Two compounds of barium are barium sulfide and barium chloride.
The hazard symbol shown in Figure 5 is on bottles containing barium metal.

Figure 5
State the meaning of this hazard symbol.
Give the names of the elements combined in barium sulfide.
Barium chloride is toxic.
Explain one safety precaution that should be taken when using barium chloride.
i) A beaker of barium chloride solution and a beaker of dilute sulfuric acid were placed on a balance, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6
The total mass reading on the balance was 25.7 g.
The dilute sulfuric acid was poured into the barium chloride solution and the beaker replaced on the balance, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7
The mixture formed contained a white precipitate.
State the total mass reading on the balance after the reaction.
ii) Give the name of the white precipitate formed by the reaction of barium chloride solution with dilute sulfuric acid.
Solid sodium chloride is dissolved in water.
The sodium chloride solution is electrolysed in the apparatus shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8
i) State why sodium chloride solution, rather than solid sodium chloride, must be used in this experiment.
ii) The formulae of the ions present in the sodium chloride solution are
Circle the ions that would be attracted to the anode.
iii) Molten lead bromide can be electrolysed to form molten lead and bromine gas.
Explain how a student could modify the apparatus shown in Figure 8 to carry out this electrolysis.
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