Programming Fundamentals & Data Types (OCR GCSE Computer Science)



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  • What is a variable?

    A variable is a named memory location that holds data that during the execution of a program, the data can change.

  • Define constant.

    A constant is fixed data that during the execution of a program cannot change.

  • What is assignment?

    Assignment is the process of storing data in a variable or constant under a descriptive name. E.g. name = "SME"

  • What is an operator?

    An operator is a symbol used to instruct a computer to perform a specific operation on one or more values. E.g. arithmetic, comparison

  • State four arithmetic operators

    Arithmetic operators include:

    • +, -, *, /

    • %, //, **

    • MOD, DIV, ^

  • State two comparison operators

    Comparison operators include:

    • ==

    • !=

    • <

    • >

    • <=

    • >=

  • Define input.

    An input is a value that is read from an input device and then processed by a computer program.

  • True or False?

    Without inputs, programs are useful.


    Without inputs, programs are not useful as they can't interact with the outside world and always produce the same result.

  • What is an output?

    An output is a value sent to an output device from a computer program.

  • Typical output devices include?

    Typical output devices include:

    • monitor

    • speaker

    • printer.

  • What is a programming construct?

    A programming construct determines the order in which lines of code are executed and controls the logic and behaviour of code.

  • The three core programming constructs are?

    The three core programming constructs are sequence, selection, and iteration.

  • Define sequence.

    Sequence refers to lines of code which are run one line at a time in the order they are written from first to last.

  • What is selection?

    Selection is when the flow of a program is changed depending on a set of conditions, determining which lines or block of code runs next.

  • Two ways to write selection statements are?

    Two ways to write selection statements are: if...then...else statements and case/switch statements.

  • Define iteration.

    Iteration is repeating a line or block of code using a loop.

  • State two types of Iteration.

    Iteration can be count controlled (e.g. for loop) or condition controlled (e.g. while loop).

  • The keywords indicating selection are?

    The keywords indicating selection are if, elseif, else, endif, switch, case.

  • The keywords indicating iteration are?

    The keywords indicating iteration are for, while, do.

  • If no selection or iteration keywords, the construct is?

    If no selection or iteration keywords are present, the construct is sequence.

  • State the output of 10 MOD 3?

    10 MOD 3 = 1

  • State the output of 10 DIV 3?

    10 DIV 3 = 3

  • State the output of 2 ^ 3?

    2 ^ 3 = 8

  • State the output of 15 % 4?

    15 % 4 = 3

  • State the output of 10 // 2?

    10 // 2 = 5

  • True or False?

    A data type classifies data into groups according to the kind of data they represent.


    A data type classifies data into groups according to the kind of data they represent.

  • What is a data type?

    A data type is a classification of data into groups according to the kind of data they represent.

  • Integer

    An integer is a data type used for whole numbers like 10, -5, 0.

  • Real

    A real is a data type used for numbers with a fractional part like 3.14, -2.5, 0.0.

  • Character

    A character is a data type used for single characters like 'a', 'B', '6', '£'.

  • String

    A string is a data type used for a sequence of characters like "Hello world", "ABC", "@#!%".

  • Boolean

    A Boolean is a data type used for true or false values like True, False.

  • What is casting?

    Casting is when you convert one data type to another data type.

  • True or False?

    Casting changes the data type within a program.


    Casting changes the data type within a program.

  • State the Python code to cast an integer to a real. The identifier for the variable is X.

    real_value = float(X)

  • State the Python code to cast a real to an integer. The identifier for the variable is X.

    int_value = int(X)

  • State the Python code to cast a Boolean to a string. The identifier for the variable is X.

    str_value = str(X)