Unreactive metals are found as uncombined metals in the Earth’s crust.
Which of the following metals is found uncombined in the Earth’s crust?
☐ | A | aluminium |
☐ | B | gold |
☐ | C | sodium |
☐ | D | zinc |
When iron oxide is heated with carbon, iron is produced.
i) Complete the word equation for the reaction.
iron oxide + carbon → ............................................ + .......................................
ii) What happens to the iron oxide during this reaction?
☐ | A | the iron oxide burns |
☐ | B | the iron oxide is neutralised |
☐ | C | the iron oxide is oxidised |
☐ | D | the iron oxide is reduced |
Copper ore contains copper carbonate, CuCO3.
In the first stage of the extraction process, the copper carbonate is decomposed by heating to form copper oxide, CuO, and carbon dioxide.
CuCO3 → CuO + CO2
When 100g of copper carbonate is decomposed completely in this way, it is found that the total mass of products is 100g.
Give a reason why the starting mass of copper carbonate is always the same as the mass of the products formed.
Zinc can be extracted from its ore by electrolysis or by heating the ore with carbon.
Give a reason for the method that is used.
Figure 2 gives information about aluminium and tin
Figure 2
metal | cost of 1kg/£ | amount in Earth’s crust/% |
aluminium | 1.31 | 8 |
tin | 12.60 | 0.0002 |
Give two reasons why it could be more important to recycle tin than to recycle aluminium. Use the information in Figure 2.
Reason 1
Reason 2
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