AQA GCSE English Literature
Mock Exams

Full practice exams, created by our experts and fully aligned to your exam specification. Practice online in real exam conditions. Submit your paper and review your answers using AI, mark schemes or solutions.

Set A

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel

Macbeth and A Christmas Carol

Paper not taken

Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry

An Inspector Calls and Power and Conflict

Paper not taken


Set B

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel

Romeo and Juliet and A Christmas Carol

Paper not taken

Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry

An Inspector Calls and Power and Conflict

Paper not taken


Set C

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel

Macbeth and Jekyll and Hyde

Paper not taken

Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry

An Inspector Calls and Love and Relationships

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Set D

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel

Romeo and Juliet and Jekyll and Hyde

Paper not taken

Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry

An Inspector Calls and Worlds and Lives

Paper not taken


Set E

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel

Macbeth and A Christmas Carol

Paper not taken

Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry

Blood Brothers and Power and Conflict

Paper not taken


Set F

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel

Romeo and Juliet and Jekyll and Hyde

Paper not taken

Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry

Lord of the Flies and Power and Conflict

Paper not taken
