Question 5 (AQA GCSE English Language): Exam Questions

9 hours106 questions
11 mark

What is the purpose of a full stop in a sentence?

  • to indicate the end of a complete sentence

  • to separate two related sentences

  • to show a pause in reading

  • to replace a question mark

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21 mark

What is a common error made when using commas?

  • separating clauses incorrectly, known as a comma splice

  • using commas to list items

  • placing commas at the beginning of a sentence

  • peplacing conjunctions with commas

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31 mark

Which punctuation mark is used to introduce a list?

  • comma

  • semicolon

  • colon

  • dash

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41 mark

What is the purpose of an apostrophe in the word “it’s”?

  • to indicate a contraction (it is)

  • to indicate possession

  • to replace a comma

  • to add emphasis

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51 mark

What punctuation error is made in the following sentence? 

“It’s time to save the planet, we can’t wait any longer to take action.”

  • incorrect use of an apostrophe

  • comma splice

  • missing quotation marks

  • overuse of exclamation marks

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61 mark

How is a semicolon correctly used?

  • to add extra information within a sentence

  • to replace a conjunction

  • to emphasise a sentence

  • to separate two closely related clauses

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71 mark

Which punctuation mark should you use for adding a pause or extra information within a sentence?

  • full stop

  • dash

  • apostrophe

  • colon

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81 mark

How does using a semicolon instead of a full stop affect this sentence:

“Natural life on this planet is in danger; human-caused pollution is poisoning Planet Earth.”

  • It makes the sentence less formal.

  • It adds emphasis to the second sentence.

  • It links two related ideas, creating a closer connection.

  • It eliminates the need for commas in the sentence.

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91 mark

Why is it incorrect to use a semicolon in the following sentence? 

“Natural life on this planet is in danger; who here owns a mobile phone?”

  • The two sentences are unrelated.

  • The semicolon should be replaced with a comma.

  • The sentence requires an apostrophe.

  • The semicolon is placed after a question mark.

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101 mark

“Our precious oceans (and the creatures that live within them) deserve our protection.”

In the sentence above, why does the writer use brackets?

  • They signpost information that readers may wish to ignore.

  • They are used to add extra information to a sentence.

  • They highlight the most important clause of the sentence.

  • They separate two independent clauses.

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11 mark

How does using a semicolon in the following sentence affect its meaning?

“Sea temperatures are warming; whales — as well as other marine mammals, like dolphins — are being forced from their normal habitats.”

  • It indicates that the second clause is a direct result of the first.

  • It suggests that the first clause is a consequence of the second.

  • It creates a feeling of suspense between the first and second clauses.

  • It implies that other important details have been omitted for clarity.

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21 mark

How does using an ellipsis at the end of the following sentence affect its meaning?

“If we do nothing, then this might be the last century that humans will live alongside whales…”

  • It adds emphasis to the first clause.

  • It makes the sentence formal.

  • It creates a sense of suspense or incompleteness.

  • It connects the sentence to another idea.

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31 mark

Why has the writer used dashes in the following sentence? 

“The whale — a creature of which I have fond memories — deserves our protection.”

  • Dashes add additional information and can make it dramatic and noticeable.

  • Dashes are more formal than brackets and make the sentence more accessible.

  • Dashes indicate where information has been omitted for clarity.

  • Dashes make the sentence grammatically simpler and easier to skim.

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41 mark

“You might say: ‘Shouldn’t we focus on harm done to human beings rather than animals?’ I say no!”

How do the quotation marks in the above sentence affect its meaning?

  • It replaces the need for commas.

  • It emphasises the speaker’s emotion.

  • It makes the sentence more formal.

  •  It indicates the inclusion of direct speech.

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51 mark

What is the purpose of using a colon in the following sentence?

“There was one thing he feared most: failure.”

  • to introduce an explanation or elaboration

  • to separate unrelated clauses

  • to emphasise the first clause

  • to add a pause for dramatic effect

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61 mark

Where should the apostrophe be placed in the following sentence? 

“Shakespeare presents ambition as one of Macbeths fatal flaws.”

  • after the “t” in “presents”

  • after the “h” in “Macbeth”

  • after the “s” in “flaws”

  • before the “o” in “one”

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71 mark

Why has the writer used an apostrophe in the following sentence?

“Shakespeare presents ambition as one of the Macbeths’ fatal flaws.”

  • The writer wants to show singular possession.

  • The writer is highlighting a proper noun.

  • The writer is contracting a longer word.

  • The writer is showing plural possession.

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81 mark

How could you correct the comma splice in this sentence? 

"I enjoy writing, it helps me express my ideas."

  • You could replace the comma with a semicolon.

  • You could add a conjunction like "and."

  • You could replace the comma with a full stop and capitalise the next word.

  • All of the above.

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91 mark

If you wanted to make this sentence more suspenseful and dramatic, which punctuation would you use? 

"He realised the truth as the clock struck midnight."

  • Add a colon after "truth".

  • Use an ellipsis at the end of the sentence.

  • Put dashes around "as the clock struck midnight"

  • Replace the full stop with an apostrophe.

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101 mark

How could you rewrite the following sentence to add more emphasis to the additional information?

 "The whales, as well as the dolphins, are endangered."

  • Use dashes instead of commas.

  • Add a semicolon before "are endangered”.

  • Use quotation marks around "as well as the dolphins”.

  • Add a colon before "as well as the dolphins”.

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