The poet immediately introduces the poem as a reflection of a past event, suggesting the impact of the moment both then (when the child first leaves for school) and now (when the child leaves as an adult)

The speaker begins with past-tense verbs to indicate the moment the speaker begins his reflection: “since I watched you play/Your first game of football”

Day Lewis presents the way a memory can create a bond of shared experiences in family relationships

The second stanza depicts the speaker going back in time to their child’s first day of school, however the speaker uses present tense verbs to convey the immediacy of the vivid memory:

  • Present tense continuous verbs like “walking”, “drifting” and “eddying” emphasise the continuous nature of separation and pain within the relationship

The poem moves chronologically through the process of reflection as the parent’s memories trigger powerful emotions

The poem ends with a conclusion: 

“I had had worse partings”


Cecil Day Lewis conveys the idea of a rite of passage in family relationships through the structure of the poem, which mirrors the parent’s painful memory progressing towards acceptance and a stronger understanding of love

Walking Away follows the speaker’s reflections across four stanzas to depict the progression of the speaker’s thoughts, beginning with a nostalgic memory and ending with a conclusion about the inevitability of separation in relationships


Cecil Day Lewis combines violent imagery with natural imagery in the poem to convey the doubt and pain of the parent as their child leaves the safety of home towards independence, as well as the speaker’s reflection on separation as a natural part of parenthood. 



Poet’s intention

Parental love

The poet uses natural imagery to present the vividness of the memory: 

  • The speaker remembers how it was “a sunny day with the leaves just turning”, using the season of autumn to present the nostalgia of the moment

The descriptions of seasons connotes to a natural change and development for the parent and his child, however it can also allude to endings, noticeable in “the leaves are just turning”

The speaker compares the moment of separation to a satellite “wrenched” from its orbit:

  • The verb “wrenched” implies a destructive and sudden action which suggests the unpreparedness of the parent

  • Later, the speaker uses the present-tense verb “gnaws” to imply the continued pain

The poet uses the simile to present the process of separation as painful and unfamiliar, bringing distress and confusion

However, while the process is presented as painful, the child is described in natural imagery

  • He is compared to a “winged seed loosened from its parent stem” and a “half-fledged thing”

Here, Day Lewis uses softer imagery to describe the child and show its vulnerabilities:

  • The image of a baby bird and a small seed flying away allude to the child as it leaves the safety of home, but the image reminds the parent of natural processes in life

Repetition of the word “away” emphasises the constant moments of separation as the child walks away, drifts away and eddies away:

  • The poem concludes with this idea: “How selfhood begins with a walking away,/And love is proved in the letting go”

Day Lewis implies the continuous nature of painful moments in family relationships, yet the poem’s resolution suggests “walking away” and “letting go” build a stronger bond

Cecil Day Lewis presents a parent’s intense emotions with metaphorical language which convey the speaker’s pain as well as their acceptance


Examiners repeatedly state that context should not be considered as additional factual information: in this case, it is not random biographical information about Cecil Day Lewis which is unrelated to the ideas in Walking Away. The best way to understand context is as the ideas and perspectives explored by Day Lewis in Walking Away which relate to love and relationships. This section has therefore been divided into two relevant themes that Day Lewis explores:

Complex family relationships

  • Walking Away was written in 1962 and appears in Day-Lewis’ collection of poetry called The Gate

    • In the collection it is dedicated to Cecil Day-Lewis’ son, Sean, about his first day at school

      • The poem, written from a first-person perspective has a personal tone as the parent silently addresses their child during a painful memory

      • However, the poet has stated the poem is about all parents and their similar experiences, suggesting the timeless nature of complex family love

  • Walking Away, although written In the 1960s, was influenced by the Romantic tradition of poetry, which centres around complex emotions 

    • Day Lewis was influenced by Romantic poetry in his early career, citing Wordsworth’s poetry as particularly inspiring

    • The simplicity of the natural imagery and the focus on complex personal emotions in Walking Away is an essential element of Romantic poetry

Distance and separation 

  • Walking Away’s themes are concerned with the relationship between parent and child, and in particular, their separation

    • Cecil Day Lewis may have been influenced by his own childhood, losing his mother at a young age and becoming distant with his father

    • The poem deals with the natural, yet painful process of separation

  • While the themes of Walking Away are complex, the poem is written in a simple and melodic form, typical of lyrical poetry

    • The regular rhyme scheme of Walking Away suggests the influence of lyrical poetry

      • Day Lewis belonged to an auspicious literary group where he met celebrated poets who wrote in this tradition, such as the poet WH Auden 

    • The simplicity of the images, despite the painful and complex emotions, is conventional within lyrical poetry, in order to present the purest expression of feelings

What to Compare it to

The essay you are required to write in your exam is a comparison of the ideas and themes explored in two of your anthology poems. It is therefore essential that you revise the poems together, in pairs, to understand how each poet presents ideas about love or relationships, in comparison to other poets in the anthology. Given that Walking Away explores the ideas of complex relationships and separation in love, the following comparisons are the most appropriate:

For each pair of poems, you will find:

  • The comparison in a nutshell

  • Similarities between the ideas presented in each poem

  • Differences between the ideas presented in each poem

  • Evidence and analysis of these similarities and differences

Walking Away and Letters From Yorkshire

Comparison in a nutshell:

Both Cecil Day Lewis’ Walking Away and Maura Dooley’s Letters From Yorkshire use natural settings for their personal poems about distance within families to reflect on separation as a natural part of relationships.  However, while Cecil Day Lewis concludes his poem with an acceptance of separation, Maura Dooley resolves the problem and finds a way to maintain the connection. 


