The Elements of the Marketing Mix (AQA GCSE Business)

Topic Questions

2 hours35 questions
11 mark

The product life cycle shows sales of a product over time. Which name is given to stage 3?

sales graph over time
  • Decline

  • Growth

  • Introduction

  • Maturity

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21 mark

Which of the following are features of a ‘star’ in the Boston Matrix?

  • High market share in a fast-growth market

  • High market share in a low-growth market

  • Low market share in a fast-growth market

  • Low market share in a low-growth market

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31 mark

Which pricing strategy sets a high price for a new product at first, then lowers this over time?

  • Competitive pricing

  • Cost-plus pricing

  • Price penetration

  • Price skimming

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42 marks

Identify two methods of sales promotion.

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51 mark

Which element of the marketing mix involves selecting a channel of distribution?

  • Place

  • Price

  • Product

  • Promotion

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61 mark

Which pricing method involves calculating the costs of production and adding a percentage to make a profit?

  • Competitive pricing

  • Cost plus pricing

  • Loss leader

  • Price skimming

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71 mark
Boston matrix

Which name is given for the category of products in the Boston Matrix labelled X above?

  • Cash cow

  • Dog

  • Question mark/problem child

  • Star

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81 mark

Free gifts are an example of which type of marketing activity?

  • Advertising

  • Public relations

  • Sales promotion

  • Sponsorship

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92 marks

Identify two channels of distribution used by businesses.

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101 mark

Extension strategies are used to try to prevent a product from entering which stage of the product life cycle?

  • Introduction

  • Growth

  • Maturity

  • Decline

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14 marks

Case Study

Apple is one of the world’s largest information technology businesses. They sell a range of products such as the iPhone and Apple Watch.

Apple’s newest product, the Apple Watch, is a smartwatch. The most expensive Apple Watch costs US$17,000 and is aimed at the luxury segment of the smartwatch market. Apple have spent millions of dollars on television advertising and colour advertisements in expensive magazines to promote the Apple Watch. Sales are expected to increase over the next few years.

Explain why Apple would choose to spend millions of dollars to promote the Apple Watch.

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24 marks

Explain two benefits of developing new products for a business.

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32 marks

Explain one reason why sales growth begins to slow down in the maturity stage of the product life cycle.

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42 marks

Explain one way that promoting a good or service can increase sales.

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54 marks

State and explain two extension strategies that can extend the life cycle of a product.

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62 marks

Explain one factor that influences pricing decisions.

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Sme Calculator
2 marks

Case Study

Devine Jewellery (DJ) plc is an international business that sells a range of luxury jewellery items, such as bracelets, necklaces and rings. The business was started by British jewellery designer Dev Anand, who developed a unique selling point (USP) of jewellery that can be personalised with a message or initials. This USP has attracted customers from all over the world. All DJ products are crafted from high quality gold and gemstones. This has enabled DJ to create an exclusive brand image that has attracted wealthy customers.

As a profitable business, DJ’s shareholders receive dividend payments each year. Dev understands that his business must be willing to respond to current trends to maintain sales levels. Silver jewellery is very common, as it is much more affordable than gold. Reputable brands already sell jewellery in a range of precious metals, including silver.

Dev is keen to produce a new jewellery collection using silver instead of gold. The new collection would not be personalised or include gemstones. The current selling price of DJ’s best-selling gold bracelet is £4700. A silver version of this bracelet would be sold for £1175.

Use the information in the case study to calculate the percentage decrease in the selling price of a bracelet if it is made from silver instead of gold.

Show all workings.

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82 marks

Explain one factor that would influence the selection of the promotional mix.

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94 marks

State and explain two categories of the Boston Matrix.

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102 marks

Explain one characteristic of the growth stage of the product life cycle.

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112 marks

Explain one type of public relations (PR) activity that a business might use.

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122 marks

Explain one advantage of a strong brand image for a business.

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134 marks

Case Study

Nadia Aslam is a wealthy entrepreneur. Two years ago, she bought a struggling airline and changed the name to Skyline plc. The airline offers low-price flights from the UK to popular European destinations. There are high levels of competition in this market.

