The Ever-Changing Earth (WJEC GCSE Chemistry): Exam Questions

2 hours20 questions
1a4 marks

The Earth’s crust contains more than 80 elements, including many metals. Some of the metals, such as gold, are found ‘native’ or uncombined, but most are bonded with other elements to form compounds.

The crust can be thicker than 80 kilometres in some spots and less than one kilometre thick in others.

Just six elements make up almost all of the Earth’s crust. These are aluminium, calcium, iron, oxygen, silicon and sodium.

Silicon is the second most abundant element. The amount of aluminium is approximately double the amount of calcium.

The chart shows the percentages of elements contained in the crust.


i) Use the information given to label the remaining sections of the chart.


ii) Underline the approximate fraction of elements in the crust which are metals. 


bold 1 over bold 2 bold 1 over bold 3 begin mathsize 14px style bold 1 over bold 4 end style bold 3 over bold 4

iii) Tick (√) the statement which best explains why most metals are not found native in the crust.


most metals have higher melting points than gold      square

most metals are magnetic                                           square

most metals are more reactive than gold                    square

most metals are radioactive                                        square

1b4 marks

Tectonic plates are huge sections of the crust that move very slowly above the mantle. The places where plates meet are called plate boundaries.

The diagram shows one type of plate boundary.


i) Describe how new rock is formed at this plate boundary.


ii) Underline the name of this type of plate boundary.


conservative                          destructive                              constructive

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2a4 marks

The Earth’s early atmosphere contained large amounts of water vapour and carbon dioxide. Explain why the amounts of water vapour and carbon dioxide decreased over geological time.

Water vapour ........................................................................

Carbon dioxide .......................................................................

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2 marks

State the percentages of nitrogen and oxygen in the present atmosphere.

Nitrogen ................................. %

Oxygen ................................... %

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3a2 marks

The surface of the Earth is divided into a number of tectonic plates. These plates are constantly moving.

Plate boundaries can be classified according to the direction of movement of the plates. The three main types of boundary are shown below.


conservative                destructive                constructive

Choose the name of each type of boundary from the box.

A ……….............................

B ……….............................

C ……….............................

3b2 marks

Describe what happens as a result of the movement shown at boundary A.

3c2 marks

Explain what happens at boundary C as a result of the plate movement shown.

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4a3 marks

The following table shows the composition of the atmosphere.


Chemical formula

Percentage found in the atmosphere (%)




carbon dioxide


















nitrous oxide









Use the table to answer parts (a) and (b).

i) Name two gases that occur as single atoms.


ii) Name two elements that occur as molecules.


iii) Name the gas that has the lowest percentage.


4b3 marks

i) If represents a carbon atom, name the gases from the table that can be represented by the following diagrams.

........................................ ........................................


ii) Use the information in part (i) to draw the diagram for oxygen gas.


4c2 marks

The atmosphere can become polluted by substances known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). One example of a CFC is CH2ClF.

i) State how many hydrogen atoms are present in CH2ClF.



ii) Give the total number of atoms shown in the formula, CH2ClF.



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5a1 mark

Wood burning stoves are a popular alternative to using oil or natural gas to heat homes.

The diagram below shows the main products formed when wood burns.


Name the gas in the air that is needed for wood to burn.

5b2 marks

Choose from the list of the main products formed when wood burns

  • the substance which causes acid rain, .....................................................................................  

  • an element. .....................................................................................

5c3 marks

Most scientists believe that increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere causes global warming. Explain why using wood as a fuel is said to be carbon-neutral.

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16 marks

Burning fossil fuels leads to global warming.

Explain how global warming arises and describe the problems caused.

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2a3 marks

Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift.

State the evidence that Wegener used to support his theory and explain why other scientists refused to accept it.

2b3 marks

In the 1960s scientists studied the ocean floor at a constructive plate boundary. Their observations are summarised in the following diagram.


i) Describe what is happening at this boundary.


ii) Label the diagram clearly to show the oldest rock.