Topic sentence

Both poems comment on desire and physical love in romantic relationships 

Evidence and analysis

Walking Away

Letters from Yorkshire

Day Lewis uses natural imagery to represent the changes in nature and relationships: 

  • He starts his poem describing a day in Autumn which connotes to change, as well as natural endings: “A sunny day with leaves just turning”

Dooley also uses natural imagery to compare the distance in the relationship to changing weather : “You out there, in the cold, seeing the seasons/turning”

The speaker uses gentle comparisons to show his nervousness about the child’s new independence:

  • The child leaves his side “Like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem” and is a “half-fledged thing”


Dooley’s speaker too, describes the father with soft and natural imagery to indicate her constant thoughts of him:

  • The present tense continuous verbs as the father is “digging his garden, planting potatoes” with “his knuckles singing/as they reddened in the warmth” show her concern

 Both poems present separation and changes in family relationships as natural as the seasons, while also acknowledging the painful endings involved


Topic sentence

Both poems convey intimate family relationships, despite distance or separation

Evidence and analysis

Walking Away

Letters from Yorkshire

Day Lewis presents the first-person perspective of the parent as they address their child, who due to the separation, cannot answer:

  • The intimate relationship is conveyed in the sentimental tone as the parent speaks to the child: “I can see/You walking away from me”

Dooley, too, conveys, via a first-person perspective, the intimate feelings as a child addresses their distant father: “Still, it's you/who sends me word of that other world”

Day Lewis uses the form of a memory to convey the intimacy of the parental bond:

  • The speaker describes the significant moment with vivid description of the child’s movements: “the gait of one/Who finds no path where the path should be”

Similarly, Dooley presents a reflection of an adult child as they imagine their father’s actions: “he saw the first lapwings return and came indoors to write to me”

 Day Lewis and Dooley both convey the sentimental nature of family relationships separated by distance with detailed descriptions which allude to their strong, unbreakable bond


Topic sentence

While Day Lewis concludes that separation is a natural part of life which must be accepted, Dooley resolves the problems of distance with communication

Evidence and analysis

Walking Away

Letters from Yorkshire

Day Lewis ends the poem concluding that separation not only proves love, but builds character: 

  • The speaker repeats the title of the poem to emphasise the message: “How selfhood begins with a walking away,/And love is proved in the letting go”

However, Dooley uses sensory language to present the emotional connection in the family relationship despite physical distance: “watching the same news in different houses, our souls tap out messages across the icy miles”

The poet uses metaphorical language to present the process of parenthood as fierce and painful: “the small, scorching/Ordeals which fire one’s irresolute clay”

In contrast, Dooley’s poem presents the way emotional closeness brings relief within family relationships separated by distance with gentle metaphorical language relating to communication: “pouring air and light into an envelope”

While Day Lewis shows no resolution for the relentless painful memories, Dooley finds comfort in the separation by finding connections which bridge the distance

Walking Away and Mother, Any Distance

Comparison in a nutshell:

This is an effective comparative choice to explore family relationships, specifically about distances between parent and child surrounding the theme of growing up. Although Walking Away is written from the perspective of a father, Mother, Any Distance is written from the perspective of a child.


Topic sentence

Both poems explore the idea of growing up, which creates distance within family relationships

Evidence and analysis

Walking Away

Mother, Any Distance

Day Lewis uses first-person to convey the personal thoughts and feelings of a father as he reflects on moments of separation as their child grows up, bringing a sentimental tone to the poem: “Your first game of football”

  • The poet uses a simile referring to space to suggest the pain and unfamiliarity of the moment: “like a satellite/Wrenched from its orbit, go drifting away”

Similarly, Armitage uses first-person to present the intimate feelings of a child who is leaving home and feeling a sense of strangeness: “I space-walk through the empty bedrooms,”

Day Lewis employs metaphorical language to allude to the child’s vulnerabilities when letting go: “a half-fledged thing set free Into a wilderness”


Armitage, too, symbolically represents the fragility of the child as they become independent using the metaphor of an anchor to represent the stability and safety of home against a kite which, fragile and small, flies at the whim of nature

The speaker in Walking Away refers to the natural process of change in relationships by referring to flight:  “That hesitant figure, eddying away/Like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem”