Nadia has found out that Sibiu, a city in Romania, is becoming popular for city breaks, but no UK airlines currently fly there. Nadia is planning to buy an additional plane and start flying there. Fees and taxes at Sibiu International Airport are much higher than at other destinations. Nadia will need to consider how to cover these additional costs.

Nadia has rebranded the planes with the new Skyline plc logo and colours. To raise the finance needed she used a share issue which reduced her ownership of the business from 90% to 70%. Although her shareholders do not have a say in the day-to-day running of the business, they are able to vote on major decisions such as whether to expand. Nadia has worked hard for the past two years to make Skyline plc a profitable business. She would like to reinvest all the profits back into the business but whatever she does she must also keep her shareholders happy.

Skyline plc is planning to introduce a new route to Sibiu in Romania.

Explain one factor that will influence the price that Skyline plc charges customers for each flight.

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19 marks

Case Study

Sonya has been working for a large business selling party products.

She recently organised a party for her daughter. Sonya’s friends were so impressed they have asked her to organise parties for their children.

Sonya visited a local play group to carry out primary market research. She asked 40 parents there to complete a survey. Sonya wanted to find out if these parents would pay her to organise a party for their children. The results of two questions are below.

Question 1 – On average how much do you spend on your child’s party


Less than £250



Number that choose the option




Question 2 – Would you use a party planner?




Number that choose the option



Sonya believes she has identified a gap in the market for organising children’s parties and is planning to start her own business.

Sonya is considering two methods of promoting her new business.

  • Flyers – 10 000 professionally printed colour A5 flyers which Sonya will design herself at home and deliver to houses in the local area costing £200

  • Poster – a professionally designed and printed large poster to be displayed in a local health club. For £850 the poster would be put up in the café next to their soft play area for 12 months.

Recommend which is the better option for Sonya to take. Give reasons for your advice.

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26 marks

Case Study

Apple is in a very competitive market. It makes improvements to the products to give them a unique selling point providing the latest technology that customers demand.

Apple’s most successful product has been the iPhone. Since it was introduced in 2007, Apple have updated the phone each year and brought out a new version. New releases have seen huge sales with customers queuing outside shops to get one. Prices are high until the next version is released. The latest version is the iPhone 6s plus. It has 3D touch technology that is not used on any competitors’ smartphones. An iPhone is needed for Apple’s newest product, the Apple Watch, to work.

Once the market leader, Apple has lost market share to a competitor. At the same time global sales of smartphones are slowing down.

Apple Inc – Sales by Product: 2014–2015

2015 Sales (millions)

Change from 2014 %


US$156 000


Analyse the benefit to Apple of using price skimming for the iPhone 6s

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36 marks

Case Study

Apple is in a very competitive market. It makes improvements to the products to give them a unique selling point providing the latest technology that customers demand.

Apple’s most successful product has been the iPhone. Since it was introduced in 2007, Apple have updated the phone each year and brought out a new version. New releases have seen huge sales with customers queuing outside shops to get one. Prices are high until the next version is released. The latest version is the iPhone 6s plus. It has 3D touch technology that is not used on any competitors’ smartphones. An iPhone is needed for Apple’s newest product, the Apple Watch, to work.

Once the market leader, Apple has lost market share to a competitor. At the same time global sales of smartphones are slowing down.

Apple Inc – Sales by Product: 2014–2015

2015 Sales (millions)

Change from 2014 %


US$156 000


Analyse how effective using an extension strategy to extend the product life cycle of the iPhone would be for Apple.

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49 marks

Case Study

Swim to Success (STS) is a programme that teaches young children how to swim through weekly lessons. It was developed by Jade Jackson, an ex-Olympic swimmer. Jade employs swimming instructors who deliver the programme using the pool facilities at gyms across the North East of England.

To help bring in extra revenue and cover her costs Jade is developing a new business plan to launch a range of branded swimming products. Jade gave questionnaires to parents to find out which products would be the most popular and what prices people would pay. The results of one of Jade’s questions is below:

Number of people across swimming products they would like to pay for

Jade was also planning to sell her products through the STS website where parents currently book lessons. To develop the e-commerce part of the website more investment is needed, particularly to make sure payment information is secure. Once the website has been developed Jade thinks she will be able to manage it herself. However, she would be unable to package and post orders every day as she thinks that she has more important priorities. For example, responding to customer queries, organising employee timetables and checking cashflow.

