Using Financial Information to Make Effective Decisions (OCR GCSE Business)

Revision Note

Lisa Eades


Business Content Creator

Measuring Business Performance

  • A range of financial information can be used to measure the performance of a business

Useful information to help measure business performance



  • By volume and value

  • At full/reduced price

  • Trends and seasonality

  • Impact of marketing campaigns

  • Raw materials

  • Components

  • Other consumables

  • Supplier reliability and payment periods

Indirect Costs


  • Staffing, including labour turnover

  • Utilities

  • Property costs

  • Borrowing costs

  • Productivity

  • Wastage or faults

  • Returns and replacements

  • Machinery reliability

  • Customer service complaints

  • Businesses may use a range of this data to determine how successful it has been in meeting key aims and objectives

Case Study

O Pãozinho das Marias Bakery

Francisco is the owner of O Pãozinho das Marias Bakery in Ericeira, Portugal
Francisco is the owner of O Pãozinho das Marias Bakery in Ericeira, Portugal

O Pãozinho das Marias is a popular small bakery and cafe, located in the pretty seaside town of Ericeira, Portugal. The business is owned and run by Francisco, whose reputation for producing some of the country's finest pastels de nata has helped it achieve great success

Francisco uses a range of financial data to measure the bakery's success:

Revenue, costs and profit






Direct costs






Net profit



Profit margins





Gross profit margin



Net profit margin



Other financial measures



Market share (%)



Average customer spend (€)



Wastage rate (%)



Francisco also uses a range of non-financial measures to judge success:

  • The bakery's Facebook rating improved from 4.0 in 2022 to 4.2 in 2023, with more than 5,100 unique followers

  • Staff turnover at the bakery fell from 12.5% to 6.5%

  • Several tour operators have approached Francisco to run bakery courses for visitors to the area

  • No customer complaints were received in 2023

  • The bakery received 58% more 5* Tripadvisor ratings in 2023 compared to 2022

An example of one of O Pãozinho das Maria's 5 star TripAdvisor ratings
An example of one of O Pãozinho das Maria's 5 star TripAdvisor ratings

How the data can be used to demonstrate business success

  • Francisco can demonstrate the success of O Pãozinho das Maria's in a range of ways:

    • Business revenue increased by 15.7% between 2022 and 2023, with average customer spend increasing by almost 28%

    • Although business costs increased by 9.7%, net profit increased by more than 74% as a result of increased revenue

    • The bakery's market share rose, which indicates improved competitiveness over rivals

    • The wastage rate fell, indicating improved control over production processes

    • Customer impressions of the business have improved, with key ratings from Facebook and Tripadvisor improving significantly

    • Staff turnover has almost halved, indicating improved worker satisfaction

    • The business's reputation is opening up new opportunities, such as offering bakery courses

Making Decisions

  • Financial data can be used to support business decision making, such as

    • How to increase sales

    • How to reduce costs

    • Which marketing tactics to adopt

    • How to improve productivity

Case Study

Fresh Fields Nursery

Sidney Parker took over as the owner of Fresh Fields Nursery Ltd in 2022, following his father's retirement. The business, a successful small wholesaler of garden plants, has changed little since Francisco's grandfather established it in the late 1950s

Determined to grow the business and improve its profitability, Sidney took a range of steps to modernise the business:

  • Installation of a computerised sales, accounting and stock system

  • Automation of elements such as irrigation and greenhouse heating,

  • Introduction of quality monitoring systems across the business.

These changes meant that Sidney had a large volume of data to help him understand why, with growing sales revenue, profits were less consistent. This could then help him make appropriate decisions to make the business more successful.

Sales and profit

Fresh Fields Nursery Sales and Profit 2020 to 2024
Fresh Fields Nursery has enjoyed growing sales revenue, though profit has been less consistent

Fixed and variable costs

Fresh Fields Nursery's fixed and variable costs rose between 2020 and 2024
Fresh Fields Nursery's fixed and variable costs rose between 2020 and 2024

Fixed costs

Fresh Fields Nursery's crop yields increased and wastage rates decreased between 2020 and 2024
Fresh Fields Nursery's crop yields increased and wastage rates decreased between 2020 and 2024

Crop yield and wastage

Fresh Fields Nursery's crop yields increased and wastage rates decreased between 2020 and 2024
Fresh Fields Nursery's crop yields increased and wastage rates decreased between 2020 and 2024

Staff turnover

Between 2020 and 2024, Fresh Fields Nursery employed more workers, though a larger proportion left the business, year on year
Between 2020 and 2024, Fresh Fields Nursery employed more workers, though a larger proportion left the business, year on year

Monthly sales

Fresh Fields Nursery's sales are highly seasonal, peaking in May and June
Fresh Fields Nursery's sales are highly seasonal, peaking in May and June

How the data may be used to make decisions


Use in Decision Making

Sales and profit

  • Sales have grown consistently over the last five years, almost doubling between 2020 and 2024

  • However, profit has been less consistent, dropping significantly in 2022This data may prompt discussions focused on the reasons for lower profitability

Fixed and variable costs

  • Both fixed and variable costs have risen over the five-year period

  • Variable costs should be compared to sales levels

    • If the variable cost per unit has risen significantly, Sidney may consider seeking new suppliers for key raw materials such as seeds, compost and plant pots

  • Reasons for the rise in fixed costs should also be considered

    • Sidney may look at aspects such as rent, utility bills and wage costs to identify potential savings

Fixed costs

  • Rental costs have remained stable over the period, representing a relatively small proportion of fixed costs

    • Sidney may consider how this level can be maintained at a low level

  • Both utilities and staff costs have risen significantly

    • Sidney could look at ways to reduce utility costs, such as electricity, by seeking a new energy supplier or taking steps to reduce energy use

    • He may also consider reducing the number of staff employed, as long as this does not affect customer service or quality

Crop yield and wastage

  • Output has increased over the five-year period, with wastage rates falling since 2022

    • Sidney may use this data as evidence that his move towards automation has been successful

    • He may decide to introduce further technology, though he must weigh up its initial cost and ongoing maintenance costs against its expected benefits

Staff turnover

  • The number of staff employed has increased four-fold during the five-year period

  • An increasing proportion of staff have left the business each year

    • Sidney may investigate ways to reduce staff turnover, such as increasing pay or improving non-financial benefits

    • This may reduce staff costs, as there will be less need to recruit replacement workers

Monthly sales

  • Although only two years' worth of data are considered, sales peak during the summer months, with low sales during the winter

  • Sidney may look at ways to ensure the business has adequate cash flow during the winter months

    • He may arrange to use the overdraft facility provided by the business's bank

    • He may carry out research into ways to increase sales, especially during the winter months

      • E.g. He may add Christmas trees to the product portfolio

    • He may look at ways to reduce costs during the winter months

      • E.g. He may choose to employ workers during the

        peak summer season only

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Lisa Eades

Author: Lisa Eades

Expertise: Business Content Creator

Lisa has taught A Level, GCSE, BTEC and IBDP Business for over 20 years and is a senior Examiner for Edexcel. Lisa has been a successful Head of Department in Kent and has offered private Business tuition to students across the UK. Lisa loves to create imaginative and accessible resources which engage learners and build their passion for the subject.