Aims & Objectives (OCR GCSE Business)

Revision Note

Lisa Eades


Business Content Creator

The Main Business Aims & Objectives

  • Aims and objectives are the long-term goals and specific, measurable outcomes that businesses hope to achieve in a given time period

  • Businesses usually pursue one or more common business objectives

    • Many of these are financially-focused

      • Aims and objectives are centred on increasing revenue or profit, reducing costs, maximising returns for shareholders, growth, increasing market share or ensuring survival

    • Businesses may also pursue non-financial aims and objectives

      • These may include providing a service, fulfilling personal ambitions, making a positive contribution to society or improving employee welfare

Examples of Common Business Objectives




  • A common objective in the early stages of trading

    • 60% of UK start-ups fail within their first three years

    • Common reasons for failure include poor cashflow, low sales and unexpected costs

    • It will involve minimising costs and taking steps to grow sales quickly, at a low price if necessary


  • Businesses often achieve growth by increasing sales

    • Persuading customers to buy products more often or in greater quantities to increase sales revenue and expand the business

    • Appealing to new market segments creates opportunities to sell to customers who may not have been previously aware of the business and its brands


  • Ensuring sales revenue received is greater than business costs 

    • This allows for financial security as a business and its owners can pay all the overheads and have some in reserve to pay for unexpected emergencies

Market share

  • This is the percentage of the total market revenue that a single business or brand achieves

    • Costa had an 8% market share of 'out-of-home' coffee consumption in the UK in 2020

  • If market share is increasing, it means that the firm is competing effectively with rivals

Providing a service

  • A business may aim to achieve customer satisfaction by providing excellent customer service and offering attractive, well-priced products

    • E.g. Wagamama restaurants aim to achieve customer satisfaction by offering a welcoming atmosphere and friendly service

  • Every successful business needs to have clear aims and objectives that guide its operations and focus the efforts of all employees towards the same goal 

    • Aims and objectives are critical for businesses to function effectively and achieve long-term success

      • E.g. A business may aim to become the market leader in a particular industry by increasing sales, improving customer satisfaction and expanding into new geographic markets

  • Aims and objectives can act as motivators, as workers can understand the contribution of their hard work to business success

    • Employees may receive a financial reward for their progress towards meeting objectives

  • Investors and other interested stakeholders can understand the direction the business is choosing to pursue

    • This can help them decide whether to align themselves with the business

Examiner Tip

You are not required to know the difference between aims and objectives; they are both considered to be the goals of a business.

Differences in Aims & Objectives

  • Business aims and objectives can vary significantly between different businesses for numerous reasons, including:

    • New businesses are likely to prioritise survival, whilst established businesses may be more likely to pursue growth

    • Small businesses may be focused on the personal objectives of their owners, such as achieving a good work-life balance, whilst very large businesses, such as PLCs, are likely to aim to satisfy the needs of their shareholders

    • Non-profit organisations are likely to prioritise their social aims and objectives, whereas for-profit businesses will often prioritise maximising sales and minimising costs

Business objectives vary due to culture, size, location, ownership structure and industry
Businesses objectives are influenced by a range of factors

Different industries

  • Businesses operating in different industries will have different objectives and aims

    • E.g. A healthcare company's primary objective might be to improve the health and wellbeing of people, while a financial services firm's objective might be to maximise profits


  • The size of a business can also influence its aims and objectives

    • E.g. A small business may focus on survival and achieving manageable growth, while a larger corporation may prioritise product diversification and market dominance


  • Each business has its own unique culture, which reflects its values, beliefs, and overall vision

    • E.g. A business with an employee-focused culture is likely to prioritise their wellbeing, whilst a business with a target-driven culture is more likely to focus on financial objectives

Ownership structure

  • The legal ownership structure of a business can influence its objectives

    • E.g. A family-owned business may prioritise long-term stability and legacy over short-term profitability, whilst a large public limited company is likely to prioritise maximising returns for shareholders

Geographic location

  • Aims and objectives can differ depending on the area in which a business is located

    • E.g. Businesses in developing economies may prioritise job creation, with support from their government, whilst businesses in more developed economies may prioritise innovation and technology adoption

Why Aims & Objectives Change

  • As a business grows in size and evolves, its objectives can change

    • These changes are often necessary to ensure that the business remains competitive, profitable, and compliant with regulations

Business objectives change over time, when new markets are entered or exited and when the workforce grows
Business objectives can evolve in several ways over time

Focus on survival or growth

  • A start-up business is likely to aim initially to survive by breaking even and becoming profitable

  • As the company grows and becomes more established, its objective may change to focus on growth

    • This may include expanding into new markets or investing in new products or services

Entering or exiting markets

  • A business may decide to enter a new market to expand its customer base or to diversify its products/services

  • Conversely, a business may decide to exit a market if it is not profitable

Growing or reducing the workforce

  • A growing business may need to hire additional employees to support its expansion

  • Conversely, a business may decide at any point to reduce its workforce to cut costs or streamline operations

Increasing or decreasing product range

  • A business may choose to increase its product range to expand its customer base or to stay competitive in the market

  • Alternatively, a business may decide to decrease its product range if certain products are not proving to be profitable

    Factors Which Cause Business Objectives to Evolve




Market conditions

  • Market conditions such as competition, demand, and changing consumer price sensitivity can have a significant impact on a business's aims and objectives

  • Uber and Lyft were initially focused on capturing the largest share of the ride-hailing market (market share)

  • As competition intensified, both companies shifted their focus to profitability, and their objectives changed accordingly (profit maximisation)


  • A business may shift its focus from traditional brick-and-mortar retail to online retail as technology allows for a more cost-effective way to reach customers

  • Amazon began as an online bookstore, but as technology advanced, it expanded into a wide range of retail categories, such as electronics, clothing and groceries

  • Their objective changed from increasing market share to market development


  • If a business is not meeting its sales goals in one area, it may change its objectives to try and improve its financial performance

  • In some cases, this may involve retrenchment

  • In 2018, Ford announced that it was shifting its focus away from producing passenger cars to focus more on SUVs and trucks

  • This change was driven by the company's poor financial performance

  • The new objectives were aimed at improving sales and profitability


  • A company may need to shift its focus to comply with new regulations or capitalise on new opportunities created by changes in legislation

  • With the passage of the Affordable Care Act in the USA in 2014, healthcare providers had to adjust their aims and objectives to comply with new regulations and take advantage of new opportunities created by the law

Internal reasons

  • Factors such as changes in management or the company culture can also influence a business's aims and objectives

  • In 2014, Microsoft appointed Satya Nadella as the company's CEO

    • He shifted the company's focus from software to cloud services and the company's objectives changed accordingly

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Lisa Eades

Author: Lisa Eades

Expertise: Business Content Creator

Lisa has taught A Level, GCSE, BTEC and IBDP Business for over 20 years and is a senior Examiner for Edexcel. Lisa has been a successful Head of Department in Kent and has offered private Business tuition to students across the UK. Lisa loves to create imaginative and accessible resources which engage learners and build their passion for the subject.