Another option for Jade is to sell her products at the gyms where STS lessons take place. Most of the gyms already have a small area with goods for sale such as water bottles, gym bags and towels, however Jade would have to negotiate a monthly rental fee.

Jade must decide how to distribute her swimming products.

Recommend whether or not Jade should sell her products using e-commerce on the STS website.

Give reasons for your answer.

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56 marks

Case Study

HelloFresh is the world’s leading meal-kit delivery company. Each meal-kit contains all the ingredients and a recipe to cook a meal from scratch. HelloFresh deliver the kits to customers. The company was set up by two entrepreneurs in 2011 when they spotted a gap in the market to help busy people cook high quality meals at home. HelloFresh offer meal-kits to suit the needs of young families and couples who are prepared to pay a premium for its service.

HelloFresh are proud to be environmentally responsible and advertise that it is the ‘greener way to shop for groceries’. It uses recycled packaging and carefully plans delivery routes to make sure that vehicles travel the shortest possible distance.

Meal-kits are becoming very popular in the UK and HelloFresh is operating in an increasingly competitive market. HelloFresh tries to keep its customers interested by developing exciting new recipes each week that are different to the recipes that competitors are offering. This process is expensive and time consuming. HelloFresh is now looking for opportunities to reduce costs. It uses customer reviews to find out which foods customers like and dislike, but not all customers give regular feedback. Once HelloFresh has developed a new recipe the Finance and Production departments must work together to make sure the ingredients are available within the budget.

HelloFresh is developing new products by creating additional recipes each week.

Analyse one risk of this new product development.

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66 marks

Case Study

Devine Jewellery (DJ) plc is an international business that sells a range of luxury jewellery items such as bracelets, necklaces and rings. The business was started by British jewellery designer Dev Anand who developed a unique selling point (USP) of jewellery that can be personalised with a message or initials. This USP has attracted customers from all over the world. All DJ products are crafted from high quality gold and gemstones. This has enabled DJ to create an exclusive brand image that has attracted wealthy customers.

As a profitable business, DJ’s shareholders receive dividend payments each year. Dev understands that his business must be willing to respond to current trends to maintain sales levels. Silver jewellery is very common as it is much more affordable than gold. Reputable brands already sell jewellery in a range of precious metals, including silver.

Dev is keen to produce a new jewellery collection using silver instead of gold. The new collection would not be personalised or include gemstones. The current selling price of DJ’s best-selling gold bracelet is £4700. A silver version of this bracelet would be sold for £1175.

Analyse one potential impact of the new jewellery collection on Devine Jewellery.

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76 marks

Case Study

DJ imports and exports goods to and from the UK where it is based. One of its most successful export markets is the USA, where it has 14 stores. It also imports diamonds to the UK from India as they are much cheaper to buy from here than other countries. This means DJ can make a larger profit on each item sold. DJ only has stores in large cities, so customers mainly use the website to find information on jewellery items.

DJ has always advertised in fashion magazines read by its wealthy target market but wants to raise its profile further. Other jewellery businesses are promoting their brands by sponsoring big events such as sports competitions, festivals and awards ceremonies. DJ would like to sponsor a fashion show in London for a world-famous British designer with an expensive clothing range. The designer has agreed that if the sponsorship goes ahead, the models will all wear jewellery from the DJ collection. As well as attracting reporters and photographers from around the world, the fashion show will be streamed live on the Internet and shown on television.

Analyse one benefit to Devine Jewellery of using sponsorship of the fashion show to promote its jewellery.

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89 marks

Case Study

Ellie has decided to offer gardening services. There are already a lot of businesses offering home and gardening services in Ellie’s local area. Many of these businesses have loyal customers. Ellie has decided to segment her market and will focus on the family market. She has a lot of friends with children and understands what type of garden families want. To attract families with children, Ellie’s gardening services will include creating play areas for children, vegetable patches and BBQ patio areas.

Ellie would like to use leaflets to advertise her gardening services. Ellie has designed a leaflet herself that has a bright, fun design and includes images of play areas and vegetable patches to show families how their gardens could look. Ellie will offer a special discount to anyone who books using a code on the leaflet. Ellie’s parents think it would be better if she put an advert in the local newspaper which is read by around 8000 people every day. The newspaper has a ‘Family Fun’ section each week where local businesses targeting families often advertise. It would cost £150 each week for a minimum of four weeks to place a black-and-white advert in the local newspaper.

