Authentication Routines (AQA GCSE Computer Science)
Revision Note
Authentication Routines
What is authentication?
Authentication is the process of ensuring that a system is secure by asking the user to complete tasks to prove they are an authorised user of the system
Authentication is done because bots can submit data in online forms
Authentication can be done in several ways, these include
Usernames and Passwords
Other methods that programmers can do to authenticate the user is include
Allowing users to recover passwords via email links and SMS codes
Encrypting data
Writing authentication routines
An authentication routine is a method a programmer can use to ensure a user is entering the correct credentials to access a program or system
The exam requirements are that students only need to be able to write plain text authentication routines and do not need to include encryption
The examples below will be written in Python
Example authentication code using an If statement
This first program is a very simple version and would not be used in a real-world program
This example demonstrates the fundamentals of how an authentication check would take place
username = input("Enter a username ")
password = input("Enter a password ")
if username == "SaveMyExams" and password == "coding":
print("Welcome to the program"
print("Wrong details entered")
Example authentication code using a 2D array
This second program is a better version which stores the usernames and passwords in a 2 dimensional array
This example demonstrates how iteration and selection can be used together to store and retrieve information
#2d array containing the usernames and passwords
users = [
["Dave", "password"],
["Alice", "password2"],
["Bob", "password3"],
["Jane", "password4"]
#Asks for the user to input their username
username = input("Enter username: ")
#Loops through the array to find the username input by the user
for i in range (0,len(users)):
if users[i][0] == username:
#If the username is found, it will ask for their password
password = input("Enter password: ")
if users[i][1] == password:
print("Welcome back " + username)
print("Wrong password " + username)
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