Armitage alludes to natural processes too:

  • The speaker nervously looks to “an endless sky” like a bird about to take its first flight

The poets comment on the idea of nervous children reaching independence and the pain caused when the parental bond is broken


Topic sentence

While the speaker in Walking Away finds comfort in the idea that separation is a natural part of family relationships and love, the speaker in Mother, Any Distance does not find clear resolution

Evidence and analysis

Walking Away

Mother, Any Distance

Day Lewis presents ideas about family relationships from the perspective of a father as he remembers moments with his son:

  • The speaker uses direct address: “It is eighteen years ago, almost to the day —”/“since I watched you play”

However, Armitage’s poem is written from the perspective of a child addressing their mother in present tense: “You come to help me measure windows, pelmets, doors”

The poem ends with the speaker’s acceptance of separation: “How selfhood begins with a walking away, / And love is proved in the letting go”


Whereas, Armitage’s poem ends with less of a clear resolution

  • The child still unsure about the process of letting go: “to fall or fly”

  • The parent’s fingers “still pinch”

While Day Lewis considers a parent’s ultimate acceptance of their child’s independence, Armitage considers a parent and child both unsure about the process

Walking Away and Winter Swans Comparison in a nutshell:

Both Cecil Day Lewis’ Walking Away and Owen Sheers’ Winter Swans explore separation and distance in relationships. While Day Lewis depicts the continued distance as a harsh rule of nature, Sheers depicts a renewed physical closeness found through observation of nature. 


Topic sentence

Both poems highlight the challenging emotions of distance and separation in relationships

Evidence and analysis

Walking Away

Winter Swans

Day Lewis uses a simile to compare the painful emotions of separation: “like a satellite Wrenched from its orbit”

Correspondingly, Sheers uses natural imagery to convey the heavy emotions caused by the conflict: “the waterlogged earth/gulping for breath at our feet”

Day Lewis uses present-tense verbs which illustrate the pain as the parent and child separate: “grasp” and “gnaws”

Similarly, Sheers uses alliteration to draw attention to the verb which connotes the awkward emotional distance between the couple: “we skirted the lake, silent and apart”

The poet describes the silent distance between the parent and child: “I can see/You walking away from me”

Here, too, the poet illustrates the lack of communication between the pair: “I didn’t reply”

The poets both comment on the challenging emotions of separation by describing recollections of painful moments in their relationship in vivid detail


Topic sentence

Cecil Day Lewis describes the process of separation as natural while Owen Sheers presents the way nature brings harmony and closeness to the distant couple

Evidence and analysis

Walking Away

Winter Swans

Day Lewis’ speaker uses present continuous verbs to illustrate nature as constantly separating relationships: “drifting away”, “walking away” and “eddying away”

Whereas, Sheers’ speaker suggests the act of watching the swans brings the couple together: “silent and apart,/until the swans came and stopped us”

Day Lewis depicts nature as harsh with imagery alluding to challenge and pain: “About nature’s give-and-take — the small, the scorching/Ordeals”

Sheers, however, describes nature as peaceful and gentle, using imagery which shows the swans working in harmony: 

  • The swans are “in unison” as they “halved themselves” “like icebergs of white feather”

Walking Away uses the image of wings in a simile which compares the natural separation within relationships to that of nature: “Like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem

However, Winter Swans uses the imagery of swans wings to present renewed love: “like a pair of wings settling after flight”

Cecil Day Lewis chooses to end his poem, Walking Away, depicting a relentless, yet natural separation in family relationships, while Owen Sheers ends his poem, Winter Swans, with a natural resolution as the speaker and their loved one find physical intimacy

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Sam Evans

Author: Sam Evans

Expertise: English Content Creator

Sam is a graduate in English Language and Literature, specialising in journalism and the history and varieties of English. Before teaching, Sam had a career in tourism in South Africa and Europe. After training to become a teacher, Sam taught English Language and Literature and Communication and Culture in three outstanding secondary schools across England. Her teaching experience began in nursery schools, where she achieved a qualification in Early Years Foundation education. Sam went on to train in the SEN department of a secondary school, working closely with visually impaired students. From there, she went on to manage KS3 and GCSE English language and literature, as well as leading the Sixth Form curriculum. During this time, Sam trained as an examiner in AQA and iGCSE and has marked GCSE English examinations across a range of specifications. She went on to tutor Business English, English as a Second Language and international GCSE English to students around the world, as well as tutoring A level, GCSE and KS3 students for educational provisions in England. Sam freelances as a ghostwriter on novels, business articles and reports, academic resources and non-fiction books.

Kate Lee

Reviewer: Kate Lee

Expertise: English Content Creator

Kate has over 12 years of teaching experience as a Head of English and as a private tutor. Having also worked at the exam board AQA and in educational publishing, she's been writing educational resources to support learners in their exams throughout her career. She's passionate about helping students achieve their potential by developing their literacy and exam skills.