Ellie is considering using professionally printed leaflets to promote the new gardening box services. It will cost 15p to print a colour leaflet. The minimum order is 2000 leaflets.

Recommend whether Ellie should use leaflets to promote the new gardening services. Give reasons for your recommendation.

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96 marks

Case Study

Reusable drinks bottles are becoming more popular. Jake Webb is a product designer. A couple of years ago, Jake noticed that young people wanted to drink cold water on the go without having to buy single-use plastic bottles. He thought there was a gap in the market for lightweight, stylish bottles.

The development of the BEco Bottle was very expensive so Jake used a price skimming strategy to recover his costs. However, competitors have recently launched very similar bottles and are selling these at a lower price. Jake has found out that 90% of people identify price as the most important factor when making a purchase.

Jake is considering changing his pricing strategy from price skimming to competitive pricing.

Analyse one benefit for Jake’s business of using a competitive pricing strategy.

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106 marks

Case Study

Recently, sales of skateboards have fallen. To widen its product portfolio, bespoke skateboard manufacturer Skate4U Ltd is considering entering a new market by developing a range of low-price scooters (non-motorised). The scooter market has grown rapidly in the last three years and is dominated by four businesses that receive 80% of the sales revenue in the market.

Skate4U Ltd currently sells high-price skateboards using high-quality materials. There are concerns about the possible negative impact on Skate4U Ltd’s brand image if it begins selling low-price scooters. Skate4U Ltd will need to set clear sales targets to make sure the business will make a profit from the sale of scooters. The business can produce 10 000 scooters a year.

The market leader has recently run a successful sales promotion offering a signed scooter as a prize to the customer who creates the best new scooter design. This promotional activity resulted in an increase in its sales of 10%. Skate4U Ltd is considering which methods of promotion would be best to help gain brand awareness when entering the scooter market. Skate4U Ltd will promote the new scooters to its current market of skateboard users.

The scooter market is a highly competitive market dominated by four businesses.

Analyse one reason why promotion would be useful to Skate4U Ltd when entering the scooter market.

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119 marks

Case Study

Recently, sales of skateboards have fallen. To widen its product portfolio, skateboard manufacturer Skate4U Ltd is considering entering a new market by developing a range of low-price scooters (non-motorised). The scooter market has grown rapidly in the last three years and is dominated by four businesses that receive 80% of the sales revenue in the market.

Skate4U Ltd currently sells high-price skateboards using high-quality materials. There are concerns about the possible negative impact on Skate4U Ltd’s brand image if it begins selling low-price scooters. Skate4U Ltd will need to set clear sales targets to make sure the business will make a profit from the sale of scooters. The business can produce 10 000 scooters a year.

The market leader has recently run a successful sales promotion offering a signed scooter as a prize to the customer who creates the best new scooter design. This promotional activity resulted in an increase in its sales of 10%. Skate4U Ltd is considering which methods of promotion would be best to help gain brand awareness when entering the scooter market. Skate4U Ltd will promote the new scooters to its current market of skateboard users.

Skate4U Ltd is considering taking the risk of extending its product portfolio into the non-motorised scooter market.

Recommend whether Skate4U Ltd should develop a range of low-price scooters. Give reasons for your recommendation.

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126 marks

Case Study

Budget airline Skyline plc is going to add a new route to the city of Sibiu in Romania. An additional plane will require extra investment of £72 million. Based on the age of the plane being considered for purchase, it is estimated that it has 12 years of service left. The plane will increase Skyline plc’s profit by £108 million over its lifetime.

Skyline plc has a large database of customers. It would like to set up a telesales team to call all past and present customers individually to tell them about the new route. Not all customers have indicated that they would be happy to be contacted by telephone.

Each member of the telesales team will:

  • Inform customers about the city of Sibiu and then encourage them to book flights

  • Be provided with some information about Sibiu, but not a formal script to use

  • Be expected to contact at least 12 customers per hour.

Skyline plc plans to set up a telesales team to generate a high level of sales for flights box to Sibiu.

Analyse one disadvantage to Skyline plc of using telesales to contact customers.

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