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3a5 marks

Global warming is believed to be mainly the result of increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

i) State how the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen is maintained in the atmosphere. Explain why levels of carbon dioxide are increasing and how this leads to global warming.


ii) Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one possible method of reducing global warming.

Describe briefly how CCS is carried out.


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5 marks

Higher Tier Only

Oxides of nitrogen are released in vehicle exhaust fumes. They can cause smog in busy city centres as well as acid rain.

i) One oxide of nitrogen contains 30.4 g of nitrogen and 69.6 g of oxygen.

Find the simplest formula of this oxide. You must show your working.


Ar(N) = 14                           Ar(O) = 16

Simplest formula ………...............................................

ii) The oxide with this simplest formula is found to have a relative molecular mass of 92. Find its molecular formula.


Molecular formula ………...............................................

3c3 marks

Fuels obtained from crude oil contain impurities. 

Explain how an impurity found in fuels can cause an environmental problem.

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4a1 mark

The following information is taken from some articles about global warming.

Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide keep heat close to the Earth’s surface making it a suitable temperature for life. Global warming is an increase of the Earth’s mean surface temperature due to the overproduction of greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels such as gas, petrol and oil. Deforestation also contributes to this. With the growth of industry in the 1900s, humans began burning more fossil fuels to run our cars, trucks and factories. There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any point in the last 800,000 years.

The following charts show the mean global temperature every decade since the 1880s, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1750-2010 and the main sources of carbon dioxide production today.


Figure 1


Figure 2


Figure 3

Draw a trend line on Figure 1.

4b2 marks

Suggest why there was a large rise in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere after around 1950.

4c1 mark

Give one way in which we are trying to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

4d1 mark

Some people say that changes in carbon dioxide levels are not responsible for global warming. Tick (√) the statement that supports this opinion.

 Most carbon dioxide is produced by electricity generation


 Between 1900 and 2010 there was a massive increase in industry


 The mean global temperature remained constant between 1950 and 1980


 The average number of cars per home has increased steadily since the 1980s


 The use of energy efficient appliances has increased since 2000

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5a2 marks

The following diagram shows some of the Earth’s tectonic plates and the direction in which they move.


The boundary between the Nazca and South American plates is a destructive plate boundary. Describe what happens at a destructive boundary.

5b2 marks

Draw a cross (×) on the diagram to show a constructive plate boundary.

Describe what happens at this boundary

5c1 mark

State one effect of plates sliding past each other.

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6a1 mark

In 1912 Alfred Wegener suggested that all the continents must once have been joined together as one big mass.

Diagrams A-D show the position of the Earth’s continents at different times during the last 225 million years.


Put the letters of the diagrams in the correct order on the timeline below. 

225 million years ago ........................

150 million years ago ........................

100 million years ago ........................

today ........................

6b2 marks

Describe two pieces of evidence that Wegener used to support his theory of continental drift.

1. ......................................................................................................................................

2. ......................................................................................................................................

6c1 mark

Wegener’s idea was finally accepted in 1960 and led to the modern theory of plate tectonics.

Which of the following events is likely to occur at a boundary where two plates slide past each other? 



volcanic eruption

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7a2 marks

The graphs below show the changes in carbon dioxide levels and atmospheric temperature between 1960 and 2005.


Describe how the evidence from the graphs can be used to support and to oppose the statement:

“Global warming is caused by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.”

Support .............................................................................................................................

Oppose .............................................................................................................................

7b2 marks

Natural gas is mainly methane, CH4. Complete the equation for its combustion in air by drawing diagrams to represent all the molecules formed.


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5 marks

The percentage of oxygen in air can be found by using the apparatus shown below.


50cm3 of air was trapped in one of the syringes. The air was passed forwards and backwards over the heated copper. The copper reacted with the oxygen in the air producing solid copper(II) oxide. The final volume of gas was recorded when the apparatus had cooled to room temperature.


Volume of air before heating

50.0 cm3

Volume of air after heating and cooling

40.5 cm3

i) Use the results to calculate the percentage of oxygen in air.





Percentage of oxygen in air = ........................... %


ii) Suggest why the value for the percentage of oxygen in air calculated in part (i) is lower than the expected value.



iii) State what happens to the amount of carbon dioxide inside the apparatus during the experiment. Give the reason for your answer.


8b1 mark

Copper(II) oxide can be formed by heating copper(II) nitrate.

Balance the equation for the reaction.

.....Cu(NO3)2   →   .....CuO   +   .....NO2   +   O2

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9a2 marks

A small minority of scientists believe that it is changes in solar activity (i.e. changes in the brightness and warmth of the sun) that causes global warming. The graphs below show the changes in solar activity and atmospheric temperature since 1880.


Using the information from the graphs, state how well the evidence supports the argument that solar activity is the cause of global warming.

9b2 marks

Most scientists believe the main cause of global warming is the increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

i) State the main cause of this increase in carbon dioxide levels.


ii) Describe one method of reducing current atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.


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106 marks

Fossil fuels such as coal release sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere when burned. This causes acid rain. Describe how acid rain is formed and its effects on the environment.

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1a1 mark

This question is about the uses of gases present in air.

Air is a mixture of different gases. Each gas has different uses. The gases are present in different amounts as shown below.


Amount present in air

Boiling point (°C)


78.04 %



20.95 %



0.03 %



0.93 %



18 ppm



5 ppm



1 ppm



0.08 ppm



0.5 ppm



2 ppm



0.5 ppm


ppm = parts per million

Separating a complex mixture!

Air is firstly compressed and cooled which turns it into a liquid. Carbon dioxide freezes and is removed as solid dry ice. The rest of the mixture goes on to a fractionating column where it is slowly warmed allowing most of the substances to be separated.


Tick (✓) the main reason why hydrogen is not separated during the fractional distillation of liquid air.

hydrogen is a highly reactive gas


only 0.5 ppm of hydrogen is present


hydrogen does not become liquid on cooling to −200°C

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hydrogen has a higher boiling point than helium


1b1 mark

Tick (✓) the reason why carbon dioxide becomes a solid during the first part of the process.

carbon dioxide has a boiling point above −200°C


carbon dioxide has a melting point above −200°C


carbon dioxide has a melting point below −200°C


carbon dioxide has a boiling point below −200°C


1c3 marks

Describe, in terms of boiling points, how nitrogen, argon and oxygen are separated during fractional distillation.

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2 marks

The noble gases are present in very small quantities in the air. The amount of each gas produced per year is shown in the table.

Noble gas

World production (tonnes per year)


28 000


1 000


700 000





Use the data to calculate the number of tonnes of air needed to produce 700000 tonnes of argon. Give your answer in standard form.


Mass of air needed = …….................................. tonnes

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26 marks

The diagram shows the movement of the major tectonic plates.


Explain what happens at destructive and constructive plate boundaries.

Diagrams may be included in your answer

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36 marks

This Earth and its atmosphere today are not like the early Earth and its atmosphere.


Describe and explain how the surface of the early Earth and its atmosphere have changed to form the surface of the Earth and its atmosphere today.

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4a3 marks

There were many ideas about how the Earth was formed from a molten ball of rock and minerals. 

At one time scientists thought the features of the Earth were caused when the molten ball of rock and minerals cooled and wrinkled.


Scientists now have evidence that the Earth has a layered structure.

Describe the layered structure of the Earth. You should indicate the relative sizes of the layers.

4b2 marks

At one time scientists thought the Earth’s continents were formed in fixed positions when the molten ball of rock and minerals cooled and wrinkled. 

In 1912, the scientist Alfred Wegener suggested his idea about how Earth’s continents formed.

Describe Wegener’s idea of how Earth’s continents formed.

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5a4 marks

For 200 million years the proportions of the different gases in the atmosphere have been much the same as today. Over the past 150 years the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased from 0.03% to 0.04%.

Describe how carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere:

i) by human and industrial activity.


ii) from carbonate rocks by geological activity.


5b3 marks

Explain how the seas and oceans can decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 

5c2 marks

i) Give two reasons why the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing gradually.



ii) Give two effects that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may have on the environment.


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